
caubocalypse's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 1,183 posts (1,197 including aliases). 6 reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 9 Organized Play characters.

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The Exchange 4/5

3 people marked this as a favorite.

It is my pleasure to announce that Jesse Davis (aka IronHelixx) is being promoted to Venture-Captain of Online Play. He currently serves as a VL in Houston, as well as a VL of Online Play.

Jesse has plenty of experience and tons of involvement with the online community, even before the decision was made to have Venture-Officers of Online Play. His vision, as well as his deep connections with the online base, have been instrumental in realizing the rapid growth and success of Online Play. He is a natural leader and already fulfilling the duties of a Venture-Captain.

Please help me in congratulating Jesse in his new role!

The Exchange 4/5

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Hey everyone!

So we are soon about to kickoff our first gameday for PbP, but that doesn't cover the extent of all Online Play. The Online VOs are happy to announce the first Online VTT Gameday!

Right now, we are putting out the call for GMs only right now. If you wish to GM, please sign-up here!

Please stay tuned to this thread for updates on when we will release registration to the Warhorn.

How many games can I GM?

You can either 2 scenarios, 1 module, or 1 Sanctioned AP.

Will there be product / boon / prize support?

If we meet the minimum number of tables (which I do not see why we would not), then we will have all of the above.

What are the time slots for this gameday?

All games are listed in EST. They are as follows:

  • 01:00 AM EST
  • 06:00 AM EST
  • 11:00 AM EST
  • 04:00 PM EST
  • 09:00 PM EST

By having more than 2 slots, hopefully these times will be conducive to folks from all over the world.

I do not like open seating. Can I pre-muster my table?

Yes, you may pre-muster your table (there is an option to in the form). After you submit your GM information, you will need to submit the Warhorn usernames of all your players at the e-mail at the end of this post.

Till when can GMs sign-up?

GM sign-ups will close either:

  • When we hit 60 sessions to GM
  • End of day 10/15/2013

We want to make sure we can fill tables. If we hit 60 sessions quickly and they all fill up, we will re-open GM sign-ups. Please stay tuned to this thread for updates regarding GM registration.

Where can I get in contact about more specific questions?

Send the Online VO team an e-mail at PFSOnlineVOs AT gmail DOT com.

The Exchange 4/5

9 people marked this as a favorite.

Hey Everyone,

I know things have been quiet for a while, but we are now getting ready to really start mobilizing the Online Pathfinder Society Community. I, along with the Online VO team, is happy to announce our very first Online Gameday for Play-by-Posts!

Now, you may be asking yourself “How does a gameday happen for Play-by-Posts? You can’t finish those in a day!” Our answer is this: any game registered with the Online VO team will have between Saturday, Oct. 5th, 2013 and Saturday, Jan. 4th, 2014 to complete their scenario. From our experiences with the community, most scenarios can easily be completed within 3 months.

What we currently need are GMs. GM registration is going to be open until Saturday, Sept. 21st, 2013. If you would like to GM, please make sure to fill out this GM Registration Form. After we have your information, we will create a table for you on our Warhorn, which we will be using to manage player sign-ups.

As we get tables all setup on Warhorn, players will be free to join tables. We will close player registration down by Wednesday, Oct. 2nd, 2013 in order to give us a couple of days to finalize the event details for players and GMs.

If you have any questions, please reply to this thread or e-mail us at PFSOnlineVOs AT gmail DOT com and we'll make sure to get you an answer.

We look forward to bringing you this gameday, as well as other VTT gamedays in the very near future. And always remember:

Explore, Report, Cooperate!


The PFS Online Venture-Officer Team

The Exchange 4/5

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Hey everyone,

I know I have been quiet recently, but the Online VO team is busy planning some exciting things that we will release in the very near future.

In the meantime, I want the Online Community to help celebrate a very important holiday that happens on Sept. 19th: Talk Like A Pirate Day!. In order to help celebrate this most amazing of Holidays, I encourage ya landlubbers organize tables of the following scenarios:

- 4-15: Cypermage Dilemma (1-5)
- 0-2: The Hydra Fang Incident (1-5)
- 0-8: Slave Pits of Absalom (1-5)
- 0-20: King Xeros of Old Azlant (7-11)
- 2-13: Murder on the Throaty Mermaid (1-5)
- 0-17: Perils of the Pirate Pact (1-7)
- 0-22: Fingerprints of the Fiend (7-11)
- 1-38: No Plunder, No Pay (7-11)
- Any PFS reportable portion of the Skulls & Shackles AP

And for every scallywag GM and rapscallion player who participates in Online Play, you will be entered into a chance to win some booty: a PDF copy of Pirates of the Inner Sea.

