Smaar Janderfut

brewerrm's page

Organized Play Member. 5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Diego Valdez wrote:

Hello Brewerrm,

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This is crazy, I have to leave a message on the forum to cancel my subscriptions?

Cancel all my subscriptions.

It's supposed to be 4 fingers right, one is broken off. So it's 4 clicks from Red. But it still works with 3 fingers, 3 clicks from it's starting position of Orange. My party didn't even notice any significance in the broken finger. It's not a strong hint. The best hint for my group was the crushed skeleton just sitting in the Blue tunnel terminus. They all searched and several noticed the extended ceiling.
As an aside, I misread it at first and indicated to my players that the lanterns present were already lit and the other two were just missing. The green lantern being lit threw me off. That took some serious DM voodoo to fix that mistake. They have to find them all and then light them all to deactivate the Face in Darkness above Blue.

Does the pdf have a copy of the map?

I always pick Divination as one of my opposed schools. A majority, if not all of that school's spells could be cast "tomorrow" after you've had a chance to rest and study so there's no real reason to have them memorized on a regular basis. In that case having to double up on spell slots won't have that much of an impact. As far as the other school, I'd have to say personal preference, they all have one or two iconic spells. Oh, and as someone mentioned, scrolls.

It just depends on your role, personality, and character concept.

As a side note, if I were DMing a group I wouldn't allow Universal to be an opposition school. That's what, 5 spells? Not enough to count.

Have fun.