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Hello, I think there is a problem with my subscription order for December. I sort of lost track of keeping tabs of it with the holidays, but I can't seem to find a confirmation email of it having shipped. I looked up the order online and it looks like it did ship out early in the month, but appears to have been lost in shipping between UPS and USPS. UPS shows that it as handed to USPS and USPS is still "waiting for it". Can you confirm on your end? Thanks. ![]()
Brother Tyler wrote:
Thank you for the response! For my current subscription order, it says it is including "Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Promo Card: Hypogeum". As long as that is the only one for deck 2, then I'm good. Was just hoping to see a list to confirm. Thanks again! ![]()
Hello! I noticed in another thread concerning Mummy's Mask PACG subscription, that some people were getting a promo called "Goblin Golem of Obsidian". It does not appear on my confirmation email and I wondered if that was a mistake or if this particular promo was part of another product line that I didn't purchase. Thanks and have a great day. ![]()
Hello all, When I bought Runelords as my first ACG box set (like many, I figure start with the first one), I wasn't aware of the first edition/second edition version differences and ended up with about half and half between adventure decks printed in USA and those printed in China. I'm looking at picking up Wrath this weekend with a gift card to Barnes and Noble. I've noticed that the online item looks very different from what I've seen elsewhere in store: Are there different printings of Wrath? Shackles? I've been looking for images of the boxes online and noticed today that it seems like both Wrath and Shackles have two different printings of the adventure decks (artwork). I don't know if that means anything at all about differences in content. Thanks in advance. ![]()
I see, thanks for the feedback and the responses. I didn't think about the way you described, Andrew, and that makes perfect sense. I think my main confusion (ha), was over the "basic" keyword since I'm used to seeing those on the cards you can use to start out. But in this case, it would still allow this card to be banished out of play quickly in Adventure 6. Thanks again. ![]()
Specific example, followed by general question. I noticed in my Monk Class deck that I have a Confusion spell that is listed as Adventure Deck #6 (and yet still has the Basic trait). Since this card is category "B" for other decks, I'm assuming this is a misprint? (If this is in the FAQ I am sorry, I did not see it) For the general question: Is there a valid case where the same card is part of two different Adventure Deck #'s? Or when seen is the assumption that one of the two is a misprint? Thanks! ![]()
I've been searching on here and most everything comes up when talking about Displayed cards suggests that they are either recharged or discarded at the end of a turn. I believe that is likely the case for most cards I've seen that are Displayed. However, if I understand the Witch cohort cards correctly they are Displayed and stay Displayed between turns. Nothing suggests that they need to be recharged or discarded unless they are played for their secondary powers. Am I correct? ![]()
Katina, Thank you for your help and the answer to my question about the promos. I hate to ask this, in light of what you already did to help, but I signed up for the subscriptions because I'm VERY interested in getting the promo cards. If the class decks do not all come with promo cards, and I'm only interested in some of the classes, I feel like it doesn't benefit me to keep the subscription. Could you cancel that subscription and the current order that you just fixed (again, I'm sorry)? How do promos work with the Card Game subscription? Promos with just the base game or with the character add-on and adventure decks as well? Thanks again. ![]()
Hello, I got the auto-email today about my class-deck subscription queuing up to send out the Gunslinger deck. However, the shipping charge is $14! I've picked "cheapest method" and the goblin decks both shipped for $4 in shipping. The weight listed is no different, so I'd imagine the shipping charge should be the same. I'm hoping this is a pricing mistake? Also, there were no promos listed on the order. That happened with my goblin decks as well and CS had to adjust it to add the promo cards. I'm assuming (maybe incorrectly) that there are promo cards with every class deck sent via subscription. ![]()
I'm sure Poog is not the first example of this, so there is likely another question already asked that is similar. I want to make sure that I'm playing the rules right for Poog's first power (skipping the skill boxes for clarity): "When another character plays a blessing on your check, after the check she may shuffle 1 random card from her discard pile into her deck." Since the words "after the check" are present and the blessing was played "on your check", I'm assuming then, that the blessing played is valid to be the random recharged card? In other words, if that player's discard deck was empty, they would effectively be auto-recharging the blessing they just played. Is this correct? ![]()
