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As a GM and owner of many books with several hours/years of reading it is not only possible to have an unarmed strike that is masterwork it is literally in the level progression. At level 16 a monk gets Ki pool (adamantine), making his strikes bypass DR like his fists were made of this material. Adamantine weapons, as detailed in the Ultimate Equipment book as so rare that when one is created they are "always" masterwork, except in this case the monk is honing his weapon over a long career of punches.

I'm only bringing this to the table for those players/GM's that have monks in their game and find them underpowered for attack or versatility at later levels, and balance is kept because a monk has to wait the entire game to get to that point.

I personally wouldn't however allow knees, elbows, hands, feet to be collectively or individually enchanted directly, they are as mentioned "treated" as manufactured yet are not. To me if a player really wanted a +5 flaming burst enchantment, they would have to have an amulet or ioun stone that stored the enchantment, then at level 16 when their body is trained and strong enough to fuse with such power they can activate the enchant as a move action, and end the effect at will. At or before this level other party members should already be decked with their own enchants.

Now, my personal opinion is it shouldn't be allowed, not fully. Monk's already get great damage and a ton of attacks, the only thing they do not get is enchantment accuracy of +5 to hit. Elemental strike supplements damage enchantments, or they can use stunning fist, etc. Please do remember monks are especially good are combat moves like grapple/disarm/pinning and the like as some have a -5 when your hands are not empty. They are not typical fighters, you stun and disarm your opponent, sundering strike their armor, now you are way better suited for attack. If that is still not enough to make you satisfied, then ask your GM about if you could find +2 manuals to increase strength and get the same effect as an enchantment.