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I’m building a save or suck sorcerer and could use a bit of help. I have come up with a list of feats that will help increase save DC’s or lower the saving throws of my target(s). What I’m looking for is help with two things. The first is spell selection and the second is picking one or two schools of magic to take spell focus in.
In regards to spell selection.
As I said above in combat I am going to be a save or suck caster. So I will probably need to have a fair number of these spells to cover different save, immunities, ect. But I will also need a few artillery/blaster spells, and so as not to die every other fight a defensive spell or three. If possible I would like to focus on one or two schools for the majority of the save or suck spells so that when I take spell focus once or twice it will affect the most spells. My greatest problem is that I am a LONG time player of wizards, this is my first Sorcerer. Not having every spell is weird. I’m looking for help building this character threw level 20 if people are willing.

I have looked and the various spell and sorcerer guides out there but they don't seem to fit what I'm trying to do. Or they do fit and i just can't see it.

Some other information

I am playing in the Skull and Shekels campaign.

My character is a catfolk sorcerer with pirate ancestor and prince traits.

I have the Arcane Bloodline

Out of combat I am the party face. I was playing a magus, new favorite class btw, but the two women who normally play face characters are playing more combat oriented characters this time. The GM dropped a hint that it would be a very good idea for someone to have good people skills, so here I am, a sorcerer, my father will be so ashamed.

Thanks for any help

Greetings all,
So here is my first post for the board. Ry I know that I had considered playing a sorc but we seem to be swamped with magic users. Perhaps a tank would be better. I have a few ideas that may keep me from getting bored with just hitting stuff with a sword. But I’m not totally sure. If after a while I find I just can’t take it anymore would you allow me to switch to something else if it wouldn’t hurt the game?

For those of you who don’t know me I’m one of the worst spellers on the planet. Often it may look like I am typing in a different language but it is in fact English. I will type most of my posts in word first to try and reduce the errors.