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drowranger80 wrote:
Not sure if anyone realized this, but the simple blasts all specify if they are a ranged attack or ranged touch. The "weapon" ones are ranged attacked for weapon type damages at 1d6+1 per 2 lvls + full con mod. The "magic" one are ranged touch for energy damage at 1d6 per 2 lvls +half con mod.

yep you get to pick between damage and accuracy.

given how the forms work, you will of course want one of the higher damage ones for them, so most people will probably take the combined element thingy at 7 for that if they picked the ranged touch option

Malwing wrote:
Athansor wrote:

I definitely don't agree that the different elements need to be balanced in terms of mobility, even slightly. I'd rather they were actually very different and not all balanced around the same model so you get a different experience playing different ones. Some sorcerer bloodlines get fly, and some don't, there's no reason to treat these any differently.

That said, if earth did have something to help it move it should be earth glide. The only thing is I would limit the speed to something like half of base movement or it'll end up just as good, if not better than, as flight.

This. If they were functionally the same the options don't really matter that much. Some are going to come out 'better' for practical or environmental reasons but I wouldn't want a class that has an five different options that amount to the same thing.

why to people think that two things can't be different if they are the same power level?

all the elements should be about as moble as each other, just in different ways.

so at 6 air can fly, earth can burrow, lightning can teleport ect. What should NOT happen is having air getting fly, and then giving two others a gimped version of fly at a higher level.

teleport Vs fly Vs burrow would play very different, but would all be about as powerful as each other.

Malwing wrote:
captpike wrote:
Malwing wrote:

Well do the other elements have something as good earlier than air? (I ask because I don't have the playtest document in front of me. ) if so then I think that's legit. I don't think the class is entitled to flight specifically.

In the area of mobility no, air reigns supreme.
Well that's not what I asked. Of course air reigns supreme in mobility, thematically that just makes sense, just like I just assume that earth has way more defenses than the other elements and have no mobility abilities whatsoever. I meant something that is just as good as flying that air cannot do or replicate.

that would be comparing apples and oranges. How much damage is being able to fly worth? how hit is being able to make cast grease worth?

In precise mathematical terms (with the proof) how much is 10ft of flight speed worth in damage?

All elements should all have roughly the same mobility. Because mobility like durability is secondary. Only useful in that it can help you do your real role, damage.

Malwing wrote:

Well do the other elements have something as good earlier than air? (I ask because I don't have the playtest document in front of me. ) if so then I think that's legit. I don't think the class is entitled to flight specifically.

In the area of mobility no, air reigns supreme.

Malwing wrote:

I'm perfectly okay with this. Each element should have it's own gimmicks and obvious advantages/weaknesses

the problem is that fly is too good for it to be something only one element can do well, it might be ok if each element had a good mobility power at 6, and got everyone else's at 10 or something.

for example, air can gain fly at 6, everyone else can take it at 10.
aether can gain an at-will short range teleport at 6, everyone else can take it at 10.

Now that I think about it it might not be a bad idea to give everyone their element's mobility power for free at 6.

Also keep in mind that 6 is not early to gain fly, it in fact is the baseline level, the latest I would expect anyone to gain it. After all the generic jack-of-all magic (master of all) arcane class gains it at 5.

Zedorland wrote:

2) Air should, flavor wise, be the best at flight. Flying is kinda and air thing.

that is not enough of a reason to make fire and aether wait for 4 levels, well past what air has of flight, and what any full caster that has flight has to wait.

Zedorland wrote:

3) this class inst trying to compete with the blaster wizard. A more apt comparison would be an archer ranger. Solid damage every round, infinite uses. If the elemental blast can compete with a fireball, there is a balance issue.

it may not be trying but it is because it the blaster wizard is also a class in the game. unless there is a rule that says you can not build a blaster wizard at a table with a kineticist.

first as a point of clarification my reference for what level of power/usefulness is going to be a blaster wizard.

1) A Potentially crippling problem is resistance/immunity. If your blast does cold damage, then will be worthless if you fight anything with high resistance or immunity to cold damage. While not all the blasts have this issue, it is still an issue.
If you only have one power it NEEDS to work, I am not going to play a class that is made into a lodestone for the group because we are fighting to wrong kind of elemental.

To fix this I would do one of three things.
The easiest would be to give each element two blasts (some have two already) that do two damage types that are rarely found together.
The second solution would be to give each blast the option of two damage types that you can pick upon casting it.
The third would be to make a bland baseline blast that everyone gets. maybe even make it strictly worse then the other blast. but it would still be better then trying to burn a fire elemental.

2) why do I have to be Lv10 to fly if I am aether or fire but I can do it at 6 if I am air?

3) in order to compete with blaster wizards more forms are needed. they also all need to be usable by any element, so you don't have some elements that are all but unusable because you can't apply the "fireball" form to it. They also need to be low enough level so your not stuck attacking targets one at a time when the wizard is just fireballing everything. I would say by 3 you need a multitarget form, by 6 or 7 at the latest you need a true AOE form.