Lunar Mystery gives you an animal companion with some restrictions, so now on to the questions.
1. Do the Archetypes stack? They mess with solo tactics, but I'm not sure that change is enough. Not familiar with how delayed features stack.
2. Do the Companions stack? I'm pretty sure if the features were exact copies they would not, but its a hunter companion and a restricted druid so I'm not sure.
3. Does the Druid Companion benefit from my teamwork feats?
So I have been GM'ing a Hi-lvl Mythic Adventures Pathfinder game for a while now and recently was theory crafting a spellcaster that would give the PC's a decent challenge.
What I realized however is that Arcane Surge (Su) due to being a supernatural ability likely doesn't follow the Casting Time rules preventing multiple swift casts.
Then I saw how this could be abused by adding in a Corset of Delicate Moves since it is also triggering a supernatural ability and the Borrowed Time spell to bring us up to 4 spells in a round.
Is this legal? I feel like I am missing something here, I know mythic gets crazy but this is a level beyond what I normally find.
Ty. Found the relevant paragraph. I thought I was missing something. It turns out the powers that stated their actions were the exception, not the rule.
Im building a high level monk at the moment for my PC's to battle and noticed the Elemental Burst lvl 18 ki power. It looks like it might be a free action to activate since I see no action listed in the ability or the Ki pool class feature.
Can anyone confirm this for me?
Link to ki powers:
I have built a Mithral Colossus based on the Iron Golem and its Colossus counterpart. It came out much more powerful than I was expecting and wanted to get some feedback on tuning this thing. It feels like its DPR is very high, but it still has the possibility of being turn 1 killed by the party. Are there ways around this game of rocket tag other than concealment bonuses or overstated hp?
AC 45, Touch 11, Flat-footed 35 (+7 Dex, +2 Dodge, +34 natural, -8 Size)
HP 385 (30d10+220)
Fort +10 Ref +17 Will +10
DR 15/Epic, evasion; Immune construct traits, magic
Speed: 60ft
Melee: 2 slams +43 (8d6+21)(B) or stomp +43 (8d6+31 plus pinning stomp)(B)
Power Attack: 2 slams +35 (8d6+45)(B) or stomp +35 (8d6+67)(B)
Ranged: Ballista, Gate Breaker +37 (6d8)(B)
Watchtower Form: +37/+32/+27/+22 (6d8)(B)
Space: 30ft; Reach 30ft
Special Attacks: Mythic Power (9/day, Surge+1d10), Mythic quickening, pinning stomp, Fluid Form, Quickness
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 19th; concentration +22)
3/day- Invisibility, Greater
1/day- Polar Ray +37 to hit vs touch
Str 52, Dex 24, Con --, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 16
Base Atk +30; CMB +59; CMD 75
8 Feats: Combat Expertise, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Whirlwind Attack, Toughness, Power Attack, Run
7 MFeats: Mythic Combat Expertise, Mythic Dodge, Mythic Mobility, Mythic Spring Attack, Mythic Whirlwind Attack, Mythic Toughness, Mythic Power Attack
Special Abilites
Selective Antimagic Aura (Su)
The spell Haste is unaffected by this field.
Fluid Form (Ex)
A mithral colossus’s body can take on a form like liquid silver as a free action.
While in this form, the mithral golem’s reach increases by 10 feet and its DR becomes
15/bludgeoning and epic. A mithral colossus in this form can also move through any
crack or hole in a wall or door, no matter how small, without impeding its movement.
A mithral golem can maintain this form for up to 15 rounds per day, but these rounds do
not need to be consecutive. Reverting to its normal form is a free action.
Quickness (Ex)
A mithral colossus is incredibly quick. It can take an extra move action during its turn each
round. This means it can move up to its speed and still make a full attack.
Siege Tower (Ex)
An mithral colossus’s ballista does not provoke attacks of opportunity, and it reloads itself at the start of the colossus’s turn.
Alternate Form (Ex)
As a full-round action the mithral colossus can transform into a watchtower 100 ft tall,
becoming completely immobile and unable to make melee attacks.
While in this form the mithral colossus gains DR 30/Epic, Fast Healing 20 and
the mithral colossus's Antimagic Aura radius increases to 1 mile.
While the mithral colossus is in watchtower form it is able to reload its ballista as
a free action and is unable to use its Fluid Form ability. The mithral colossus can
end this form as a move action.
