Headmaster Toff Ornels

briank2112's page

Organized Play Member. 26 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 15 Organized Play characters.


Grand Lodge

My group went on a brief hiatus and now we're finally coming back to this AP. Unfortunately though, one of our members had to drop out due to RL circumstances. Thankfully we've only finished the first chapter.

Does anyone have any recommendations on how I should bring a new player in? Will having a character without the Obol present challenges later on in the campaign?

Grand Lodge

Overall though, this was an excellent module! My group had a blast with it :)

Grand Lodge

Purple Dragon Knight wrote:
Dokomo wrote:
Question for people who have run this sanctioned. How long would this take to run at a convention? 4 slots or 6?
Interested to know this as well... the adventure length appears highly dependent of player focus (i.e. adventure is investigative in nature).

Ok, this might be spoilerish, so to be on the safe side...

I just finished running this for my group and there's just no way you could complete the first chronicle sheet within a four hour convention time slot. the investigation part of it is entirely too sandboxy and the only way would be for the GM to put you on rails and spoon feed the players clues.

The second chronicle could possibly be defeated within a four hour slot, but it would require a seriously focused group with min/max'd characters to do it. There's a lot of fights...

If memory serves, it took my group about eight to ten 3 hour sessions to complete this module from cover to cover. that's a lot of content to squeeze into a four hour convention time slot.

hope this helps!

One thing I should mention for those that plan on running this online, the maps in the pdf do not line up properly with a grid. I tried three different methods that i know of to get them to work and they all failed. it's like the squares get distorted going from one side of the map to the other. I ended up having to recreate all of them myself.

Grand Lodge

Ran into this issue as well... my solution was to bust out the colored pencils and a pad of graph paper and just draw them myself. Then i scanned the images and imported them into FG2. They're obviously not as pretty as the originals, but they line up perfect :)

Grand Lodge

iemckinnon wrote:

I am semi impressed with the maps. They look pretty, but they have a major flaw in that the grid is not even. I am trying to run this through FG2, and in gridding the map discovered that there is at least one column where the grid is not the same size as the others.

Yeah, this causes insanity.

I've run into the same issue as well. It's not an FG thing, it's something with the maps themselves. I've tried using Map Align, no luck there... and i've tried using good old fashioned math, no luck there either... it's not even just the house maps, but all of the maps. it's like they got stretched somehow. I've resorted to busting out the crayolas and just drawing them on graph paper and scanning them. they don't look as pretty as the originals, but they work.

Grand Lodge

Thanks for the insight :) That's what I kind of figured. All the reviews I have read allude to the same thing... minor spoilers, but nothing earth shattering.

Grand Lodge

So, I was thinking of running this after my group finishes RotRL, but i am a little concerned about spoilers in case we decide to play the other prequels at a later date. Should I be, or are the spoilers that insignificant?

Grand Lodge 2/5

Still looking for players for our multi-table event, Siege of Serpents. There are spots open in tiers 1-2, 5-6 & 7-8. The event is running from 3:00pm EST till 8:00pm EST. See above posts for links to the site and the various events.

Grand Lodge 2/5

Thanks for the clarification folks, much appreciated :)

Grand Lodge 2/5

Ok, I'm prepping this for a Con, and I'm a little confused as to...

the secret doors in A1, where do they lead to? Does the southern one lead to B1 and the eastern door lead to A2?


are there maps for A2 and A3 or am i suppose to macgyver something out of those maze tiles in part 2?

Grand Lodge 2/5

First, thanks to everyone for responding :)

Understand this, my only PFS exposure has been through the VTT, Fantasy Grounds. Within that community, the GM fills out everything on the chronicle; from the player name, down to the final box, signs it and then sends it over to you. I imagine this is due to the nature of digitally signed documents. But this is the reason I thought this was the way it was done and the reason for my initial question of whether or not I had to itemize a player's purchases on his or her chronicle.

Now that I know that part of filling out a chronicle is the player's responsibility, I will be handling this much differently. Thanks to everyone for helping me clarify that :)

Grand Lodge 2/5

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I'm just worried the Paizo Police are going to come to my door and take away my CRB if I don't fill these out right :P

Grand Lodge 2/5

Wow! That far back!

So, I went and dug through the season 7 guidebook and I noticed two things that seem to contradict what has been said here...

one... (Pg.22)"A GM must be present in order for you to purchase items.
This can be done before, during or after the adventure. All transactions must be recorded on the scenario’s Chronicle
sheet and reflected on your character’s Inventory Tracking

two... (Pg.37)"Step 8: Have the player note all items purchased or sold, including spellcasting services, in the notes section (V)."

