Hi everybody, here is my fix to AoA
first of all have a read to this thread https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder2e/comments/coqcwm/hacking_hellknight_hi ll_book_1_of_age_of_ashes/ because there are a LOT of plot hole you can fix from there (the thread is closed so i cannot comment there)
this is MY thread on reddit with some valuable comments coming:
https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder2e/comments/j9zhwv/fixing_age_of_ashes_h ellknight_hill/
I adopted a bunch of ideas from the linked thread and went on from there:
- breachill is a city full of magic, legacy from Lamond
- There is a group of young adventures (the regulars from the post, which I called "sons of Lamond")
- Voz and Calmont are allies (he is sort of a minion). Calmont shares with Voz the will to found a guild. He doesn't know Voz is just manipulating him and plans to betray him when needed
Alak came in Breachill two nights before the Call. He meeted with the Sons of Lamond in the Pickled Ear, where they insisted in going to the Citadel with him. Thonira Axebane, daughter of Rorsk and Jorella Axebane was with them as a groupie and has an infatuation for Alak. Roxie Denn overheared the conversation and sold it to Voz, who is already paying her for silence about the secret passage. Voz and Calmont ambush the group in the Citadel. Voz uses sleep on Alak and kills the sons of lamond to avoid them ruining her plans and turns them to undead. Alak awakes and Calmont runs away (Alak can recognize him). Voz was very careful to avoid being seen. Recognizing Thonira as a valuable person she plans to ask for ransom
At the call of heroes there are two petitions: the one from Warbal and a second from Jorella Axebane about her daughter. PCs will follow the track either searching in Thonira's room where they find a secret diary (prepared an handout) and/or asking Roxie who tells they meeted a person wearing a simbol of Asmodeus (Alak become suspected to be the villain).
The fire is an idea of Voz to stop Heroes from coming to investigate in the Citadel. She gave the parchment to Calmont to avoid being recognized and went inside to have an alibi. After the resolution of the fire, when the guards accuse Calmont, Voz decides to betray him: she apologize for having such a trouble in his shop, she confess about the stolen parchment and gave a magic object to help the heroes
In the Citadel Alak meet the PCs and they realize he is innocent (he is almonst an Hellknight after all). He points on Calmont and is happy to go with them for revenge. PCs find Thonira tied up in the secret area A12 with a proof of a ransom letter (they become friends with Tuskhead and this will be helpful in reconstructing the Citadel)
When the PCs find Calmont he tells them about Alseta's ring but he cannot tell more. Voz was following, black dressed, hooded and with heavy clothes to appear larger in build, she prepared with spider climb and she cast an acid arrow to Calmont's throat. After that she quicly runs down the battlement and disappear in the forest (unlikely PCs will make better at 1st level and after two consecutive fights)
the rest of the story is the same of the book except that Roxie confess her guilt when PCs discover the tunnel and she is imprisoned for complicity (PCs can take over the tavern if they want)
I will be happy to hear your feedback to further improve the story!