
cmrsalmon's page

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Agreed with Curaigh. This item is right on flavour, and the rules very lucid for a niche area like words of power.

With the tight execution of an underused mechanism, it's design feels forward-thinking too. Bring on round 2.

Just getting to these now. Yes, Clockwork Conscience is a great name, so it gets the first click.

Does this feel like two items in one? I like the Conscience aspect, that it "corrects" harmful, charmed acts. And I like the magical shock power to remove dazed condition. But both together? I'm not sure they fit.

Also, as has been said, it seems on the expensive side. That's not necessarily a bad thing, as an intricate device such as this should be intrinsically valuable beyond its "magic item" status. That being said, that sort of flavour is for a GM IMO, and assessing the cost purely on the items functionality, the price is too high.

That all sounds like criticism, but I do like both the concept and the execution. More clockwork!

Curses. This was my first playtesting chance, and I missed it. Agree with the comments generally though - after a few test builds, the book seems as balanced as something so variable can be.

And no, half-construct, half-undead PCs aren't broken.

Got to keep an eye open for the next playtest.