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Organized Play Member. 5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

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So after a brutal Jade Regent(awful AP btw)TPK my group is getting started on the Shattered Star AP. My character taking is his first level as a fighter then, putting everything into rogue. Our group as a unit decided after reading the SS players guide that everyone MUST have darkvision. As a result it is a party of freaks. 3 Drow blooded Half Elves: Paladin, Sorcerer, and Fighter/Rogue, a Half Orc witch, an Asimar (who looks like a dwarf) oracle, and a Goblin gunslinger.

Our DMs are particularly generous when it comes to point buying (27) but that’s where the generosity ends.

My planned primary role will be party scout / skill monkey.I need to be able to defend myself in a fight, but combat is not my primary concern. My character as is
STR 13
DEX 18
CON 14
INT 13
WIS 13
CHA 12

Racial traits of note:
Skill Focus: perception

Traits: reactionary +2 initiative, failed apprentice +1 vs. Arcane.

First level feats: Point blank shot,Precise shot

Armor- chain shirt, quick draw steel shield.

Weapons- Long bow, short sword, daggers, spiked gauntlet.

So my planned character path is as follows.
Level : Talent / Feat
3 Finesse Rouge / Deepsight
5 Combat trick (TWF) / Doge
7 Weapon training / Mobility
9 fast stealth / Toughness

Open to comments and questions.