
dkeester's page

Organized Play Member. 29 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters.

Dark Archive 2/5

This may be a dumb question, but I am not finding an exact answer in the 4.2 Play Guide, the FAQ, or be searching the forums.

As long as I am observing the five hour maximum time limit, can I split a single society scenario over multiple sessions and still be legal? Assume that I have the exact same set of players for both sessions.

Here is my situation. At the store where I usually run I have a 3.5 hour time slot. I find it difficult to run the Season 3 scenarios in that time and my experience with Season 4 so far shows them to be more difficult.

I am just exploring my options to keep PFS going at my store and keep my players happy.


Dark Archive 2/5

This may be a dumb question, but I am going to ask it anyway just so that I can be clear on how things work.

I was playing

Scenario Name:
#28: Lyrics of Extinction
tonight with my 10th level Arcane Trickster.

In the last encounter my character and another character got hit by the Song of Discord spell. The other character is a Wizard, who on his next turn attempted to cast the Feeblemind spell. He rolled for the effect of the Song of Discord and had to target the closest ally, which was my character.

The spell text states the following:

The subject remains in this state until a heal, limited wish, miracle, or wish spell is used to cancel the effect of the feeblemind.

The Organized Play Guide states the following:

Any spell cast by a PC during the course of a scenario that is still active at the end of a scenario ends when the scenario does. For example, if your cleric PC casts bless on the party and bless is still active when the scenario ends, the bless spell ends at the conclusion of the scenario. This includes spells with an instantaneous or permanent duration, such as continual flame, create undead, or fabricate.

I have two questions:

1) Do I need to buy off the effect of the spell, or does the effect end as is stated in the Organized Play guide?
2) Can I use Prestige Points to buy it off, and if so how many would it cost?

I know that I can buy a scroll of heal for 1650 gold pieces, but I would rather use PP for this assuming that I even need to worry about it.


Dark Archive

The BBB was lots of fun. I am glad that I participated. I played at Enchanted Grounds here in Denver. We had enough players to have four four-player tables running. Everyone that I talked to had a good time.

The four scenarios were a blast. Although the "Tomes" and "Ruins" encounters were brutal. There was even a TPK at one of the "Tomes" tables.

I would love to see the four scenarios released to the Beginner Box page for download. I also heard a suggestion at the Bash that they be combined and published as an adventure module. That would be great to have and I would buy it, but I would be happy just to be able to run those four scenarios for my home group.

I really like the "lite" version of PFRPG. (I failed my Will Save so I am now the owner of a box.) I think it is something that I will have fun GMing. Also, the only time I get to play Pathfinder is in PFS because Pathfinder is too rules heavy for my home group. This is a shame because Golarion is a great setting that I think my players would like. The Beginner Box is something that I think I could get my home group to play.

Hopefully there is more Beginner Box material to come. I would actually like to see Paizo do something like the old Mentzer BECMI sets for D&D. Keep it more rules-lite than standard Pathfinder, but have it go higher than 5th level.

Also, I like the production quality of the materials in the box. I think it is well done. If Paizo keeps producing materials for the Beginner Box, I hope they are of equal quality. I know that there are paper minis available for some of the Adventure Paths and that WizKids is doing plastic minis for Pathfinder. However, I like the cardboard minis in the Box. Perhaps more of those could be produced as part of the Beginner Box line?