Also, just out of curiosity, I looked at the chronicle sheet for Trouble in Tamran, a season 7 scenario, and the field where the purchases and such would normally be recorded, is gone.

So now i'm really confused, lol! :)

Grand Lodge 2/5

*sigh*... always the last to know :(

So was this announced in a post here somewhere? Or is in the Season 7 Guide? If so, where? It would be nice to have something to show my players so that they're aware of the changes as well.

Grand Lodge 2/5

I think moving forward, I'm just going to request their PFS ID# for reporting purposes, fill out the GM fields on the chronicle, then email it to them so they can fill out the rest. Then, when they're done, they can send it back to me so I can verify everything and if it all checks out, sign it and be done with it. It would definitely make my life easier, that's for sure.

Grand Lodge 2/5

Yes, but once i sign it, the document is locked and can't be edited. That's why I get stuck with adding in all the rest.

Grand Lodge 2/5

First of all, I'm one of those GM's that does fill out the chronicle and makes sure things are correct before i put my name on it. I also GM exclusively online, so i have to do everything as a PDF, which adds another layer of complexity to the whole affair...

IMO, I would much rather the chronicles be more like certificates of achievement... in other words, you complete the scenario, and i hand you a sheet stating whether or not you survived, what success conditions you've met, and how much xp, gold and prestige you've earned. that's it. at that point, my involvement as the GM should end. i should not have to track your current xp, gold, prestige, purchases, consumables used, etc... NONE of that! ALL of that should fall on the player to keep track of. I've already invested enough extra time in just getting the scenario prepped and reported. Handing out the chronicle at the end of it all should be completely painless, unlike the frustrating mess it is now.

I love PFS, but i absolutely hate chronicles.

Grand Lodge 2/5

Thank you!

Grand Lodge 2/5

I have a question concerning recording purchases on chronicle sheets. For items that players purchase between scenarios, or as initial purchases or purchases from a character they've built with GM or Player credit, do I need to record each individual item on the chronicle sheet, or can I simply put a line that says "Purchases: XXXXgp"?

Grand Lodge

I give this scenario 2 stars... and the only reason it gets that is because it has a pretty good story line. What knocks it down is the length. i signed on to play this expecting a normal 4 to 5 hour scenario and got hooked into an 8 hour session. this was with an experienced group and an experienced GM. there is just entirely too much content in this scenario to complete within the normally allotted time. In the end, i walked away from the table sore, frustrated and annoyed with only a lousy 1xp and 2 prestige to show for it... not happy.

Grand Lodge

Ok, that kind of makes sense... i still have a hard time as seeing it as possible, especially in full plate, but for the sake of RAW, i guess i'll have to suspend my disbelief. Thanks for the well though out response, much appreciated :)

Grand Lodge

So, one of my players has decided to dip into the Monk class to pick up the prerequisites for the Combat Style Feats in Ultimate Combat. His main class is Paladin.

My question is, can he perform those styles while in any sort of armor?Although I don't see it in the rules, it just strikes me as odd that someone in full plate could pull off Crane Style, or any of the other styles for that matter. Especially considering that Rangers can't even use their Combat Styles if they're wearing anything heavier than medium armor.

For reference, here is the rule from the Ranger Combat Style description:

"The benefits of the ranger's chosen style feats apply only when he wears light, medium, or no armor. He loses all benefits of his combat style feats when wearing heavy armor."

I would also like to ask if those feats can be used while wielding a weapon. Once again, although it doesn't state it specifically in the text for the feats themselves, in the description for the type of feat it does say that they are "intricate unarmed fighting styles".

Any clarification on this would be much appreciated :)

Grand Lodge

I noticed the same...

Grand Lodge

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I could care less for PvP... that's not what I play table top RPGs for. If I want PvP I'm going to go play some Call of Duty or a racing game. Games that were built from the ground up around a PvP concept. Not a game that was built as a cooperative experience, with PvP thrown in as an afterthought. that's just a recipe for failure.

Grand Lodge 2/5

Signed up and ready to play!

If you haven't tried Pathfinder with Fantasy Grounds, you're missing out!

Grand Lodge

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As someone who exclusively uses Fantasy Grounds and Roll20 for my games, I would gladly pay extra for hi-res maps that i could use. It would save me a ton of time spent trying to recreate them in MapTool.