closetgamer's page
RPG Superstar 6 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 197 posts (202 including aliases). 2 reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 3 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.
I'm two sessions into RoG with 6 players. One of them, during session one and before entering the ruins, decided that after a night of drinking his Goblin Rogue wanted to sneak onto the log flume and take a ride. I improvised, using the chase rules from the GMG to simulate the PC trying to "outrun" the logs that came down behind him... He eventually ended up failing a check and got shot off the flume (also failed the Grab an Edge Check twice after burning a Hero Point). He took some serious damage, but more importantly, was spotted and chased by those patrolling the flume. They can can describe/identify him. He got away and was able to leave with the party for the ruins the next morning.
In game time, this occurred last night. The party has entered the ruins, fought some Mitflits, Giant Maggots, and the Giant Flies. At this rate they will likely return to Otari by nightfall... (after another session)
In my game, Lardus is not going to stand for these shenanigans, especially with such a small number of Goblins in Otari. Once he hears of it, he will want to make an example out of the offender.
My question: What suggestions are out there for how to handle this when the party returns from their first foray into the Gauntlight?
My group will be starting this AP in the next month or two and I need help coming up with my paladin. I know the basics of the campaign and realize that the Oathbound Paladin's Oath vs Fiends will make things difficult with the story. I don't want to play "Stupid for God" either. So I'm looking for some suggestions on where to start.
A little in on the party. There will be a Magus, Cleric, and an Alchemist (or perhaps a Sorcerer or Summoner - they're still undecided), so I need to bring the pain with my Paladin. There's a possibility of a 5th PC, but it looks doubtful.
Group dynamics: This is a Mythic campaign and the DM is a self-titled POWER-gamer, so we (the players) plan to pile on as much cheese as possible in order to keep up with the DM (who revels at the challenge of us trying to "out-cheese" him). Starting stats are crazy; 18,18, 16, 16, 16, 14 (see what I mean?). We all see this as a throwback to our old Monty/Munchkin days...
I need help getting my grater going ;)
This is probably more of an "Advice" thread, but given it's taking place in my RoW game, I thought I would start here...
I have a Player running a NG Inquisitor that follows Ragathiel (a LG Empyreal Lord - see Chronicle of the Righteous). Ragathiel's portfolio includes Chivalry, Duty, and Vengeance. The PC Inquisitor is basically a "Monster Hunter" per his back-story, and practices the Vengeance portion of the dogma more than any other...
So, we began play about 2 months ago and in every session the Inquisitor has tortured and or interrogated captured enemies. This includes holding the Winter-Touched Fey over a campfire, plucking off their wings, and "feeding" one to the group's Barbarian (ok he didn't feed it to him, but he gave the Barbarian the burnt body knowing he was going to eat it).
With Rohkar, he interrogated and then executed the guy. It was a clean and "honorable" death, unlike the others so no harm no foul.
Finally, during yesterday's session, after Jairess was knocked unconscious and bound in the aerie, he began interrogating her once she awoke. It went a little something like this... "Tell us all you know about Nazhena and Radosek's plans and I'll let you go free." To wit she conveyed everything she knew (which wasn't anything the PCs didn't already know). At that point, the Inquisitor asks the still bound NPC why, if she isn't Evil, would she help the Pale Tower occupants? Basically her response was something to this affect "I recon the surrounding area and report to the powers that be. It's a job, and as long as I get to work with my birds, I'm happy." Well, that wasn't good enough for the Inquisitor. He then began to berate her for not following the tenets of Gozreh and that she should not serve those that would try to control the planet's climate. At this point Jairess (CN Cleric of Gozreh) makes her Religion check to recognize the PC's Holy Symbol. Succeeding she retorts rather vehemently "How dare you presume to tell me about my God's tenets!! You! A pathetic CULT FOLLOWER of all people! I have done what you asked, cut my bonds or kill me now, but I will not be reprimanded by one such as you!"
So, the Inquisitor smashes her kneecap (coup d'grace style), breaking it and cuts her free. He sends her off limping into the wilderness with no cold weather gear or supplies. Effectively a death sentence...
My response as GM, and due to the other Players concerns that perhaps the Inquisitor is "over-doing" it, was to "warn" him with a shift from NG to CG. I didn't realize that this would prevent him from following Ragathiel (followers can't be CG), so he was pissed. Realizing that was more harsh then I intended, I told him that his alignment would not shift this time, but that this is a warning and that further behavior like this would result in an alignment shift. He stewed for a bit, but eventually conceded, stating that "Well, I need to know what is and isn't acceptable."
So, was I wrong? I think that sort of bloodthirsty, barbaric, and cruel behavior warranted a reprimand. He touts "Inquisitors skirt the edge of right and wrong". My argument was that his deity is LG, and specifically prohibits Chaotic behavior (all the more reason for the reprimand). And though he conceded, he did add "You're the GM, I don't agree, but whatever..."
What do you guys think? Am I being too harsh? Is he too overzealous? Or are we both a little off the mark?