In order to join me crew and win yourself this prize, have your GM e-mail the event number and session number of the game to PFSOnlineVOs AT gmail DOT com so we can verify and generate the list of everyone who played. You have until Monday, Sept. 23 at 12:00 PM EST to submit the information.

Ya best be on your way and plannin' a game. And don't be so greedy, let others in the Community know about this chance. Otherwise I'll have ya walkin' tha plank to sleep in Davy Jone's Locker.

The Exchange 4/5

This is very exciting news!

The Exchange 4/5

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Please help me in welcoming Arthur Perkins & Brandon Cecil as our first two Online Venture-Lieutenants! Both are great organizers of the online community already and will be working with me to bring Online Gameplay to the forefront of Pathfinder Society.

Congratulations to both Arthur and Brandon!

The Exchange 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hey everyone,

I want to first thank all the Pathfinders who have taken up the call to give to build our foundation of online GMs. I currently stand at 71 online GMs and counting. This will make the upcoming planning of game days and online conventions much easier (more on this to come...).

That being said, I want to offer some statistics to the community, for both GMs and players alike, to try and understand what the common VTTs for play and the communication tools used are currently. Along with GM information, I have also collected how each GM runs their games online. The following are percentages, based out of 71 GMs (so if you want to know a count, just multiply the perccentage by 71).

For VTTs:
Roll20.net - 56%
PbP - 42%
MapTools - 13%
D20Pro - 8%
FantasyGrounds - 7%

For Communication Tools*:
Google Hangout - 58%
Skype - 52%
TeamSpeak - 23%
Ventrilo - 17%
Mumble - 10%
TokBox - 1%

*It is assumed that the same percentage of GMs running PbP will use the same method they are running their game - AKA 42%

So what is the point of all this? Well, it is my hope that both GMs and players, but especially players, will use this information to plan accordingly for setting up accounts for the respective popular online VTTs and communication tools.

Stay tuned, because there is a lot more to come... :)

The Exchange 4/5

10 people marked this as a favorite.

As this message board gets more traffic for Online Play, we need to make sure we standardize how we type the subject line for our games. There is a lot of information that players need to know about the game a GM is running.

From now on, please style your subject lines as follows:

[VTT Type / Comm. Type] #XX-YY Scenario or Module Title - Date @ Time (w/ Time Zone)

VTT Type: There are about 6 different types of VTTs that folks utilize for online play (PbP, Roll20.net, FantasyGrounds, D20Pro, MapTools, mIRC). Players need to know what online tabletop they can expect the game to be played with.

Comm. Type: Just like VTTs, there are a plethora of communication tools to use online. They are, (but not limited to) PbP. Skype, Google Hangout, TeamSpeak, Ventrilo, Mumble, TokBox, and mIRC.

#XX-YY Scenario or Module Title: This is to make sure the players know what game they are signing up for.

Date @ Time (with Time Zone): This helps players for fitting the game into their schedule. Also, since Online Play spans the globe, it is important you put the time zone.

An example of the type of header we would like to see is:

[Roll20.net / Google Hangout] 04-26 The Waking Rune - July 18th, 2013 @ 11:30 PM (EST / GMT -05:00)

This subject coneys all the information players need to know what they are signing up for in this game.

PS. Thanks to Sior and members of the Pathfinder Society Online Collective for the prior discussions on this.

The Exchange 4/5

22 people marked this as a favorite.

Welcome Pathfinders!

The Web is a pretty big region to cover, with many different websites, modes of playing (through Play-by-Posts (PbPs) or virtual table tops (VTTs) to name a couple), time zones, and languages. Instead of trying to traverse the Internet and message all the groups, Pathfinder Society saw it befit that we create an exchange on the Paizo forums.