This is a quick question asking whether there has ever been a official FAQ on the Alchemists ability to take the Eschew Material feat. The reason for this question is entirely to do with the "Full Pouch" spell and its potential for significant abuse during downtime with this feat to aquire a large arsenal of weapons.
Do these work together? I am cosidering droping this item as a reward and I cant quite decide if either or both of these deeds work with it.
Firedrake pistol
This hefty +1 flaming pistol is elaborately carved with its barrel in the semblance of a roaring dragon and its grip wrapped in polished red dragonhide. When firing ordinary ammunition, the wielder may choose to have the firedrake pistol deal all of its damage as fire damage instead of normal damage. In addition, as a standard action the wielder may expend 1 unit of ammunition and create a cone of fire equivalent to burning hands rather than resolving that shot as a normal attack
Targeted Blast (Ex) At 1st level, when using a firearm or siege engine that targets an area rather than a specific creature, the siege gunner can spend 1 grit point to focus the brunt of the blast on a single creature within the target area. The target creature takes 1 additional point of damage for each level the siege gunner possesses. This is precision damage and is not multiplied on a critical hit. At 5th level and for every 5 levels the siege gunner possesses beyond that, she can select an additional creature to target with this bonus damage. Targets must be selected before any attack rolls or saving throws are made.
This ability replaces deadeye.
Scattershot (Ex) At 3rd level, if the siege gunner has at least 1 grit point, she can increase the effectiveness of scattering shots from hand-held firearms and blast shots from siege engines. The cone radius of scattering shots or blast shots increases by 5 feet for every three levels the siege gunner possesses (to a maximum of 30 feet at 18th level).
Though I know you're mostly looking a the Carribbean region and time, have you considered blending elements of Spain and Portugal into your Silver Mold group? This would lend toward the concept of deeper colonization and help explain the rise of a cultural normative. Alternatively, having a pre-Silver Mold host of explorers and "missionaries" (whether religious or not) would allow for a kind of secondary instigation local unity/linguistic homogeny that you had in the area and its border lands. Similarly, a powerful French-stand-in influence prior to the current time.
Note: I'm not suggesting that you have actual France or Spain, only pointing out that those two countries were huge influences in the establishment of the Carribbean as it was, and it both dehomogenizes and unifies the local flavor to have those conflicting influences in a place that contained its own ancient and proud heritage.
Well Cordellia in many ways represents France and contains elements of Spain as well with their silver trade. The Empire was in many ways meant more to represent a colonial Britain. There is quite a bit of religious stuff I have but I haven't posted it yet.
I want to get some feedback on this campaign setting I have put a lot of work into now. As I'm sure if anyone has experience with this kind of in-depth construction I would find them here and every suggestion helps.
I have for the past few months been working on what I would describe as my end all campaign setting. I realized after GM'ing for a few years that I really love a romanticized version of the Caribbean period. Something about the sea, the secluded cults, new land, political intrigue and everyones favorite: Pirates! So I went about creating the area I refer to as the Dorals. The Dorals are in between North and South Doralden. The area is quite a bit bigger than the Caribbean which is named after only a single sea. In fact the Dorals contains 4 distinct bodies of water due to the positioning of the island chains.
The link to the map I currently use is here
It represents almost every location I have planned
Rules: This setting uses the Commonplace Guns ruleset, A ban on advanced firearms and extensive use of Occult adventures.
A big part of this setting was to really focus on the idea that their were world powers vying for control over this region and its wealth and I will explain how I have done that here.
The Empire of the Silver Mold
The Empire is the first and largest faction and takes a role much like colonial Britain. The Empire is interested in permanent settlements, wealth and imports. They allow one to sell themselves into slavery in order pay off one debts and have a fairly standard royal cast system. They alone currently understand how to smelt platinum properly and for that reason platinum coins are always of Empire mint. A man of ignoble birth known as the Cardinal is currently in charge of the Empire's holdings. Their populations tend to go as follows: Humans>Elves>Dwarves=Gnomes.
The Cordellian Republic
Cordellia was until recently a very similar nation to the Empire and on the outset of the Dorals they pursued many of the same goals. One of their main achievements included the discovery of massive silver deposits already uncovered by the natives and since that their location has been the most closely guarded secret in Cordellia. On the mainland Cordellia underwent a massive uprising which completely killed of the nobility and formed a indirect republic where speakers from different districts go to converse, but are not elected. Instead the system is based on education and influence. This sent huge waves overseas to the Dorals, many of which forced currently ruling lords to take more humble titles or leave altogether. Cordellia no longer expands in the Dorals and their settlements are largely left there to allow the flow of silver to the mainland. Their populations tend to go as follows: Humans=Elves>Gnomes>>>Dwarves.