I have 4 players. 2 of them are in a real-life band together and that sometimes interferes with our gaming schedule. The other 2 players have asked if I could integrate some sort of organization they could do "side quests" for.
In order to keep them from getting ahead of the others, this will not earn them any XP. However, I want to implement a system similar to the Fame/Prestige in PFS.
The PCs that would be involved are a Wizard (spellslinger) and a Magus, though it would need to be generic enough that the others could join if interested (a Barbarian and Inquisitor). They have just received the Black Mantle and will be passing through the Portal to Irrisen at the start of our next session.
I'm looking for ideas of how to accommodate them. Mainly how to facilitate this idea throughout the course of the AP. It all takes place on the Prime Material Plane as far as I can tell, so perhaps they receive a device allowing communication with the organization.
I've thought of using the Heralds of Summer's Return from The Shackled Hut, but I would want to plant a seed in Waldsby for the 2 PCs to discover first. A clue of some sort possibly hinting at the insurgent cell in Whitethrone...
Any ideas, advice, etc?
I assume that this sentence Arcane Gun wrote: A spellslinger can cast any ranged touch attack, cone, line, or ray spells through his arcane gun. means that no ammunition is needed or expended when casting a spell through an Arcane Gun.
Further, I assume that said spell also conforms to the Feats, range, threat range, and critical multiplier applied to the firearm.
My player asked me about this last night as we're starting our RoW game this weekend, and I preemptively ruled as above. Am I correct in my assumption, or am I way out in left field?
The player had no problem with my ruling, but I'm curious if this is covered somewhere and I just missed it.
I'm finally starting my RoW campaign this weekend! I have four players that are playing the following classes:
Udyr - CN Barbarian (Secretly worships Rovagug, not a nice person. CHA 8)
Konrad - CG Magus (Northerner with Failed Winter Witch Apprentice Trait and 19 Int)
Cyro "Searo"- NG Spellslinger (on the trail of his lost love, a Cleric of Milani.)
Alistair - NG Inquisitor (Follower of Ragathiel, subbed his Domain for the Valor Inquisition)
(All PCs are Human)
They used either the 4d6 method and rolled twice or 25 Point Buy (and received a "GM Boon" if they used the point buy) The Magus and Spellslinger rolled. The Barbarian and Inquisitor used point buy.
Item Creation Feats other than Scribe Scroll and Brew Potion are prohibited.
All the resources from the online PRD are open for use in the game. Everything else (and even some of the PRD material) is subject to GM approval.
PC's received a bonus Hero Point for (at least) a 3 paragraph background. So they all are starting with 2 Hero Points. Helps with the lack of Healing.
PC's have 3 Traits, one of which MUST be a RoW Campaign Trait.
The Barbarian will have been involved in an altercation after arriving a week ago and is being jailed in Heldren. Maybe they're holding him at the armory, or maybe a stockade in the town square...? Since there is not a"jail" per se`. He will be sent with the party so the town can be rid of him while he pays of his debt to society.
The Spellslinger will have stopped in Heldren over the Winter to make some money. I'll have him employed at the Blacksmith. When the adventure starts he will be lured in by the prospect of some easy money and maybe a clue about his lady love..
The Magus, having fled Irrisen to Absalom, is moving North to find a more temperate location to hone his crafts. He has just arrived in town.
The Inquisitor is simply meting out Justice while saving money to build a home for his younger sister that is still living in the orphanage they were both raised in after their parents died. He has been in town a few days when things start.
So, I assume that the Paizo site trumps the PFSRD site, but what are the differences between the two?
I have players that use the PFSRD site, but I feel like I have to cross reference everything with the Paizo site to feel it's legit. Is the Paizo PRD site suited specifically for PFS, or is the PFSRD site just an earlier version of the Paizo PRD site?
1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.
I'm about to start RoW in a few weeks, if not sooner. My group likes to debate rules that are "iffy" or overly subjective. In hopes of clarifying my take on some of the more commonly debated rules beforehand, I am looking to these boards to get a list of said "iffy" rules, spells, feats etc.
As an example I will share our latest debate. It was Saturday night during the final encounter of the Kingmaker AP. The BBEG cast Charm Monster on the Wizard. What transpired was a heated debate on what the INTENT of the Charm spells is vs that of Dominate Person (which said BBEG had and should have just cast instead of CM). The DM, having exhausted the PCs nonviolent spells (Slow etc) was attempting to have the PC attack the group using the opposed Charisma mechanic of Charm Person. His argument was that the disparity between the PCs Charisma and the BBEGs Charisma (8 vs 36) was so great that the BBEG could get him to attack his friends... Needless to say, not everyone agreed.
So, in your games, which spells, rules, feats, etc have caused your group the most pain when trying to mitigate differing opinions and why?
I know there has been discussion on this topic, but to be specific...
Assuming you agree that they need to be nerfed, how would you change the Orb spells from the Complete Arcane for play in PF? Specifically, Orb of Acid.
I have a player that wants to be able to sub Cold energy for a spell's original energy type. Other then taking the Elemental Spell Feat, is there any other way (RAW) a Sorcerer can convert a spell's energy type to Cold?
