cbat007's page

Organized Play Member. 10 posts. No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

Grand Lodge

I was looking at trying to build an intimidate based charactor and i was wondering is there any way to make a creature helpless through imtimidate; ie. frozen in fear?


Grand Lodge

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So just a clarification on Bonded mind; according to the message spell (without whispering or pointing, as per bonded mind) a creature still need mouth the words; is this still true?

One of my groups had a character playing an ooze who was given sentience from a wizard; the ooze was an ooze morph archetype of shifter (I believe its shifter) and could retain a humanoid form for X hours / level in 1 hour incriments.
In the humanoid form the ooze could talk however in ooze form he couldnt as oozes have no way of doing so (there was some houseruleing here done between the player and the GM)

But the Ooze player and a another player gave their charactors bonded mind to hopefullt circumvent the ooze's inability to speak in ooze form, there was a big disscusion of does that make sense, can they communicate with bonded mind while one is an amorphios ooze?