davidgrenier's page

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Hey folks, I'm doing a one-shot 3.5 adventure in the end of August and I'm looking for a few extra players. A bit of info can be found at http://davidgrenier.com/oneshot.html. Email me if you're interested.


Our Providence, Rhode Island group fell apart last year as some of our players moved away and others having scheduling conflicts. We've been on hiatus for about six months during which time I've been doing a lot of thinking about a new campaign world and series of adventures. We'd like to find a few more players and launch this campaign.

A few points:

1. Our game is going to be on a weekday or weeknight. All of us work weekends. Once we get a group together we want to pick a day and time that works for everyone and play weekly.

2. All of the players in our group are firmly on the political left. Chances are if you voted for Bush, dislike unions, or ever find yourself starting a sentence with the phrase: "I'm not racist, but..." - you probably won't enjoy gaming with us.

3. The game I'm looking to run is much more on the storytelling and role-playing end. There's going to be lots of combat and stuff, but also lots of world-building and character development. Power-gamers don't tend to have fun in my campaigns.

So if you can commit to a weekly schedule, don't mind playing with a bunch of pinkos, and are into creating an interesting character let me know.

dancingbear5 wrote:

i just picked up the players hand book and was lookin though it it made sence for a wile then started getting confusing i em a very visual learner and im shure id pick it up quik. i really wana learn and play d&d but reading the book alone is probly hope less . so if anyone knows of a club or sum thing for kid and teens (im 13 will be 14 in late may) in rhode island that would be willing to help i would be most thankful

sincerly ~~~BEAR~~~

D&D is a lot easier to learn by playing than by reading the books. Heck, I started playing 25 years ago and *I* still haven't sat down and read all of the 3.5 players handbook.

I'm in Providence, but my group is over twice your age. There aren't many local gaming stores, and most of those deal mainly in Warhammer and Magic Cards. Depending on where you are in the state you can try Your Move Games in North Providence, a store who's name I can't remember in the Lincoln Mall, or Sarge's Comics in New London CT. Any of those places *might* have a bulletin board for gamers. I'm not sure offhand.

Your best bet might be to try to form some kind of D&D club or Fantasy Gaming Club at your school. I'm sure if you ask what it takes to start a club your principal would be happy to point you in the right direction. Most school officials are pretty psyched when any kid shows an interest in anything. Then you can hang fliers around the school, hopefully get a room to use after-school (though you'll probably have to find a teacher willing to be an advisor to the group) and will avoid problems related to scheduling and transportation. Heck, if you get six kids together and none of you know how to play yet, just dive in and do your best.