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My post above is more directed at Mark than you, (and I am sure Mark is a great guy, so it not personal.)

I do understand the day to day stuff and that this one small issue is minor in compairson to the other stuff.

I am a support manager for a small company, and I have a personal pet peeve about poor customer support and can get very nasty about it.

I happen to like you product, at least the Core book. I have done a lot of volunteer work for Living Greyhawk and understand many of the challanges you guys have.

Please ask the folks that respond to questions here to at least take a deep breath before answering questions. If I was in charge, Mark would be on thin ice with me for the response he posted, it was poorly though out and just servered to goad customers and that is a lose-lose situation.


James Jacobs wrote:
jreyst wrote:
Stop answering "Ask James Jacobs Anything" questions.

1) James Jacobs wouldn't be the guy who fixes the pre-gen anyway, so if he stopped answering questions on that thread, that wouldn't speed up the process at all. He'd just spend that time working more on the Inner Sea World Guide maps OR he'd answer other questions on the messageboards like this one here.

2) The "Ask James Jacobs Anything" thread is part of my job description. ALL of us at Paizo are expected to maintain a daily presence on these boards as part of the company's overall customer service goals and public relations goals. I get PAID to answer these questions on the board. Even if I were to set aside time to go in and personally fix the pre-gen characters, I'd still have to spend time on the boards maintaining my online presence anyway.

3) Although this is a great job and a fun job, and being paid to work on RPGs is a dream come true... it's STILL a job. Working on Adventure Paths for 8 hours a day, 5 to 7 days a week, for weeks and months and years at a time DOES eventually get old. ANYTHING done to excess gets old. And therefore, it's nice to have variety in the job. When I get tired or worn out working on other projects, being able to zip onto these boards and answer questions in that thread not only helps to build our public persona online and does some customer service stuff at the same time, but it ALSO gives me a sort of break from the other work I have to do in the day.

There's more to Paizo than supporting Pathfinder Society. There's more to Pathfinder Society than supporting folks with pre-generated characters. We have to prioritize our tasks and jobs and duties so that what HAS to be done gets done before what SHOULD be done. Now, rest assured, by posting to these boards and letting us know that you're unhappy with the pregenerated characters, you've managed to up the priority of the "fix the pre-gen characters" project from where it was before you posted. That shift in priority is not visible to...

Actually James. I though Jreyst was very polite in his question and response. Mark asked a dumb ass question

Dismay and surprise that we recognize the pregens are less than optimal and don't encourage people to play with them at local gamedays and conventions? Or dismay and surprise that we've added them to the todo list to improve?

While I can understand you post, yes even the best of jobs can get a bit old, this forum would have to be considered a customer support / customer service forum, and if you are going to open the door for a customer to vent furstration, (as Mark did with his post) it's not just impolite, but a bad busness model to taunt them afterwards.

We (customers) pay you (business) for a product and when the product does not meet what I would consider basic criteria for publishing (IE your charcters abiding by your ruleset for your RPG society) expect a little frustration.

If that is difficult to handle, I woudl suggest not getting on the forums to take a break from the frustrations of the daily grind.

But that is just my 2 cents, take it for what it's worth....


Mark Moreland wrote:
jreyst wrote:
These would take less than one day for someone to fix. I don't understand the delay.
And what other priority would you suggest be delayed to allow this unscheduled "less than one day" to be squeezed into an already busy schedule?

How about the following:

1. Stop production on any additonal products, until current products are correct.

2. Stop Superstar 2011 until current products are correct.
(buy hey, I am just a big fan of making sure things are correct before moving forward)

Alternative Solution: Ask any any number of qualified, eductated volunteers currently discussing issues like this for assistance. I am sure one person would be willing to fix issues, discuss changes to ensure they are correct and repost them back to Piazio for publication.
