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Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


n8_fi wrote:

Hi everyone!

I've been working on revising the kingdom rules for almost a year now and literally this week my players are founding their kingdom and I got the rules into a beta state. This revision project was heavily influenced by Vance & Karenshara's work. There may also be a few things that slipped through with my specific game's rule-set which differ from the core PF 2e game.

But more to the point, I'm hoping other people can take a look at what I have here and see what might need a bit more fine-tuning. It's a tremendous amount of text, and much of it is still quite similar to what is presented in the core Kingmaker kingdom and warfare rules, so I also included a changelog to make notes on what has changed and why I changed it to be the way it is in my revision.

Anyway, please check out these Kingdom Rules, Revised.

PS: I honestly don't know what is and isn't fair-use when posting stuff like this online, so if I need to put some kind disclaimer on the PDFs or remove all the images from these versions I printed for my players, anyone who is more knowledgeable please let me know.

This is great -- thank you for putting this together. Out of curiosity, what program did you use to create these PDFs? I'd like to make some changes to a personal copy, but am not sure how to go about that -- I would imagine I'd need to first export from these PDFs into a document program that I could edit and then re-save to PDF. Is that what you did?

I find it very inconvenient that Skill Actions which require training in the underlying skill do not list that requirement in their stat block. I know that these actions are listed in a separate "Trained Actions" part of the listing of the skill actions for that Skill in Chapter 4 of the CRB. However, the stat blocks end up appearing in isolation in many, many places (AoN, Foundry, etc.) -- it would be so much better for the stat block to contain all the information on requirements that you need rather than relying on being familiar with which section of chapter 4 it originally appears in.