The Duchy of Francis Pup
The Duke of Brass Francis Pup was sent to manage the Dorals on the Empire's behalf. About a year into his reign he seceded from the Empire taking a entire fleet of 40 ships with him. The currently sits back just past the Murdel sea. Occasionally coming out in a attempt to sack cities and inspire fear in merchantmen. His secession has lead to a huge rise in pirate activity who use his fleet as cover from the Empire's much smaller Fleet. His end goals are unclear, but it is safe to assume he wishes to control the Dorals. Maybe even all of Doralden itself. He has taken many of the local natives into his ranks, which tend to be Halflings and Orcs. Populations as follows Humans>Halflings>Elves>Orcs.
The Farrunners
The Farrunners represent large factions of somewhat civilized nations engaged in feudal struggles over resources and dominance. Many of these people come sailing over to the Dorals in invasion fleets in a attempt to sack ships and cities to bring glory to themselves and their nation. They tend to have a complexion closer to Mediterranean than European. Populations as follows: Humans>Elves
I will be editing this post as I go so expect more to show up on it.
I have been working on a sandbox campaign setting for I guess a few months now and I am attempting to find the correct thread to receive some critical feedback. This seems to be the right place, but everyone appears to be talking about the nuances of different Pazio campaign settings. Am I in the right place or is there another thread I should go to?
I like the once per/day on the ring of drain youth. Since it is a artifact I'll have to figure out what they get on the identify which could lead to some interesting gaps in knowledge.
It makes it easy to get the immortality but takes out the ability to use it as a regular weapon due its ability to explode. I might switch it to 2% per charge however. If I ever give this item to the PC's I wonder how they will how they will justify its use. Question for you: If the ring loses all of its charges due they go back to their true age? Or do they just start aging again?
The hourglass is really good. I might want to tone down the cure to Heal or something around that level, but it gets that tension in breaking out a dangerous weapon that I'm trying to get. I like the percentages however. Maybe ill go from 2/5 to 1/4 but it seems decent. Abuse is a problem, but immortality isn't especially important for adventures, but highly sought by rulers.
The Dust of Decay has a lot of potential as a magical splash weapon and I can see quite a few uses for it. I think I can give it to Cult masters of a group I haven't introduced yet.
Thanks for all the help. I do like the flavor of aging spells and the manipulation of time and life-force, which is largely unrepresented in pathfinder. Ty for the help I wouldn't have gotten this far without your help and I hope you get something out of this as well.
It fits in line with some old dnd cleric spells. Maybe i should just make it way easier to cure and perhaps single target will negates and a minor artifact. Loses that hourglass cone flavor but thats not too important. No... then there is no risk involved in using the thing which was part of the point. Yeah im just going to use the ring i was basing this off of and save this for later.
I think I can safely say this is one of those items that turned out way stronger than I wanted it. Your right about the cl 16 though might just say wish, miracle and call it a day. Im not entirely sure how to make it much weaker though without a complete redesign so I will likely have to keep this one in the files for later and make somthing else. It worked for the campign i was running due to the lack of extremely important single targets, but I could see avenues for abuse I dont care for. Im going to save it as a super weapon for a high level boss then and find a diffrent item for right now.
I have been working on balancing this item for about a day now and decided to bring it here. It started off as a normal item, but its effect clearly warranted artifact status. I have come here to ask how do any of you rate this item, it is supposed to be powerful but very dangerous to use.
Ring of Flowing Sands (Major Artifact)
Aura strong necromancy CL 15
Slot ring; Price ?; Weight -
This beautiful platinum ring is crowned with the brilliant cut emerald that has a hourglass very faintly etched into it. This ring, considered by many to be the secret to immortality, allows the wearer once per week to project a 30 foot cone of aging that bestows two permanent magical age categories (Ref Half DC 16). It then projects another 30 ft cone behind the wearer that includes themself that removes a equivalent amount of age categories, divided by the number of people in the cone from each person. Those behind the wearer may also attempt to evade, but the wearer gains no save. Wish, Miracle or Heal casted by someone of CL 16 or higher can reverse these changes. This ring bonds with the person after their first use and does not come off until their death.
As an added penalty to the infant category the affected lose their memories and require serious aid in the form of a seprate Wish or Miracle to regain them.
If the effect pushes them to a age category not on this list they are immediately slain (Will/Fort 20 Negates), Resisting this effect puts you in stable comatose.
