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This is actually absurdly simple in that there's really nothing different you would do for a grapple Eidolon that you wouldn't do for all of them.

Make them Huge, buff their strength till you hover around 50, take grab, take lots of claw attacks, take Rake.

So by level 20 you're looking at something like 6 Claw attacks at +40 to hit or so, each one granting you a free grapple attempt, and each of those grapple attempts grants you 2 free rake attacks.

CMB would be something above +40 and the kicker is with every attack you get a new try. So if you don't succeed by the first you make your second attack and so on. Really unless you miss all 6 attacks or all six grapple rolls you're locking people down. Eidolons are just murderkings.

I'm going to advise that you almost NEVER try to ruin his charges through the use of difficult terrain. The fact is 3E charging rules are totally nonfunctional and we all collectively agree as players that they shouldn't be played the way their written so that anyone can charge ever. The moment you break that pact you're in for a world of hurt, cause he (the player) will basically totally legally be able to call shenanigans on any charge ever made thereafter.

By means of example; Has your character ever charged while in hilly terrain? In mountainous terrain? Over an unworked floor (like a cave perhaps), while in the middle of a forest? Well that's illegal unless you were on a highway! Quick everyone count up how many highways you've ever fought on in DnD as opposed to how many caves.

So yeah. Keep the collective lie going and don't stop someone from being able to charge because their is "underbrush" around and that's supposed to halve movement. That's a road no one wants to go down.

Vendis wrote:

This is the worst... You didn't even do it right, though. A cohort synthesist mount would be superior to the roc. Though you have to remember the size requirement bit.

It's really late, and I didn't spend a whole lot of time looking it up, but here is some relevant text from the Combat section on the PRD:


If your mount charges, you also take the AC penalty associated with a charge. If you make an attack at the end of the charge, you receive the bonus gained from the charge. When charging on horseback, you deal double damage with a lance (see Charge).

Note that the creature being mounted is gaining the charging condition - the creature doing the mounting is merely having the same bonuses and penalties from a charge. It's kinda subtle, but there is a difference. So I don't think the condition itself is passed on past the first mounted creature (second to the bottom).

I could be wrong, and I don't see a whole lot of GMs allowing a mounted mount, even if there aren't rules explicitly against it, but man, that's pretty crazy.

While I absolutely understand your point, the whole "Your mount is charging not you" concept has been brought up in numerous threads. The consensus seems to be that this is not the case. While there is no official ruling on this (and I doubt there ever will be as basically the entire mounted combat section is still just copy pasted from 3.0) in each thread I've seen this argued the "You ARE charging while charging on a mount" camp has solidly been able to bring more evidence to bear. So that's what I'm assuming is correct.

And you're right. A cohort mount would be even more insane if leadership is allowed.

So I was running some theoretical build work and it suddenly dawned on me that there's nothing stopping you from mounting a creature that would then mount a creature. So my thought process goes as follows

Step 1; Play a Summoner, get to high level
Step 2; Make your Eidolon a huge quadruped mount with lots of arms, arm it with 2 Lances (cause on a mount you can use a lance one handed), tons of claw attacks, and both the Grab and Rake special ability.
Step 3; Get a Roc, and mount your Eidolon onto it (It has max ranks in ride and handle animal, so it can probably ride better than you can)
Step 4; Murdertown???

Your pouncing, hasted Eidolon should get 7 Lance attacks on the charge, each dealing about 3d6+150 (Cause your Eidolon took Spirited Charge and maxed it's strength of course) and its to hit can be so high even its tertiary attacks could hit a Balor on a 1.

Then you would have your creature makes 6 claw attacks or so, each one fully power attacked (Cause obviously you're full power attacking), and EVERY time you hit (which is always) you get to make a grapple check which if you win (which is always cause you're huge and have a strength of 50) you generate two ADDITIONAL "Rake" attacks which are virtually identical to your claw attacks.

Then you rend.

All in all the damage a mounted (mounted) Eidolon can deal looks like it's in the thousands. And then of course YOU get to go.

Anyone ever think about doing this before?