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Hey folks! David Noonan here. I'm one of the Sasquatches.

No plans at present for a print/PDF bundle. Right now we don't want to make too many plans for the print versions until the main shipment of books arrives (I'm literally watching an orange dot move slowly across the Pacific as I type this). We're cautious that way.

We do plan adventure support for Primeval Thule. As a matter of fact, I started primary layout on an adventure tonight. We'll make those available as PDFs. No timetable other than "soon," I'm afraid.

--David Noonan
Sasquatch Game Studio

We've got a wide steppe in the west-central part of the continent that would be perfect for that sort of thing. As a longtime player of nomads myself, I definitely see the appeal.

(@davidnoonan on Twitter)

Paizo has been great to us--from advice prior to the KS campaign to many kind words in the last few days of the campaign. We Sasquatches are lucky to have good friends like that.

The best thing, of course, is how they've made the process of third-party publishing for Pathfinder so darn reasonable. That shows a lot of foresight on their part--and it enables a lot of creativity on ours.

(@davidnoonan on Twitter)

A quick note: you can see Rich talk about Primeval Thule to the good folks at io9 here.

Momentum is building, and we're in the last week. If you've backed us already, thanks so much. Spread the word everywhere you can--these campaigns level-up on word of mouth and the network effect.

To see our backer rewards (including all the adventures and everything in that PDF bundle), visit our Kickstarter page.

(@davidnoonan on Twitter)

Update for those keeping an eye on Primeval Thule--and for those who've already backed us!

• We're showing more concept art for the setting in our art gallery, and we have a playtest report from a group of Pathfinder playtesters (including me--I'm the GM).

• If you've pledged at a level that includes PDFs of the rules (including the $25 Player's Guide, the $40 Digital Thule, the $80/$85 Deluxe Thule, and the $125+ Premium Thule, you'll get PDFs for all three rules sets. That means a PDF compatible with Pathfinder, plus one compatible with 13th Age and one compatible with 4th edition D&D.

• We've adjusted our stretch goals--which include contributions from Jason Bulmahn, Owen Stephens, and Ed Greenwood--so give them a second look!

• Everyone who's getting a PDF reward will also get a PDF conversion document that'll let you play 7th edition Call of Cthulhu in the swords-and-sorcery world of Primeval Thule. Lovecraftian horror is a big inspiration for Thule, so we're excited to have Sixtystone Press deliver a conversion guide for Call of Cthulhu.

• More announcements Monday--including something that will make backers of the print product extra happy.

@davidnoonan on Twitter

First, thanks to everyone who battled beast-men, cultists of Set, sabertooth tigers, and more at our Primeval Thule playtests at PaizoCon. Everyone but the monsters thanks you!

We'll have more to share about Primeval Thule at 9 a.m. Sunday in Evergreen F. Come on by!

(free donuts)

Legendary Games will be there to describe what's in store for you in the upcoming months...

(Free donuts!)

...and Sasquatch Game Studio will show off the upcoming Primeval Thule, answer your questions, and announce some additions to our Kickstarter rewards. Plus...


@davidnoonan on Twitter.

One quick note for anyone with questions about Primeval Thule or our KS campaign:

If you're going at PaizoCon, come ask us questions face-to-face at 9 a.m. Sunday in Evergreen F. We'll have new concept art to show off and we'll talk through Thule's inspirations and what you can expect to find in the book.

We're also going to announce some additions to the Primeval Thule offerings that should sweeten the deal—whether you've backed us already or not.

You'll also hear about Legendary Games' plans for next few months, including some plans that include the world of Primeval Thule.

Plus, we're bringing FREE DONUTS. Least we can do for those willing to wake up for a 9 a.m. seminar, right?

@davidnoonan on Twitter

Brian E. Harris wrote:

What's the difference between the "normal" and "deluxe" hardcovers? The extra stuff (GM Screen, poster map and cards)?

Are the covers themselves "the same" at that point?

The books themselves are the same. The Deluxe version has the extra stuff you mention, plus a PDF version so you can start playing Thule while the physical book is still at the printing press.

