daniel sheehan 314's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Gatekeep3r.

Full Name

Petronicus Alazario




Summoner 2 Broodmaster




5'7" 150 lb



Special Abilities






Strength 7
Dexterity 11
Constitution 16
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 7
Charisma 20

About daniel sheehan 314

Born in the city of Vyre, Petronicus (Peter to his parents, Tron to his friends) was raised in a family dissenting from the decay of Cheliax. While the Alazario’s had no particular issue with the notion of outsiders as allies, guides, or pets, they did take offense at the notion of easy fall into demonic influence. The family was more of the opinion that summoned creatures were friends, and leaned away from most interactions that involved terrible deals and alliances. They formed a family of summoners, and used magic to make their eidolons appear as bound demons when summoned to court.
Raised in this family, Tron quickly learned the value of appearances. If one appears strong enough, there is likely to be little resistance. If one is not so strong, it is better to remain hidden and unseen so that one may not be taken advantage of or abused. It was with that knowledge that Tron formed his bond with his eidolon on his sixteenth birthday, in a private ceremony presided over by his father and grandfather. A strange swirling of energy slowly took shape in the center of the room resolving gradually into a bipedal creature. It was a strange looking thing, covered with soft fur and with large, innocent eyes. Then it smiled and lifted its arms. The creature had impressive teeth and claws that, with a loud crunch, it used to quickly destroy the symbolic barrier that surrounded it. It walked over to Tron, who reached out and, touching on the forehead and bestowing his sigil, declared “Your name is Auctus, and we shall do great things together.”
For some years, Tron and Auctus were afforded respect, and some fear from the sufficiently paranoid, out of the impression that such an innocent looking demon must be intelligent and powerful indeed. It was only a matter of time, though, until someone realized that Auctus was not as he appeared. In anticipation of that day, Tron’s father sent him on a journey to grow more powerful, until he could sufficiently disguise his friend well enough to survive the harsh reality of cheliaxan politics.