cyberspaceghost's page

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Hello, I am currently running Rise of the Runelords: Fortress of the Stone Giants and my group came across a debate.

The groups 10th level Lizardfolk Monk rolled a critical fumble. My group uses the Gamemastery: Critical Fumble Deck and the monk pulled his Natural Attack fumble reading:

“Broken Nail: You take 1d4 points of damage and you cannot use this attack until healed”

The argument came in that being a monk, couldn’t he just switch from punching to kicking and tail attacks and still pull off his maneuvers?
Pathfinder gives no inforation on what happens to a monk that losses the use of a hand or foot.

Absalom is good and all, but it's no Waterdeep. I just started using this setting after years of forgotten realms.

Waterdeep has separate maps for each district. So far, I haven't found anything like that. When the PC's walk around town, I'd like to show then the lay out of the streets.