celtoid's page

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celtoid wrote:
miniaturepeddler wrote:

Error found:
Curved Elven blade allows access to the Weapon Finesse Feat for using Dex for bonus to hit (just like Rapier and light weapons), special feature of the CEB
Has this been looked at or is there a work around for it?

Sorry, I was specifying which attack bonus to use, so that was my bad.

However I believe that I have found a simple error, the spreadsheet doesn't give rogues composite shortbow proficiency. This is in the PRPG_CS_v_0_7_6 version.

miniaturepeddler wrote:

Error found:
Curved Elven blade allows access to the Weapon Finesse Feat for using Dex for bonus to hit (just like Rapier and light weapons), special feature of the CEB

Has this been looked at or is there a work around for it?