P.S. If you're interested in the Deluxe version, there are seven spots left at the early-bird level as I type this.

@davidnoonan on Twitter

ShadowcatX wrote:
Then it shouldn't be too much to ask that they put forward examples of their work. Maybe these guys are masters of the craft and can take systems apart and put them back together, if I don't like their writing style, I'm not buying their product. Especially since you said this is a crunchless book and so their system mastery won't matter.

ShadowcatX raises an excellent point: examples are key. Over the course of the next few weeks, we'll show off various parts of Primeval Thule: worldbuilding, rules, art, etc. Check those out and let us know what you think. We'll be posting most of that over at Sasquatch Game Studio, but I'll make sure it gets crossposted or linked here.

Twitter: @davidnoonan

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If you're curious about Primeval Thule, we're sharing PaizoCon seminar space with the good folks at Legendary Games on Sunday at 9 a.m. in Evergreen Salon F and we'll have lots of sneak-peek stuff to show you.

And we know 9 a.m. is early, so we're bringing donuts. Have a donut, see what Legendary Games has up their sleeves, and get a sneak peek of Primeval Thule. Not a bad way to start a day of gaming at PaizoCon!

Rich, Steve, and I will be sharing seminar space with the good folks at Legendary Games on Sunday at 9 a.m. Come hear about what's happening with future Legendary Games releases, and learn more about the Primeval Thule Campaign Setting.

The Legendary Games crew will not only provide sneak previews of fantastic new products they'll be rolling out before summer's end, but it's also your chance to pick their brains and share your thoughts on some of their product ideas, including which Adventure Paths most need the Legendary treatment. Legendary swag will be in abundance!

My cohorts at Sasquatch will fire up the projector to show concept art for Primeval Thule, share some insight into our design process, and reveal some of what you'll find in the finished book. Come ask questions and share your ideas—help us make a book that will come to life at your gaming table.

We know that getting out bed on Sunday morning after two days of PaizoCon may be difficult, but...would donuts help? We'll bring a bunch of Legendary Donuts to the Legendary Games seminar. 'Cause savage adventure is best on a full stomach!

Twitter: @davidnoonan

Doug OBrien wrote:

Hmmm...this looks great! Got to read up on it a little more, but it sounds very promising.

Best of luck on the Kickstarter!!

Thanks, Doug. You can ask questions here, too. Unlike _actual_ sasquatches, we aren't hard to find.

Twitter: @davidnoonan

We've been working on some fear mechanics for monsters in Primeval Thule, and they're tricky.

Taking away player agency (for example, with a rule that mandates you flee at top speed) is something you don't do lightly--it works best if everyone at your table "buys in" to that beforehand.

The more you can create fear consequences that preserve at least some player choice, the happier players are going to be (even if their characters are scared, not happy).

There are other ways to skin the cat, of course. But no matter what rules you use, make sure you've got buy-in from the table. Get that, and you're golden.

Twitter: @davidnoonan

Odraude wrote:
Linkified that for you.

Thanks--that's what I get for flubbing up the hand-coding.

Twitter: @davidnoonan

I loved the old TSR box sets, but Vic is right...the costs get into nosebleed territory in a hurry.

For Primeval Thule, we tried really hard to offer both a box and a book. The printing cost for the box was one thing, but what killed it was the shipping. Even with similar weights, the shipping cost difference was brutal.

That doesn't stop me from wanting it, though. Oh, how I want a cool-looking, art-on-all-surfaces box to tote around.

Twitter: @davidnoonan



Auburn, Wash.—July 2—Sasquatch Game Studio announced today that their debut product, the Primeval Thule Campaign Setting, has launched on Kickstarter. The Kickstarter campaign offers backers the chance to explore the dangers and riches of the savage continent of Thule, a lost world of deadly wilderness and decadent city-states.

Primeval Thule will be available in versions compatible with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, 13th Age or 4th edition Dungeons & Dragons—a first for any roleplaying game setting.

