
dmjarrick's page

4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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keftiu wrote:

I have phenomenal news about Kingmaker 1e: it came out 12 years ago.

Why yes, that's why a collectable hardcover of it would be such a fantastic addition to my book collection!

H2Osw wrote:
dmjarrick wrote:
Oh. You made the main book pf2 and expected me to pay extra for the pf1 rules. I was excited about this but nevermind. Let me know when you decide to give the pf1 fans any love at all.
Pf1 has a book, it's had one for a long time.

Oh? Got a link where I can buy that?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Oh. You made the main book pf2 and expected me to pay extra for the pf1 rules. I was excited about this but nevermind. Let me know when you decide to give the pf1 fans any love at all.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm disappointed that Paizo is more interested in poaching from their competitors than supporting their PF1e fans, who would surely like to see 1e adaptations of 2e products.