This forum is meant to...
...allow Pathfinders to learn how to play Pathfinder Society on the Internet!
...enable everyone (from GMs to players) to find "How To's" and online seminars on the different methods of play.
...be a central location for organizing online game days (that will have Paizo product and prize support).
...give a space for different online groups a chance to advertise their communities and their games.
...establish an arena to advertise for online conventions (that will also have Paizo support).
...foster an atmosphere of fun for Pathfinder Society Online Community.
...and to do much, much more!

Please make sure to spread this message amongst online communities and let everyone know this is the one-stop shop for all things Pathfinder Society Online. I have no doubt that this 'region' will be one of the biggest for Pathfinder Society.

Thank you, and happy gaming! I look forward to playing and GMing a table online with you soon!

The Exchange 4/5

6 people marked this as a favorite.

I am putting out a call to all online GMs! I am wanting to put together a list of online GMs that I can call upon when we schedule game days or supporting an online convention. I will not be giving out this information to anyone but other Online VOs (when we designate more). If you can, please Private Message me the following information (or look at my Paizo profile and get my e-mail):

Paizo Account E-mail:
PFS #:
Time Zone (UTC +/-):
VTT You Run Games On: PbP, Roll20.net, MapTools, D20Pro, Fantasy Grounds, etc. – list all VTTs you run games on
Communication Method: Skype, Google Hangout, Ventrilo, etc. - list how you chat with your players

I appreciate you filling out this information. As an Online GM, you will be given access to scenarios you run on officially supported game days (of sufficient size) and conventions, just like your analog counterparts (and I will run separate 'gamedays' for PbPs). I will also be working with Paizo to offer prize support, in the form of downloadable PDFs to your Paizo account, for both GMs and players.

I look forward to working with the online community to promote current channels for gaming and expand the digital presence of Pathfinder Society. If you have any other questions regarding this or Online Play, feel free to PM / e-mail me. Thanks!

The Exchange 4/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.

The Pathfinder Society of Florida website!

We're proud to announce the launch of the Pathfinder Society of Florida website! From Miami to Pensacola, this website is here to help you find Pathfinder Society games throughout the entire Sunshine State. Make this your one stop shop to find game days at stores and weekend-long conventions!

Please make sure to sign up on the forums, because that's where you'll find information on upcoming games in your area. And if you currently host Pathfinder Society games and are looking to get a bigger draw, Pathfinder Society of Florida will make sure to do everything in our power to support your games through our site!

We know Floridians are at the forefront of Pathfinder Society play, and it's time we all come together to show how strong we are! Let's show what we already know: Florida is THE state for Pathfinder Society Organized Play!

The Exchange

Can you buy potions of spells that have a range of 'Personal' by RAW? The only text I can find in the Core that relates to this is:

It can duplicate the effect of a spell of up to 3rd level that has a casting time of less than 1 minute and targets one or more creatures or objects.

For instance, a potion of shield only has 1 target ('you'), meets the casting time limit requirement. Thoughts?

The Exchange 4/5

3 people marked this as a favorite.

The Ruby Phoenix Tournament is an awesome module and I highly recommend playing it. I had an amazing time with it and look forward to GMing it one day. That being said, this module touches on a mechanic from Ultimate Combat, and adds an extra layer interaction for players (not to mention, the chronicle sheet offers a boon if the players excel at this new system). That being said, the module gives a brief blurb about the Performance Combat system and it's DCs, but doesn't go at length into it because there probably wasn't enough room in the word count to really flesh it out.

After reading the rules and taking a look at the different combats, I've developed a nice little guide for figuring out the DCs for the combats and the bonuses each NPC has to their rolls. I typed out exactly how I calculated each number, just so you can see the method to my madness. Please follow the link:

Performance Combat DCs for The Ruby Phoenix Tournament.

Now, while the DCs are assumed for a party of 4 PCs, the Performance Combat system is challenging enough without access to Performance feats and other things not legal for PFS. So, I would recommend not changing the DCs I have listed, despite what modifiers you could add based on outnumbering, total # of combatants, etc.

I also taking the time to have you and your players to read the entire Performance Combat system. If you plan on using it, make sure each PC calculates the bonus to their rolls and know when the CAN make a check vs. when they NEED to make a check. And don't forget that PCs can take an 'Aid Another' action to give a bonus to someone else's Performance check. GMs also need to keep in mind if the party all starts with a VP, because that can automatically start the crowd with an improved attitude, depending if everyone has at least 1 VP, 2 VPs, etc. Lastly, remember that to get Victory Points for a bout the PCs don't have to make the crowd helpful, they just have to make the crowd love them more than they love their enemies. :)

I hope this helps any GMs planning to run this module in the future. I'll keep it updated for any changes that come down the pipeline.