"We’re extremely proud to offer gamers a powerful and compelling new world to explore in the most popular versions of the game," said Sasquatch CEO Richard Baker. "We’re highly experienced game designers, but we’re lifelong D&D fans, too. This is the game we’ve wanted to make for years—D&D was built on strong-armed heroes, savage beasts and vile villains, and Primeval Thule delivers on all counts."

Primeval Thule, inspired by the works of Robert E. Howard (Conan), Edgar Rice Burroughs (Tarzan) and H.P. Lovecraft (Cthulhu), will be available to backers in both PDF and traditional book formats. The full Thule experience is a hardcover book that includes poster maps, a GM screen and player reference cards—everything needed to bring the savage, intense world to life at the game table.

"We wanted to replicate the old TSR box set experience as much as we could, so this is basically everything but the box itself," said David Noonan, Sasquatch co-founder and creative director. "Whether you're starting a new campaign or taking your existing storylines to dangerous Thule, we want to make sure you hit the ground running with everything you need."

Sasquatch Game Studio is making three different versions of the campaign setting to make sure players get the monsters, magic items and character options that match their game system of choice.

"The stories we can tell with Primeval Thule are independent of any game system, and we’d like every gaming group to have the opportunity to play in this sandbox.," said Sasquatch co-founder and design director Stephen Schubert. "We’ve got the experience and knowledge to make Thule work for any system, which is why we’re initially offering it for Pathfinder, 13th Age and 4th edition D&D."

Schubert, Noonan and Baker are the primary authors of Primeval Thule, but they've assembled a team of high-level talent to bring Thule to life. Fantasy artist Todd Lockwood will create Primeval Thule's cover art, and RPG luminaries Ed Greenwood, Jason Bulmahn and Owen Stephens are on tap to contribute to Thule if the campaign's stretch goals are met.

Backers can experience the savagery of Thule themselves with a PDF "Traveler's Guide to Thule" or the Primeval Thule hardcover or even a deluxe Thule experience. High-level backers are eligible for truly epic rewards, including premium leatherbound books, the chance to name dungeons or adventure sites, and the opportunity to play Thule with its creators.

The Kickstarter campaign (http://kck.st/11dxIWq) will have live updates at sasquatchgamestudio.com, on Twitter (@Sasquatch_Games) and on Facebook (www.facebook.com/SasquatchGameStudio). Throughout the Kickstarter campaign, Sasquatch will provide frequent previews of Primeval Thule content, including designer blogs, sneak peeks of art and other details of what it's like to adventure in such a savage land.

Baker is a New York Times best-selling fantasy novelist and award-winning game designer with more than 100 game sourcebooks, products and novels to his credit. He was one of the core designers of the Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition game and currently works as a writer/developer on the Pathfinder Online game.

Schubert worked on more than 50 3rd edition and 4th edition Dungeons & Dragons products as a designer/developer and was a core developer on the D&D Miniatures Game team. He has since branched out into digital games.

Noonan counts more than 50 3rd edition, 4th edition and Pathfinder products among his credits. He was also the lead writer for the TERA MMORPG and consults with video game companies on script and narrative design issues.

Sasquatch Game Studio LLC is devoted to delivering top-quality hobby game experiences. For more information or to schedule press availability, contact press@sasquatchgamestudio.com or visit sasquatchgamestudio.com.


I vote some combo of ranger and barbarian for a proper REH Conan.

Rangerwise, get him to at least 2nd level; when I reread all the Howard Conan stories a couple years ago, the thing that struck me was how often he dual wields. But don't let him cast spells! Ever!

TW: @davidnoonan

GM Arkwright wrote:
There are some other enchantment spells. Besties include Sleep/Deep Slumber and Hideous Laughter, plus dominate person.

Hideous Laughter is especially good if you make the affected players actually laugh out loud whenever it's their turn. One fellow at our table played his character like Clint Eastwood's "Man With No Name," and hearing him do an involuntary Eastwood laugh every turn made our night.

David Noonan
DM Rampant