
chrisofd3ath's page

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Well if that is the full text of the feat then yeah, looks like 6 additional damage on a fireball. So think of it like an extra die, i suppose? It really doesn't seem worth a 2 level increase to me. I guess it would be alright (mediocre) for area damage from the fireball, 6 damage hitting all targets (if there were a lot). I wouldn't take it over empower or the like. You only need do 12 damage for empower to be equal.

Not sure about the ninja trick, but agree with Cheapy whole-heartedly about the actually having to be drunk thing. If I was DMing and a player tried to play a drunken master with poison immunity to ignore being drunk, i'd rule he couldn't activate the alcohol-fueled abilities. It's completely against the Idea and intent of the class and is smacking roleplay in the face, IMHO anyway. Just my .02.

Man, that seems really harsh. Nat armor to DR and BAB to dex ac and you're not allowed to take a level of sorc? I mean, my DM usually lets me play what I want (barring complete gamebreaking insanity), but i understand most rulings to ban classes that I hear about. Just seems like fun-sucking. Maybe it's just me.

I do whatever i need to fit my concept. If it can be done with a single class, i do it. However, if it needs more than one class to be what I want him to be, i'll dip without a 2nd thought. I dunno why it's a black and white thing for you. Consider me very happy in my gray area.

Damage dice by 5 LEVELS. Not +5 damage dice.

My word, skynet the evil intelligent amulet just happened.

Ghost touch allows you to hit incorporeal things

Edit: Ninja'd with a better response :(

It states that you possess your shadow. No, it doesn't state you lose your attacks, but you become incorporeal so your normal attacks no longer apply, incorporeal creatures can't hit physical ones. Therefore, they give you the shadow's strength damage touch attack. You only get the one. I'm surprised this isn't obvious due to the fact your buffed familiar almost solo'd a dragon.

If your DM wants to allow you to abuse the hell out of a spell that doesn't at all do what you're trying to do, by all means do it, abuse it, and let your familiar destroy combat with 3d6 str damage. But realize it doesn't say your attacks (natural or otherwise) do strength damage, it says you gain the shadow's str damage special ability.