calartnick |
i really don't like much of anything after five levels of bolt ace. For my build I'm actually splitting wis and cha and going one level dip in inspired blade to be good at melee at level 3. so after level six I'm not sure what to do.
I thought about going inspired blade the rest of the way but man, the saves are really brutal. Maybe go five levels in order to critical bonuses and then bail.
Monk has good base saves but offers very little else.
Fighter gives the feats I covet but the saves are barely better than swashbuckler and I hate the lack of skills.
Cavalier could be interesting for at least four levels to pick up an animal companion and pick up the feat to full level it out, but thats taking AWAY feats for something I don't really care if I have or not.
Sniper Slayer is probably the safest pick, full bab, good saves, no wasted abilities, great skills. Problem is it just feels so uninspired. 1d6 of extra damage I have to WORK for. yay.
Oh, btw he would be a vampire hunter in a post apocalyptic type setting that's a little like the witcher combined with van helsing.
So beyond one level of inspired blade I'm open to be convinced of ANY combo of anything.
Bonus advice, would it be worth it to take half elf over human? more favored class bonus, plus +2 to will saves?
Thanks in advance!