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When playing a new hero from beginning, how many Adventure Decks can be included into the decks?

Is there a page where I can read which decks should be included/exluded for the different character levels?

Any advice is appreciated!

Just got the core set box home, read the instructions and want to single play my first scenario (Brigandoom!).

I know the instruction manual said to wait including the first expansion cards (Burnt Offerings), but I assume in the long run (especially when the other expansions are out (2,3,4,5,6)) that you just append all the cards into super decks of items, spells, etc, right?

Heya guys.

I am not sure if you guys have noticed, but I have!

I have noticed there are actually two different box arts of the Character Add-On decks;

1) s-Character-Add-On-Deck-/00/s/NTExWDUwMA==/z/iCIAAMXQLQVR7rxD/$(KGrHqUOKowF HkG0bFEbBR7r)DoO7g~~60_3.JPG

2) -CHARACTER-ADD-ON-DECK-/00/s/NDc4WDUwMA==/z/kvsAAOxyE3pSHLQn/$(KGrHqFHJCkFI Kvbt+BqBSHLQm1Se!~~60_12.JPG

And on the Paizo website, you can only get 1).

Is it just the box art that is different, or even the contents inside? :-)



First of all I want to clarify that I am a very very new to tabletop RPGs (not RPGs though) and I have only had one session, where I was the Game Master.

I really like the experience the tabletop RPGs gives, and I have started to read more and more about Dungeon & Dragons, Pathfinder and the different ways to get hold of more adventures and stories.

From what I understand there are plenty of modules, which are more or less like stand-alone stories, which you can experience. Different modules are designed for different character level range. For example for level 1s, level 12s or level 16s, etc.

Then there are several Adventure Paths which (from what I understand) are designed if you start with a newly fresh level 1, and completing the whole storyline will usually end with the characters being level 15.

When I think about this, please forgive my out-burst, I get very annoyed.

As a Game Master, I just want to bring fun and new story experiences to my characters.

But I see a problem if there are 7 modules for level 1, that.. you won't be able to complete all until you have "out-leveled" the content?

And the same goes for Adventure Paths. If we start an Adventure Path, taking a character from level 1 to 15 - what then? Have we lost the opportunity to do any of the crazy fun level 1 modules??

Might be harsh, but the more I think about it, the more discouraging it is.

What options do I have if my players are more than happy with their characters, but just want to play adventures after adventures? Are they literally forced to recreate new characters? :|

Hey guys.

I am trying to get my head around this. Please correct me if I am wrong, but after playing the beginner box with my friends, I assume there are tons of prewritten adventures to play (even including written and sold by Paizo?) Right?

If yes, where do I find them? Is there a website that has an organized and structure overview of all the "buyable" campaigns / adventures and to what character level they are aimed for?

I read in the PDF "Beginner Box GM Kit" that there is an adventure called "Crypt of the Everflame" that is suitable for 1st-level characters. But that seems to be a "module" (what-ever that means) belonging to the Pathfinder Society category..

I am just so confused. How do I find a structured and organized overview of what adventures I can play, for the different player-levels?