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Now that we have the updated Guns and Gears, I’m curious what others think regarding this issue now. In PC2, the writers placed a specific restriction on Alchemical Archetypes (p. 174) that prevents them from regaining versatile vials in the manner outlined for the Alchemist. They specifically mention the Herbalist Dedication, Poisoner Dedication and the Alchemist dedication.
In the new Guns and Gears we now have the Fireworks Technician Dedication which specifically ALLOWs them to recover versatile vials in the manner of the Alchemist. This does not seem like a typo or a mistaken copy and paste action, since the old version did not have that text. They (Paizo) had to specifically allow it because of the restriction in PC2.
The Investigator’s Alchemical Sciences methodology is a core class feature, not a dedication. There is no reasonable assumption that a restriction placed on archetypes would apply to a core class. Additionally, their ability is limited to elixirs and tools only. This is much restricted from what the Alchemist class is able to do. Having the ability to regain versatile vials does not seem to contribute to the class being overpowered, but does allow them to use their key class feature throughout the adventuring day.
Similarly, we have the new gunslinger’s munition crafting tree. At 6th level they can upgrade to munitions machinist and gain quick alchemy as well as 4 versatile vials. They are limited to crafting bombs and ammunition. Again, this provides the ability for gunslingers to continue to use core class abilities throughout the day. Firing alchemical shots by dosing ammunition with bombs is an ability baked into the class (if you choose to go that route). Not to mention if they run out of ammo, they aren’t doing a lot of anything.
I don’t think the Firework Technician’s ability to regain versatile vials is problematic to the dedication itself, since they are limited to creating fireworks and doing firework “stuff”. This is especially true as many of its abilities require multiple vials. I think the archetype works great as a dedication for any Core Class, especially Gunslingers and Alchemists but could be good for any support class. I don’t think it should be compatible with any other Alchemical Archetypes, and this restriction should be listed in the prerequisites for the dedication. Dipping a level in Fireworks Technician to get the replenishing vials does not seem to be inline with the intent of the rules and gives archetypes too much power.
As many have mentioned, yes a versatile vial is an item that you can throw as a bomb. Statistics for these are found in a chart on page 59 of PC2.
But what is a versatile bomb exactly? “You know how to prepare fast-acting chemicals into versatile vials, special items that can be used as bombs and be turned into other alchemical items by introducing special reagents.”
When you create versatile vials, what level are they? A vial you create is always the highest type you could craft.
Can you duplicate, preserve or save versatile vials? Though versatile vials are physical objects, they can’t be duplicated or preserved in any way.
Amongst others, here are some core classes and archetypes that have access to versatile vials; Alchemist, Investigator, Gunslinger, Poisoner, Herbalist, etc. Do all these classes/archetypes explain or define versatile vials? No, actually it is only found under the Alchemist in PC2 page 58 and 59.
Now consider if a PC takes the Investigator Dedication. At 4th level they take the Investigator’s Stratagem feat, which gives them this:
You play out battles in your head, allowing you to strike when the time is right. You gain the Devise a Stratagem action; however, when you substitute its result for your attack roll, you can’t use your Intelligence modifier in place of your Strength or Dexterity modifier.
But where are the rules for Devise a Stratagem? You have to refer to the Investigator Core class text to find that data. You see this same mechanism all the time.