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![]() Weapon Expertise (Ex): At 3rd level, a samurai gains an unparalleled expertise with his chosen weapons. At 3rd level, the samurai selects either the katana, longbow, naginata, or wakizashi. The samurai can draw the selected weapon as a free action as if he had the Quick Draw feat. In addition, whenever he threatens a critical hit with the selected weapon, he gains a +2 bonus on the confirmation roll. Finally, his samurai levels stack with any fighter levels he possesses for the purposes of meeting the prerequisites for feats that specifically select his chosen weapon, such as Weapon Specialization. i know this is probably an obvious answer, but do i have to have fighter levels to gain the benefit of fighter feats with my focus weapon or can i just stay full samurai and pick up say weapon specialization? ![]()
![]() with the release of ultimate combat ive decided to update my paladin. i really like the holy gun archtype but it seems the best way to make it even a little effective is with 1 level of gunslinger(mysterious stranger/pistolero). with that combination i get grit base off of charisma and a minor boost to pistols being the cheapest advanced firearm. im mostly looking for input if this is a worthwhile plan or shoul i just scrap it and keep my old paladin the way he was ![]()
![]() as the title states im working on a halfling paladin level 8 25point buy. we are alowed to use the phb/beastiary 1&2/apg. normally id be able to sort something out but this is really rather unorthodox and i have never in my gaming history played a mounted character.i will need help with a mount as well due to inexperience. im inclined to take the APG shining knight path for its assorted bonuses if its not worth it let me know. im also planning on taking the halfling outrider alternate race trait. ideally id like to charge in for a big hit with a lance than quick draw into something more appropriate for a melee beatdown but i am open to suggetions. so i turn to you forum gurus for tips and tricks for my mounted crusader of justice! quick edit here: I was wondering if giving up spells was worth taking the warrior of the holy light alternate package. ![]()
![]() first question is it possible to sneak attack with touch spells (like say shocking grasp) which brings me to my next question i dont quite understand how costs work with putting spell use on magic items. im trying to work out the cost of a set of gloves that let you shocking grasp(5th level caster) 1-3 times per day. sorry if im in the wrong forum for the second question ![]()
![]() like the title says im interested in making a worthwhile kobold character. class isnt a big deal but i dont forsee many worthy martial builds coming from this. we are level 6 using 25 pointbuy and the standard creation rules.
i was thinking wizard or druid but the only wizard ive played is evocation spec'd and i have read its just a bad choice i dont know how i would play one that isnt. our party is rather bloodthirsty so i dont know quite where a non damage char would fit into it ![]()
![]() i really like the idea of lion/bear but i cant bring myself to build around it i want a pretty hard hitting melee druid while not ignoring the caster side. we are using 25 point buy and are currently level 2 with access to just the core books(a player complained so we stopped using 3rd party books). i like the idea of running into melee with claws and other such natural attacks. so forum gurus can you help a poor man out? i apologize if this post is a mess ask me and ill clear anything up. thanks in advance ![]()
![]() as the title says im looking to make a kobold witch. sub-optimal sure but it just seems fun as hell. i dont know how to go about doing it so i turn to you oh wise ones help this poor soul make his cackling kobold work. i know i wont be the the most astounding combatant but i was looking to use hexes to debuff/buff and hopefully augment some damage with the spells thats about all i have planned. sorry if theres bad grammar and punctuation thanks in advance! ![]()
![]() howdy, i am about to start playing in the council of thieves adventure path and wanted some tips and suggestions. I dont know if its a good or bad plan but i wanted to play a tiefling heading towards the eldritch knight(disciple? its late and i cant remember) prestige class.i would like to start as a wizard preferably but if there is a better route to go i am open to suggestions. so oh great forumites please bless me with your knowledge and wisdom and help me with this character. i thank thee in advance! |