Use magic device:
Reverse the effect so that you age: DC 20
Remove yourself from the effect: DC 40
I have updated the item based on Bob's suggestions. Here is the current item.
Ring of Flowing Sands (Major Artifact)
Aura strong necromancy CL 15
Slot ring; Price ?; Weight -
This beautiful platinum ring is crowned with the brilliant cut emerald that has a hourglass very faintly etched into it. This ring, considered by many to be the secret to immortality, allows the wearer once per week to project a 30 foot cone of aging that bestows two permanent magical age categories (Ref Half DC 16). It then projects another 30 ft cone behind the wearer that includes themself that removes a equivalent amount of age categories, divided by the number of people in the cone from each person. Those behind the wearer may also attempt to evade, but the wearer gains no save. Wish, Miracle or Heal casted by someone of CL 16 or higher can reverse these changes.
As an added penalty to the infant category the affected lose their memories and require serious aid in the form of a seprate Wish or Miracle to regain them.
If the effect pushes them to a age category not on this list they are immediately slain (Will/Fort 20 Negates), Resisting this effect puts you in stable comatose.
Use magic device:
Reverse the effect so that you age: DC 20
Remove yourself from the effect: DC 40
They do stack. Been thinking about that swapping, maybe it should bond to the wearer to prevent that. I stated magical age categories because it would be possible to cure the owner of their age killing them if they were a long time user. Also perhaps a high will or fort save is appropriate for the kill effect. Maybe DC 20 or 25?
I should mention that it doesn't create longer life. Everything has to come from somewhere. If you want to Age a squad of people you are going to take a serious amount of youth.
Perhaps I explained the magic wrong. You add up the amount of magical age categories that you took using the age effect and apply that total divided by all the people in the youth Aoe to determine how many age categories each person loses.
If you hit a lot people you would need a sufficient number of people behind you so you wouldn't die.
I am also likely going to add to unique use magic device checks in that case. One to reverse the effect and one to exclude yourself from the effect. Likely DC 20 and DC 40.
It does mean that the youth Aoe has the potential to be way more dangerous or way less depending on the amount of people in both.
So I've been toying with this quite potent but very dangerous to use magic item and I would enjoy hearing peoples thoughts on it.
I have two questions:
1: Does this magic item seem too powerful or too weak and it what aspects?
2: What should I price such a item at should the PC's attempt to sell it?
Ring of Flowing Sands
Aura moderate necromancy CL 15
Slot ring; Price ?; Weight -
This beautiful platinum ring is crowned with the brilliant cut emerald that has a hourglass very faintly etched into it. This ring, considered by many to be the secret to immortality, allows the wearer once per week to project a 30 foot cone of aging that bestows two permanent magical age categories (Ref Half DC 16). This ring then removes that amount age categories from the wearer and any behind them in a 30 ft cone starting with the wearer and distributing evenly. Those behind the wearer may also attempt to evade, but the wearer gains no save. Wish, Miracle or Heal casted by someone of CL 16 or higher can reverse these changes.
As an added penalty to the infant category the affected lose their memories and require serious aid in the form of a seprate Wish or Miracle to regain them.
If the effect pushes them to a age category not on this list they are immediately slain (no save)
Further still, that ability doesn't even interrupt full attacks. If you instantly move to another adjacent location to the creature, it can still finish it's full attack routine on you.
A Fighter with three attacks who misses his first can still hit you with his 2nd or 3rd attack...or select any other enemy with those attacks that are adjacent to him.
Yep just saw that, huh guess you could use step up in conjunction with this, but that doesn't seem to useful.
Look guys I'm not here for the short answer. I looking for interpretations of the rules to come up with a answer based on the material Pazio has provided.
Creatures have 360 vision, generally. Just because you are behind someone does not mean you have cover from them.
Also, I think Deception domain's power is after an attack misses you, so you can't use it to cancel an attack. Just something I noticed.
IE: It would cancel a FULL attack sorry I didn't make that clear.
On the 360 vision note that can't be right because there are abilities that give you 'eyes in the back of your head" and some monsters have this trait so I think cone of vision applies.
Could be wrong though not sure. Sneak attack was always one of the hardest things to GM.
Recently I have been messing around with in combat sneak attacks and how to perform them and stumbled across something I don't know the answer to. I was messing around with a very strange Cleric/Rouge Multiclass to see the viability of the build. I realized that the Deception Subdomain includes a reactive teleport allowing you to effectively get directly behind your opponent, fully canceling their attack.
