brian wamsher's page

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lastknightleft wrote:
brian wamsher wrote:

Sorry it took so long for me to reply, I've been away from my computer for a while... now, even with the str taken away, all that does is reduce yur damage by 3/attack, reducing the effective d6's down to about 16d6, still 6 class lvls above the average sorcerer.

*edit* oah... I forgot to also state that Divine Power also Gives you the bonus to damage at +1/3lvls... which i believe is +3 damage (the same number that the strength was giving us before hand).... back up to 19d6 again...

please post a build or explain because I do not see how +3 to hit and damage is equivalent to 19d6. You've only mentioned divine power so I have nothing to work with here. You're saying that a +3 to hit and damage makes an inquisitor have the equivalent of 19d6. a d6 is average 3.5 so as far as I can see without any other relevant facts (since you've given us none) you're claiming that something that gives you the equivalent of a d6 extra damage gives you 19d6. So you can see how we find it ludicrous.

I see +2 bow, that's +2 damage, not equivalent to a d6, I see divine power for +3, so far we have +5. on top of a shortbow which would be d6 we have right now an equivalent of 2d6+2. add bane (at 10th level you only have bane) and we have 4d6+2. and you have two judgements that grant an attack or damage bonus. so you'll have +3 to attack and damage and used 2 of your 4 judgements a day. once again +3 is equivalent to a d6 so 5d6+2 and that's after having it running 3 rounds. Lets assume a str 18, that'd be +4, so we have an equivalent now of 7d6. +7/+2 which with our bonuses from divine power and judgement is now +13/+8 (after 3 rounds) and lets also assume an 18 dex (since he's also split with str.) oh yeah and lets assume a composite Str rated bow so +17/+12 dealing the equivalent of 8d6+1. For a no save equivalent of 16d6+2 without a save if both attacks hit. not bad, but nothing I can't match with a fighter of equivalent level.

Ok, here is how the math folds out. First we have a shortbow's average damage of 3.5. Next we have the damage boost from Divine power of 3. Third to the party is the damage bonus of a magic weapon (+2) with bane added on that (+2). The bane bonus dice get an average damage of 7. Then we have your judgement adding in 6. Lastly is the +1 strength mod of a person who feels like having a decent carry capacity. This comes to a total of an avereage damage of 24.5 for one attack. Now you have 4 attacks, with three that will hit at a high chance (Rapid shot + divine power + normal shot max bab +lower bab shot). This comes to about 73.5 damage for three hits, which is the average damage of about 21d6 (forgot to include the bow's +2 magic when I did the math before...oops). Now for attack bonuses we have +3 for judgement, +2 for weapon enhance, +2 for bane enhance, +3 for Divine power, +7 for BAB, +5 from dex (gotta have a 20 dex for an archer), Rapid shot -2. This yields an attack score of +20/+20/+20/+15, which is before any other random effects or feats.

lastknightleft wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
brian wamsher wrote:

I don't know if this has been mentioned here but inquisitor is utter jank. That is once they hit lvl 10 they get this ability to destroy anything that walks up. They get the equivilent of about 19d6 damage with no save, and can do this consitently against anything. The primary reason for this is divine power, giving them full bab and +6 enhancement to str. This combined with their ability to do judgement for damage and attack, as well as an assumed +2 bow (easily achievable by lvl 10) and you have an average damage of 79.5 with a cap damage of 109.5. This is significantly above that of a sorcerer (meant to blow stuff up) and they have to have a save for half on top of their damage. I guess it just doesn't seem anywhere near in line with any of the other classes. Just my ovservations as I had a person play one in my campaign earlier.


Except that Pathfinder Divine Power works differently than the 3.5 one did.
exactly, strength checks and strength based skill checks =/= a +6 bonus to strength, in fact all divine power gives you is a +1 to hit per 3 levels which at level 10 is a +3 to hit and damage. So please make sure you're using the spell correctly before you complain that something is overpowered. You gain a whopping +0 bonus to strength. Oh yeah and you'll get an extra 10hp ZOMG that's broken 10 hit points he'll be able to one shot asmodeus. I demand that the Inquisitor be removed from the game and all our memories be mind wiped before this game ruins our childhoods retroactively and kills all our puppies.

Sorry it took so long for me to reply, I've been away from my computer for a while... now, even with the str taken away, all that does is reduce yur damage by 3/attack, reducing the effective d6's down to about 16d6, still 6 class lvls above the average sorcerer.

*edit* oah... I forgot to also state that Divine Power also Gives you the bonus to damage at +1/3lvls... which i believe is +3 damage (the same number that the strength was giving us before hand).... back up to 19d6 again...

I don't know if this has been mentioned here but inquisitor is utter jank. That is once they hit lvl 10 they get this ability to destroy anything that walks up. They get the equivilent of about 19d6 damage with no save, and can do this consitently against anything. The primary reason for this is divine power, giving them full bab and +6 enhancement to str. This combined with their ability to do judgement for damage and attack, as well as an assumed +2 bow (easily achievable by lvl 10) and you have an average damage of 79.5 with a cap damage of 109.5. This is significantly above that of a sorcerer (meant to blow stuff up) and they have to have a save for half on top of their damage. I guess it just doesn't seem anywhere near in line with any of the other classes. Just my ovservations as I had a person play one in my campaign earlier.
