brian wamsher |
brian wamsher wrote:Sorry it took so long for me to reply, I've been away from my computer for a while... now, even with the str taken away, all that does is reduce yur damage by 3/attack, reducing the effective d6's down to about 16d6, still 6 class lvls above the average sorcerer.
*edit* oah... I forgot to also state that Divine Power also Gives you the bonus to damage at +1/3lvls... which i believe is +3 damage (the same number that the strength was giving us before hand).... back up to 19d6 again...please post a build or explain because I do not see how +3 to hit and damage is equivalent to 19d6. You've only mentioned divine power so I have nothing to work with here. You're saying that a +3 to hit and damage makes an inquisitor have the equivalent of 19d6. a d6 is average 3.5 so as far as I can see without any other relevant facts (since you've given us none) you're claiming that something that gives you the equivalent of a d6 extra damage gives you 19d6. So you can see how we find it ludicrous.
I see +2 bow, that's +2 damage, not equivalent to a d6, I see divine power for +3, so far we have +5. on top of a shortbow which would be d6 we have right now an equivalent of 2d6+2. add bane (at 10th level you only have bane) and we have 4d6+2. and you have two judgements that grant an attack or damage bonus. so you'll have +3 to attack and damage and used 2 of your 4 judgements a day. once again +3 is equivalent to a d6 so 5d6+2 and that's after having it running 3 rounds. Lets assume a str 18, that'd be +4, so we have an equivalent now of 7d6. +7/+2 which with our bonuses from divine power and judgement is now +13/+8 (after 3 rounds) and lets also assume an 18 dex (since he's also split with str.) oh yeah and lets assume a composite Str rated bow so +17/+12 dealing the equivalent of 8d6+1. For a no save equivalent of 16d6+2 without a save if both attacks hit. not bad, but nothing I can't match with a fighter of equivalent level.
Ok, here is how the math folds out. First we have a shortbow's average damage of 3.5. Next we have the damage boost from Divine power of 3. Third to the party is the damage bonus of a magic weapon (+2) with bane added on that (+2). The bane bonus dice get an average damage of 7. Then we have your judgement adding in 6. Lastly is the +1 strength mod of a person who feels like having a decent carry capacity. This comes to a total of an avereage damage of 24.5 for one attack. Now you have 4 attacks, with three that will hit at a high chance (Rapid shot + divine power + normal shot max bab +lower bab shot). This comes to about 73.5 damage for three hits, which is the average damage of about 21d6 (forgot to include the bow's +2 magic when I did the math before...oops). Now for attack bonuses we have +3 for judgement, +2 for weapon enhance, +2 for bane enhance, +3 for Divine power, +7 for BAB, +5 from dex (gotta have a 20 dex for an archer), Rapid shot -2. This yields an attack score of +20/+20/+20/+15, which is before any other random effects or feats.