bielie's page

Organized Play Member. 1 post. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


The rogue sits in a bar. He walks up to a guy a guy at the counter and greets him. Pretends to pat him brotherly on the back.
Wham! Sneak attack with an invisible sword, dagger or boiled leek.
If yo are a good GM, you'll let the mechanics flow from the story. Absolutely I would give an invisible sword a +2 bonus.

And to those who say you cannot fight with a weapon you cant see, I say balderdash! The fact that you can safely scratch your ear with a match stick proves you can fight with an invisible sword.

Try this experiment: Close your eyes. Pick up a pen in your right hand. Now touch its tip with your left forefinger. Practice a few times. If you are a normal human being with normal proprioception you'll do it perfectly after a few tries.