So my question is fairly simple if I was to teleport directly behind my opponent and then attack them in the back does that count as total concealment (assuming no blind sense) and therefore a trigger for a sneak attack?
I brought this up with some of the players I GM and we couldn't find a spot in the rules that indicated one way or the other.
The victim does not have line of sight, but he is not surprised. It seemed a lot like like a invisible attacker to me. A person who still qualifies for sneak attacks due to the opponents not being able to see where the strikes are coming from.
The problem being that this seems a little powerful due to how strong this ability would be considering it is obtained at first level.
Im guessing someone on the forums will have something for this one so I post it here in the hopes of resolving this question.
So I found out it is possible to go into the Master Spy Prestige Class at lvl 3. Its requirements are:
7 Bluff
7 Disguise
5 Perception
5 Sense Motive
And two feats Iron will and Deceitful
If you play a human rouge with 16-18 int and sink your favored class bonus into skill points you will get 13-14 skill points per level which gives you enough at lvl 2 to take all the required ranks. The extra feat gives you both feats at lvl 1 so you are set to take the prestige class at lvl 3.
Im pretty sure this is the earliest you can prestige with any class and it might not even be half bad. I intend to try it out in a casual campaign with my friends in a couple weeks.
I mean Fighters are basically the putty of classes. They are as interesting or as bland as you make them and would draw more not their class, but their weapons, styles, and philosophies about fighting.
The blacksmith who makes his own gear and then kills with it
The grizzled trapper with bear traps and all manner of survival equipment
The fencer with his aristocratic/rogish background and his focus on acrobatics
The poisoner who focuses on always having a edge and takes alchemy to make sure he does.
The blademaster who carries more arms than a small platoon and can use every one of them
The spellbreaker who devoted his life to defeating mages
The iron wall who's only goal is to take as much heat off of his allies as possible
I mean the Caviler, Brawler, Swashbuckler, Magus, Warpriest, Gunslinger, Paladin, Ranger and in some ways the Barbarian and Monk are all related to the core of a Fighter.
You can make a mimic of anyone of those classes with the Fighter base (needing some wizard and cleric to supplement)
Basically the Fighter is the sandbox of the melee classes. You can go in whatever direction you want will it.
Lost cities are planned, but not to any massive degree at the moment. I want to do a El Dorado style adventure though.
Cannibals are currently planned to be The Chapel of the Red Crow. I don't want to overuse the gimmick.
Yes there will be a hurricane season and I have a few other tricks to make nature quite terrifying out at sea.
Im not sure if I want to add a bermuda triangle location, but the corkscrew sea is prone to sudden whirlpools.
Ghost ships will be a small thing, whether they are actually supernatural or simply arcane I haven't decided.
I could see a Island where people with plague are brought to die and I could see plague ships which sounds like a welcome addition. I would imagine plague bearers could often be sent to the blue light sanctuary however.
Kraken happening. I have a old pc who had a lot of dealings with the kraken before so there might be some special flavor when it shows up.
The treasure fits right in actually so I really appreciate that and intend to make that a potential quest.
The Island thing I've seen done, maybe, but I think I have a better idea.
I like the idea of a ship graveyard, but I don't think the setting is old enough to warrant one. Perhaps one will develop as time passes.
The Sargasso sea really couldn't exist inside the Caribbean, but if the setting expands to encompass the world I make sure to add a counterpart.
The changing fences are a great idea, I will also occasionally empty out some of the pirate havens so not even those are a safe bet.
Ok, I think I covered everything. If anyone has more to add that would be appreciated, but I couldn't thank everyone enough for the contributions so far.
Well thank you so much Im getting list of all the non-character things I want to add and will post that at some point. For the moment I wanted to show you the characters I have generated. Some of these I had planned out a ways back, but most of them are fairly recent here they are!
Some Characters of Renown
Tomas Balton AKA: Storm’s Child
Human CE Male
Lvl 5-8 Barbarian (Sea Reaver)
The brutal captain of the Storm’s Oath. Known for taking ships the defy his flag by himself, with maximum casualties…
Location?: Murdel sea
Master Joun
Orc LN Male
Lvl 5-7 Monk (Smoke Style)
The Watcher of the gates at Mt. Ipu and a dedicated master of most heavily guarded secret on the island.
Location?: Mt. Ipu
Natalia Bowyer AKA: The Cardinal’s Wing
Elf N Female
Lvl 3-9 Inquisitor
One of the shadowy hands of the Cardinal in his quest to root out heresy in all manners possible. Brutal and efficient, encounters are usually quite public as to gain the support of the crowd and executions are paraded around as trophies. Natalia considers this necessary because of her god, not her commander.