Assuming there isn't (as I've looked through the PRD and haven't seen any), I'm contemplating house-ruling it in one of the following ways.
a.) Based off the Dual Talent Trait (Human) from the Advanced Races Guide (which another player is using), let him take an extra Feat if he gives up his +2 Racial Stat Bonus. (Instead of the following).
Alternate Racial Traits from ARG wrote: Dual Talent: Some humans are uniquely skilled at maximizing their natural gifts. These humans pick two ability scores and gain a +2 racial bonus in each of those scores. This racial trait replaces the +2 bonus to any one ability score, the bonus feat, and the skilled traits. b.) Have him take the Boreal Bloodline and then simply replace/house-rule Arcane Strike with Elemental Spell.
c.) Force him to research (ie. Time+Money) each spell to change the energy type.
d.) Just run it RAW and tell him to suck it up.
I'm beginning a new campaign and have decided to allow Gunslingers and firearms. I've reviewed the Class and the firearm stats and haven't seen anything jump out at me that I should be overly concerned about... and that worries me.
What should I be wary of or lookout for? What Feats/Traits/Items can be combo'd to make my head explode? Is anything "broken"?
While I have time to research all this before the campaign starts in a few weeks, I'm curious as to the major consensus on the boards here.
Also, we will be playing the Reign of Winter AP. Should extreme cold have an effect on misfires, or is that being a bit too overzealous?
Sick Builds or Feat Combos?
Ambiguous wording in the rules?
Please give me your thoughts on what to expect.
I'm just curious how many GMs here allow multiple rolls for abilities. Meaning, if you're using either the Standard (3d6) or Heroic(4d6-lowest roll) rolling methods, do you allow re-rolls for stat sets? If so, how many? Is the number predetermined?
This is an issue for me because I am starting a new game with the Reign of Winter AP. I have 4 players, 2 agree with point buy and the other 2 abhor it. They instead want to roll, which is fine, but I know it will be very unlikely that they will be satisfied with the results of only one set of stats and they will quickly ask to re-roll.
I realize that I should just dictate what our generation method is, but if I do, it will be a lasting sore spot throughout the campaign for these two. If I let them roll once and they aren't happy with the results, the same thing happens. Yes, I have min-maxing power-gamers. I am trying to accommodate everyone's gaming wishes, but I have to keep a handle on these guys or the game get's out of control quickly.
Should I just dictate point buy, allow them to roll once, or let them roll until they're happy with their stats? I feel like if I cave, I'm setting a bad precedent, but if I don't compromise, I'll have 2 disgruntled players...
So my group is on the last leg of Kingmaker (we're in the First World and coming down the home stretch) and I've offered to run Reign of Winter next. Everyone is looking forward to the new AP, especially one with such an iconic presence in it. We've only just begun fleshing out character concepts and I'm looking at some major problems already... and I haven't even seen the module yet.
First some background, my group consists of longtime friends (like 20+ years) who have all been gaming since the 80's. Everyone is well versed in all the previous incarnations of D&D and PF (as well as quite a few other rpgs). Without dredging up all the past issues we've had, it will suffice to say that the group is quite dysfunctional. Between the power-gaming and meta-gaming, and the incessant desire to "one-up" each other I'm not sure I was in my right mind when I made the offer to run Reign of Winter.
Before we've even started generating PCs I already have a major issue. According to the guys, they intend to have a group consisting of 1 Barbarian and 3 Arcane spell casters. I'm regretting making the offer already! I don't typically like to force things on players in a game, but this just seems like a train wreck waiting to happen.
My question is, would you "strongly recommend" a different party composition... or would you just let them play through and watch them try to stay alive with no Healer to speak of?
I'm really psyched for this AP and want it to succeed, but it seems the deck is stacked against me due to these player shenanigans...
I assume this will be available at the same time the AP becomes available for download, yes?
What should I be considering for my first Society PC. I'm an experienced player, but have never played in an organized society game before. I'd like to avoid the "noob" mistakes if possible... I built a Rogue Sniper1, but am beginning to wonder if it will pan out after reading Flashback's Sniper thread here on the boards... Lil' help please??
I'm playing a Dwarven Cleric of Torag and we are about to start the final leg of Kingmaker. The party consists of a Paladin, Wizard, Druid, and my Cleric. All of us just made 15th Level.
I am not sure what will be the most beneficial Feat to take to finish up this campaign. The PCs will be retired after, so it's kind of like I need to get the biggest bang for my buck.
We have "about a year" before the next book starts.
My PC has 37,000gp
I currently have the following Feats:
Power Attack
Craft Magical Arms/Armor
Forge Ring
Improved Critical
I'm thinking Craft Staff and making a Staff of Life (I use up all my Heal spells in 3 rounds last game session fighting Irovetti). Cost to construct 79,000 gp which I would split with the other PCs, though Heal is over 2k a pop. 79k for 50 Heals sounds nice...
OR - Scribe Scroll and just pump out a ton of varying scrolls.
I also plan to forge my Ring of Freedom of Movement and add something to my warhammer...