
billythebrick's page

Organized Play Member. 30 posts (33 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

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Please check out my review of the new Monk class deck - it's quite possibly my favorite class deck yet!

GeekDad.com Review.

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This is awesome! I've been trying to find PACG in Seattle and haven't been able to! Do you know what set(s) you'll be running. I'm a newbie but I have a Ranger I played through the first Wrath adventure that I am dying to play more (and I have two brand new characters I've created as well).

Speaking of MOX Boarding house, myself and Jonathon Liu from GeekDad.com will be running a room there this Sunday for father's day from 11-4. We'll be playing all sorts of things.. not sure exactly what yet but it should be fun for anybody who wants to join us!

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Here is my full write-up of my first ever PaizoCon over at GeekDad.com. Thanks for such a great experience!

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Thanks for such a great experience. Not only was it awesome to have Wrath at PaizoCon be my first experience with Pathfinder ACG, but it was an absolute blast to play with you and Lisa. Too bad Ranzak die :(