Location?: Whisper Hills
Lord Vega
Human LG Male
Lvl 6-8 Fighter
A Noble of some real talent, most known for downing a red dragon personally in a huge fight in Balden. Making the story even more wild it seems that he caught and climbed up the dragon mid-flight and stabbed his sword into its skull. This hurtled him and the dragon into the sea where by he is said to have swam almost a mile before a boat noticed him and put him aboard. The dragon is currently being recovered, but not a soul in the town tells the story any different. If anything the story gets more grand with every passing day.
Location?: Balden
Human CG Male
Lvl 2-5 Occultist
A Seer and Soothsayer known to give very cryptic hints. Some say he is a very honest man, but many more say he is more than willing to cheat any gullible fool out of their money. He may even say he is both of these things.
Location?: Mudd
Jeralt Fetcher AKA: The Cardinal
Half-Elf LE Male
Lvl 8-14 Fighter
Possibly the most well known man in Dorals. He is vicious, cruel and has made a public oath to rid heresy from the land in its entirety. He acts on behalf of the empire and effectively acts as ruler of its dominions in the new world. He is well known for his silver nose and terrible temper.
Location?: Cardinal’s Roost
Sylph NE Female
Lvl 3-4 Witch
A almost unknown figure seen in the west of Salt’s Swamp.
Location?: Salt’s Swamp
Halfling NG Male
Lvl 3-4 Druid
A almost unknown figure seen in the east of Salt’s Swamp.
Location?: Salt’s Swamp
Captain Redgut (hat’s off to cupcake)
Dwarf N Male
Lvl 2-5 Fighter
A relatively successful freebooter with a collection of very fine wines at his small estate on Sandpoint.
Location?: Sandpoint
High Seer Voi (hat’s off to mellowgoth)
Elf N Female
Lvl 7-10 Oracle
Known to be able to see the live of those that died at see and conjure the spirits of those who drowned. Often sought for consolation as she gives her services to any who ask.
Location?: Blue Light Sanctuary
Inquisitor Quill
Human NG Male
Lvl 6-9 Wizard
Sent by the Cordeliian mages to seek, record and collect all possible knowledge in the area. Most ships generally steer away from their flag, fearing the wizard’s ire in approaching any closer.
Location?: Eldin Sea
Lepidus Vern AKA: The Bloody Crow
Human NE Male
Lvl 2-5 Cleric
The priest of The Chapel of the Red Crow. Not much is known of the mission other than its fondness of visitors and its unusual choice of gods. A generally happy and jovial man, usually meeting those who dock personally to welcome them.
Location?: The Chapel of the Red Crow
Im going to make a large character list of infamous and famous bards would sing about to populate the world on that suggestion. Ty for the excellent idea!
- An intelligent wood golem who lost a leg and had it replaced with a human leg.
- An awakened parrot (probably named Polly) who mind controls the captain whose shoulder it sits on.
- Blackbeard. A dwarf, of course.
- Probably some kind of ghost ship, with skeletal pirates.
Those are pretty good. I actually really like the wood golem and polly sounds like a good idea. Into the note pad they go!
This is only from one island but might help...I searched Caribbean folklore and found this. Note a number of these creatures such as the dumpy already have stats
Thanks. It was weird I couldn't see your url at first, but now I've got it. Some good material here I'll add it to my notepad! ty
I would also suggest the critical feats and possibly the combat expertise feats with perhaps a feint slant. Though considering how many weapons you would be throwing out a star-knife build may be viable for those big x3 crits.
Make a bard who crops up at taverns/towns all over the area and sings of legendary persons and events; from this you can insert your rumors and such, while having a fun time with it....
Dang thats something I really should use thats perfect. ty
Voodoo! Assuming you're basing slavery on the historical Triangle, slaves might have access to magic their captors do not. If the PCS become liberators, they get those powers or boons. As opressors, they have to fight it.
I definitely intend to use this, I don't think my trade will resemble the historical triangle though and may stretch a bit farther east due to some of the wars I have been thinking of for the history of the world.
Occult magic will definitely be at odds with the arcane and I love how that could go. ty
Do you mean historical Caribbean, or movie Caribbean? Because if you were thinking historical then watch the movies. They'll help.
Sure, I mean this is what I got out of games, historical documents and movies and now I'm asking what others got out those things to make my campaign more fleshed out.