I wrestled with some of the same questions initially. I landed on that as much as I might like to only include cards that I wanted to find, it made sense to include an entire class deck so that the intended balance is preserved. Like you, I was tempted to throw in all of my class decks but for reasons you mentioned, and not wanting to shuffle the giant decks I'd end up with, I opted for just the class decks for the characters I picked. If you don't have a class deck for a particular character I see no harm in subbing a different class deck that has cards that character would like. Just my thoughts and what I do to keep it manageable. ![]()
Diego, Thank you SO much. Those promo cards were not on the first email I got, but clearly show up in the updated one triggered from your changes. Saved me a headache in case they had ended up not being included. Greatly appreciate the help--everything is looking good and I'm excited to get my first subscription shipment (and all the ones that follow). Have a great rest of your day. ![]()
Diego, Thank you for your reply. I promise you that I checked all last night and even this morning before leaving for work and my cart still said suspended. It does not say that now. Thank you so much. I don't have any reason to wait to ship my goblin decks, and there was a button with that cart that allowed me to ship them now. Are there promos with a class deck subscription? Are those included or will I see those as individual line items in the cart? I think I may have screwed up the shipping of the Mummy's Mask set in October. For some reason it is now showing the character add-on as shipping separately and I thought they would ship together to save money. Am I mistaken, or did I mess it up? When a class deck comes out in the same month will it try to combine automatically with the game subscription or is that something manually done? I'm terribly sorry that my order had resulted in so much communication and appreciate the help. ![]()
Hello, On 7/20 I excitedly placed my order to join the ACG class deck subscription and adventure deck/game subscriptions. Starting the former with the two goblin decks, and the later with the Mummy's Mask release. When checking out I was prompted on the screen that if I added $4.04 to my order Paizo would pay the first $10 in shipping. So, I added two of the promo cards from S&S and WOTR releases ($7.98 total). After submitting my order I noticed that I didn't see the $10 shipping discount and wanted to make sure it was applied somewhere. I emailed customer service. The reply was that the offer only applied if everything shipped at once. I was asked if I would like for all of the items to ship in October. Of course, I would not *like* that, but if that is what it would take to get the $10, then I replied to the email that I'd be OK with everything shipping in October if that saved me the $10. The reply the next day from customer service was that shipping everything in October would not be feasible because the class deck subscription would continue to try to pull the items out of my side-cart and ship them. Why offer something that I couldn't actually do, I don't know. So I asked to remove the two promo cards from my order and then it would be good to go. I was told this was done, but when I checked the order on Friday night I noticed that now my cart was flagged as "suspended" with the message to contact customer service. I replied on Friday evening and got a response today that the suspension was placed on my side-card by a different customer service rep and that it has been lifted and I should no longer see it. Tonight I logged in to check and I still see the suspension. I don't see the Goblin class decks that last week had order status, shipping prices, and even estimated delivery/shipping windows. I'm trying out posting here because my back and forth via email hasn't been too fruitful. I'd really like to get my Goblin decks (and whatever promos the subscription allows me to qualify for) along with the rest of the subscribers and would appreciate if someone could help me out. Thank you so much for the hard work that you do and the great games Paizo produces. ![]()
Thank you, Zhayne and Hawkmoon for the quick and helpful responses. I assumed all of the traits were added, but the card text made me wonder if this was a case of "the card does what is says". Suddenly the wand is much more appealing for knocking out those pesky monsters that require a magic attack. ![]()
Hello, My search is coming up empty for this particular question: When using Want of Force Missle, is the "Magic" trait applied to the combat? In other words, if it is one of the various Monster types that remains undefeated if Magic isn't part of the combat roll, would the Wand of Force Missile defeat the Monster? Research in other threads boils down to "If the item is 'For your combat check' then all of the traits of the item (generally weapon) apply". However, this particular card calls out that it is an attack with the Arcane and Force traits. My assumption then, is that the Magic trait does not apply. Thanks for any advice. |