cliff newman's page

*** Pathfinder Society GM. 5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 20 Organized Play characters.


I'm in!!!!!! First time attending and I want to try!

James Risner wrote:

That post was official at the time

So I doubt we will see a FAQ because there isn't a lot of confusion.

If you are the GM, use that.
If you are a player, show your GM that.

The issue is, that Sean K Reynolds is not a Dev and only Dev posts count as official.

The RAW for Bewildering Koan says "loose next action"

However, in this thread, the author, Sean K Reynolds says that RAI is "loose next turn" Gnomes-of-Golarion#71

There needs to be official Developer clarification on this issue.


I think I would make 2 changes to the Brute to make it a good archetype.

1. Scaling Equipment would be baked in. Its a Talent Tax just as bad as Combat Expertise.
2. The Will save is way too freaking high. You essentially have to role a 20 on your will save to get out of Vigilante form. A DC of 10 + Vigilante level would be a 50% fail chance. 20 + lvl is just ridiculous.

I've been playing D&D 4E for about 5 years. I would like to join a game of Pathfinder. However, I'm not sure how.

I'm in Salt Lake City, Utah, is there a person to contact or something?

Thanks for the help