The Exchange

13 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Answered in the FAQ.

The title of the thread says it all. Can you cast Time Stop while you're in Time Stop to give yourself more rounds?

The Exchange

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

So I know the lord's banner (crusades) gives off a hallow effect. Does that mean you get the full use of the spell hallow and can choose which other spell is in effect due to the hallow?

I'm incline to say yes, due to the cost and because a darkskull is significantly cheaper and does allow a secondary spell effect. What do people think?

Necessary links:
lord's banner (crusades)

The Exchange

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

I was wondering if a cleric can cast consecrate on their armor and constantly walk around with it emanating from them. Here is the spell text:

CRB wrote:

School evocation [good]; Level cleric 2

Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a vial of holy water and 25 gp worth of silver dust), DF
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Area 20-ft.-radius emanation
Duration 2 hours/level
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no

This spell blesses an area with positive energy. The DC to resist positive channeled energy within this area gains a +3 sacred bonus. Every undead creature entering a consecrated area suffers minor disruption, suffering a –1 penalty on attack rolls, damage rolls, and saves. Undead cannot be created within or summoned into a consecrated area. If the consecrated area contains an altar, shrine, or other permanent fixture dedicated to your deity, pantheon, or aligned higher power, the modifiers given above are doubled (+6 sacred bonus to positive channeled energy DCs, –2 penalties for undead in the area).

You cannot consecrate an area with a similar fixture of a deity other than your own patron. Instead, the consecrate spell curses the area, cutting off its connection with the associated deity or power. This secondary function, if used, does not also grant the bonuses and penalties relating to undead, as given above.

Consecrate counters and dispels desecrate.

I think you could rule either way. The text of the spell leans toward making it a fixed point, and definitely a fixed point if you want to get the bonus from having an altar or a shrine. Thoughts?

The Exchange 4/5

Just out of curiosity, are there any groups brought their characters out of retirement to play Academy of Secrets and / or Tomb of the Iron Medusa? Just wondering how many folks have taken this opportunity since it is now available.

The Exchange

Simple question with hopefully a simple answer. Does a Ring of Regeneration make a Holy Vindicator immune to his own bleed damage while his stigmata are open? Relevant text here:

APG wrote:
Stigmata (Su): A vindicator willingly gives his blood in service to his faith, and is marked by scarified wounds appropriate to his deity. He may stop or start the flow of blood by force of will as a standard action; at 6th level it becomes a move action, and at 10th level it becomes a swift action. Activating stigmata causes bleed damage equal to half the vindicator's class level, and this bleed damage is not halted by curative magic.
CRB wrote:
Ring of Regeneration: This white gold ring is generally set with a large green sapphire. When worn, the ring continually allows a living wearer to heal 1 point of damage per round and an equal amount of nonlethal damage. In addition, he is immune to bleed damage while wearing a ring of regeneration. If the wearer loses a limb, an organ, or any other body part while wearing this ring, the ring regenerates it as the spell. In either case, only damage taken while wearing the ring is regenerated.

Bolded emphasis is my own, hoping to know how these two things interact.

The Exchange 4/5

I'm excited!

The Exchange

Please oh please make the Holy Vindicator into a metal mini. I would have so many uses for that character!

The Exchange

4 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

So although this comes up in PFS a lot, I think this question is better suited for all of Pathfinder. How do you let a player know how to destroy a haunt? There is no DC set for a GM to tell a player the text following "Destruction." I believe this is something that could go in the GMG FAQ / errata.

I would venture to say the DC for a Knowledge (religion) check would be 15 + CR of Haunt. Thoughts?

The Exchange

So a friend of mine and I were glossing over Inner Sea Magic and we both came to the conclusion that Golarion is overloaded with evil higher level casters. The only non-sketchy folks are Artokus the 20th level alchemist and Galfrey the Paladin leader of Mendev and a couple others, but no good guys have reached past 15th level in their spellcasting class.

And BTW, no wonder Andoran can't do anything against Cheliax. Have you seen how loaded their ruling class is? No wondering the devils have not run amok in Cheliax. What the?!

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