Play by post servers offers a good breeding ground for committed players. You get an opportunity to meet them beforehand, to see how dedicated they are, befriend them. So if you are interested to start a long term campaign I would start there or at least have a thorough interview with the potential players that i don't know to evaluate if they are worth the time investment.
Temperans wrote:
As it is balanced rights now the +1 extra item bonus can only be obtained with ever more expensive consumables. If your change is accepted the +1/2 alchemical bonus from lvl 1/3 item would be still viable option at level 20 and due to low cost of opportunity almost mandatory to everyone due to the stacking nature to other bonuses. Which would interfere to the tights math this system employs. To maintain the balance it should at least compete with other type of bonuses.
thenobledrake wrote:
But they can do that anyway - alchemical elixirs like mistform do not have polymorph trait.
Since the question is about low tier cheap mutagens that can be bought without big investment: Quicksilver does not seem like a valid option since it does not stack with at level permenant ranged weapon item bonus, and similar speed bonus can be obtained from cheetah elexir without the ever scaling damage to health. Juggernaut is also a poor choice as a lower tier mutagen to use in combat since 2 actions for low amount of healing is not worth it action economy wise. A case can be made to use it as pre-buff but since will is very dangerous save foreknowledge is essential.
Drakeheart is great if you are ambushed and your armor is down, but they are too expensive to replace armor if you cant make them for free so only good for fringe cases.
The intention of the feat is to throw large objects as the name implies and that is what i am interested in. To be more specific since throw is based on dex i am more interested in the aplication of the feat to reposition large objects more than damage. When not taking into account titan stature the lack of large objects is solved with taking a chunk of earth. However, once you become huge there are very few relatively large objects to throw around so the question is the feat intended to make these objects with the afore mentioned chunk of earth. Furthermore, burrow spead of 15 feet per 2 actions that can only be used in combat seems of very small significance and did not even cross my mind.
If you truelly can't treat 2 bulk as light for huge creature then the bulk rules are depressing. World lifting record is at 264 kg equating to 580 lb or 58 bulk. This would mean that real world medium creature can lift prety much the same as 27 times as massive creature in game.
1x1x1 square = 125 cubic feet, assuming 74 lb per cubic feet and taking into account the bulk rules that 10 lb can be considered 1 bulk a normal cube in battle map would be: ~93 bulk.
4)Also please consider that there are lighter objects that could be 3x3x3 such as a small ship and therefore would still require ruling. A good example would be a corpse of a huge creature that as a bulk of 24 as per rules.
So I am interested in Oversized Throw barbarian feat but it is written in lose terms which leaves a lot of to interpretation to gm. Since I want to use it in a PFS based pbp server it requires better understanding. The questionable interactions are as fallows: 1) Since size of the object as a weapon is not specified how does it interact with titan mauler and rage thrower.
Bonus question assuming you are enlarged, you had snares when you were enlarged and you are placing these snares what is the size of the deployed snare?
AlastarOG wrote:
The potions/poisons lose potency unless they are applied to a creature. So if you use quick alchemy, apply it onto the weapon and hit the creature, the creature will be afllicted until it reaches stage 0. If you miss the poison will lose potency on the start of your next turn. In case of mutagens if you apply it, it will last until the duration of the mutagen ends. Otherwise it will lose potency at the start of your next turn.
A big problem of alchemist is that the design of all the fields are based on bomber. While it does work on bomber and toxicologist. It will not work on the other two and that's more than half of field abilities. One path to solve this is to further diversify reasearch fields giving them specific passive bonuses with their chosen type of alchemy that are not feat taxes. For example mutagenist field is so shallow rigth now, it can be replaced by perpetual breath with neglibe impact. The issue with item dispencer is also multilayered:
In my opinion all of this can be solved by adding field based support on quick alchemy. A trade of between efficiency vs power burst, in contrast to the current state - versatility vs efficiency. Because now the efficiency seems to be unrivaled, especially in early levels.
The lore does indicate that the larger creatures does more damage with comes inherently from their size. It comes in terms of giant creatures getting extra bonus damage. The same can be seen in the enlarge spell and the inherent extra damage. The only confusing thing is why the same mechanics does not apply to the giant instinct barbarian. This would reduce the confusion, as there is a simple expectation coming from real life experience - that bigger things hit harder. The simplest solution, imo, would be to reduce the instinct bonus and to reapply it to the enlarged version. |