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Has there been any clarification or errata about how the new nephilim heritage interacts with feats from books not covered by the remaster that have either the tiefling or aasimar trait? I know there has been some compatibility errata for some of the core books but I was unable to find anything about nephilim. For example in the Lost Omens Ancestry Guide there are a plethora of feats for tieflings and aasimar. Are these feats now inaccessible for characters using the new nephilim heritage or is it assumed that nephilim can take feats with either the teifling or aasimar trait as long as it's not a feat that was replaced or revised by the remaster?
For a concrete example, I have an aasimar idyllkin who has the halo and healer's halo feats. If I want to update this character to use the remaster rules would I have to give up on idylkin and healer's halo? Or can I take nephilim heritage and the remaster halo feat and have those two choices qualify for idyllkin lineage and healer's halo feats?

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Gisher wrote:
That text was errata'd away in the second printing of the APG.

Thanks for the clarification on the errata. I was looking at the text on pathbuilder and apparently it hasn't been updated with the errata.

As far as how I got 3 spellcasting archetypes it is a game with free archetype variant rule and my gm was lenient in allowing me to take both Ancient Elf and Eldritch Trickster if I didn't take feats from one until I had taken 2 feats from the other. I'm not taking eldritch archer until level 10. But we are on level 9 now so I wanted to have an understanding of how the rules worked before I got there.

I have a couple of questions about the Eldritch Archer Archetype and how it interacts with other spellcasting. For context I have an elf character that has both the Magus and Psychic Dedication and Spellcasting Feats. That means this character can cast spells from spellslots in two different traditions and with two different ability modifiers (arcane/INT from Magus and occult/CHA from Psychic). The character also has the Otherworldy Acumen feat granting them the ability to cast a level 2 arcane innate spell once per day.

The Eldritch Archer Dedication states

If you already cast spells from spell slots, you learn one additional cantrip from that tradition. If you're a prepared caster, you can prepare this spell in addition to your usual cantrips per day; if you're a spontaneous caster, you add this cantrip to your spell repertoire.

Question 1: Does an innate leveled spell count as casting from a spell slot? It functions identically to a spell slot, but I have a feeling it wouldn't count for the purpose of what this dedication feat is saying.

Question 2: Which tradition gets the extra cantrip from Eldritch Archer? Do I just get to choose? Does it go to the tradition I was first able to cast leveled spells from? Is it something else I haven't thought of?

Question 3: If I later take the Basic Eldritch Archer Spellcasting Feat how does it interact with my previous Spellcasting? I can see several ways to read the rules:

  • 1 I already have basic spellcasting benefits in the psychic tradition so the feat is null. Because I didn't gain an Eldritch Archer spellcasting tradition from the Dedication Feat this feat would grant me basic spellcasting benefits in my psychic tradition which I already have so it would basically grant me nothing.
  • 2 The feat grants me a second instance of basic spellcasting benefits within the Psychic tradition. I get a second spell slot of each level and add one spell of each level to my repertoire along with an extra signature spell. The spells and spell slots granted from Eldritch Archer are all part of my psychic spellcasting tradition so they all use Charisma and can be cast from any appropriate level spell slot.
  • 3 The feat grants me an Eldritch Archer spellcasting tradition along with basic spellcasting benefits in that tradition. This tradition uses Charisma and has a Repertoire based on the Eldritch Archer Dedication wording for granting an Eldritch Archer Spellcasting tradition. I have no idea which spell list to use in this case. Maybe you get to pick the same way you do in the Dedication feat if you don't already cast leveled spells?
  • 4 This feat grants me basic spellcasting benefits in the Magus tradition. I already have basic bounded spellcasting from my Magus archetype, but that is not the same a basic spellcasting. So now I have both basic spellcasting benefits and basic bounded spellcasting benefits. Both use Intelligence and the Arcane spell list, but the basic spellcasting is spontaneous as described in the Basic Eldritch Archer Spellcasting Feat while the basic bounded spellcasting is prepared as described in the Basic Magus Spellcasting Feat.
  • 5 Something else entirely. These rules clearly were not meant to interact together, but they don't include any wording to prevent you from taking them together so trying to figure out how they interact is extremely frustrating.

In looking at discussions about Leaping and Jumping there seems to be a common acceptance that your Leap distance is always (with the exception of specific things like Cloud Jump) limited by your Speed. But the actual Leap Action doesn't say anything about that, nor is it mentioned in the High Jump Activity.

The Leap basic action is used for High Jump and Long Jump. Leap lets you take a careful, short jump. You can Leap up to 10 feet horizontally if your Speed is at least 15 feet, or up to 15 feet horizontally if your Speed is at least 30 feet. You land in the space where your Leap ends (meaning you can typically clear a 5-foot gap if your Speed is between 15 feet and 30 feet, or a 10-foot gap if your Speed is 30 feet or more). If you make a vertical Leap, you can move up to 3 feet vertically and 5 feet horizontally onto an elevated surface.

You Stride, then make a vertical Leap and attempt a DC 30 Athletics check to increase the height of your jump. If you didn’t Stride at least 10 feet, you automatically fail your check. This DC might be increased or decreased due to the situation, as determined by the GM.

Critical Success Increase the maximum vertical distance to 8 feet, or increase the maximum vertical distance to 5 feet and maximum horizontal distance to 10 feet.
Success Increase the maximum vertical distance to 5 feet.
Failure You Leap normally.
Critical Failure You don’t Leap at all, and instead you fall prone in your space.

Only the Long Jump Activity mentions a limit based on your Speed.


You Stride, then make a horizontal Leap and attempt an Athletics check to increase the length of your jump. The DC of the Athletics check is equal to the total distance in feet you’re attempting to move during your Leap (so you’d need to succeed at a DC 20 check to Leap 20 feet). You can’t Leap farther than your Speed.

If you didn’t Stride at least 10 feet, or if you attempt to jump in a different direction than your Stride, you automatically fail your check. This DC might be increased or decreased due to the situation, as determined by the GM.
Success Increase the maximum horizontal distance you Leap to the desired distance.
Failure You Leap normally.
Critical Failure You Leap normally, but then fall and land prone.

Is it just taken as given that the rule for Long Jump also effects Leap and High Jump? Reading those three rules my initial assumption would be the limitation only applies when using Long Jump since it is specifically included in the rules for Long Jump rather than in the general rules for Leap. But then again it seems kind of weird for say your horizontal Leap to be further than your Long Jump. If you take Dwarf Ancestry, Monk for Crane Stance and Dancing Leaf, Powerful Leap, and Staff Acrobat Dedication, your potential horizontal Leap at Level 4 could be 35ft, while your total Speed would still only be 30ft. It makes sense from a RAI standpoint that you shouldn't be able to do this, but I really don't understand why a rule that is specifically included in the Long Jump Activity applies outside of that activity. Am I missing something?