camberme's page

**Venture-Agent, California—Sacramento 13 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 8 Organized Play characters.


Dataphiles 5/55/5 Venture-Agent, California—Sacramento

Does use "alternate" maps extend to VTT for encounters that don't have maps and can be added?


Anybody going to fix page 55? Encounter H for 4 players?

Dataphiles 5/55/5 Venture-Agent, California—Sacramento

will pax unplugged have a ... plugged (virtual component)?


Will this come in PDF form?


The subject kinda says it all
The weapon
Doesn't seem to be marked as legal for SFS play.
The scenario it is in... is Legal for SFS play.

I wonder why though the weapon isn't?
Operatives have "their weapons"
Solarians have theirs,
Vanguards get their shields
Bioengineer's get their computers

Why don't Envoy singer's get something?


I should sign up to run a How to play Starfinder in Fantasy Grounds panel next year.

Dataphiles 5/55/5 Venture-Agent, California—Sacramento

1 person marked this as a favorite.

at an convention not based around roleplaying, but with RPG still a thing short adventures are great, 2 ish hours, from set down to quick explain for people who have never played before to here are some magic click clacks. and roll to finish is nice. then it brings them back wanting a longer 4 hour one when they have the time. or the next day when they "didn't have anything to do" but now do


GM Numbat wrote:
camberme wrote:

I think I've found a mistake in the PDF at least. (on page 8)

listed under spoiler incase anybody doesn't want to know infomation of one of the rooms. It's "minor" but there.
** spoiler omitted **
Descriptions are generally from the center of the room/area being described. So, the description quoted is likely correct.

but it's not... at the beginning of the description it says you climb up from 5,to 6... if you're in 6, why would it say one down to 5 and one up to 6. when you should be going up to 7. And on the map that comes with the adventure, theres only one hatch shown.


I think I've found a mistake in the PDF at least. (on page 8)
listed under spoiler incase anybody doesn't want to know infomation of one of the rooms. It's "minor" but there.

Description of one of the rooms:

A6. Engineering
The PCs likely access this area by taking the ladder from area A5;
however, doing so exposes this room to vacuum, activating red
emergency lighting and a voice that repeats “depressurization
warning” until the hatch is closed and a character presses a button
on the hatch to seal it and repressurized the room.
This room contains the Third Gate’s power core, thrusters, and
Drift engine. All appear undamaged. One hatch leads down to area
A5 and another up to area A6.

The issue is, if we're already in A6 should this read one hatch leads down to a5, and up to a7?


CorvusMask wrote:
Isn't this a boardgame? Or does fantasy ground have modules for boardgames too?

A Board game is just a map you can move on. With some items you can give out right?!? I'm sure I could figure out how to make it a module.

Cards are just "tables" that you random roll
Tokens are just items or "uses"
Stands / characters are, just characters, and anything special can be handled by "images"


Is there a Fantasy Grounds module of this yet, or has anybody offered to build one?


In a one shot, you face a mech. My mechanic player asked if it could be hacked? I don't see why not, mechs have computers in them, you're hacking a computer. I allowed them to hack it and with a high enough roll give an effect, if htey barely passed, -1 ac, or -1 attack, if they kinda passed, -2, if they really passed stun.. well they rolled the highest they could, and everybody cheered, so I gave the staggered effect. really made the mech "less dangerous" (still dropped a few of them).

I couldn't find anywhere in the rule about hacking a mech yes or no, so I ask. Is it even possible.

Dataphiles 5/55/5 Venture-Agent, California—Sacramento

In the SFS special, A Time of Crisis, there is an encounter with NPC's attacking a wall, but the walls (shipping containers) aren't given hp, in the PDF i'm reading. How many HP should I assign the walls, so I know how much damage the npc's need to do before they are through?