About MoonpateDescription: Moonpate is a fairly stout (ok, pudgy) fellow topping in at 260 lbs, 6’3”; advanced in age for a beginning adventurer at 33 years old. He prefers to wear fairly baggy yet light clothing that allows for freedom of movement and plenty of circulation, since he tends to sweat profusely (though he is careful not to “stink”, taking pride in personal hygiene). He avoids looking ostentatious and is proud of his working class background. His prodigious head is about as round as they come, with the only hair present being a pair of bushy eyebrows and some lambchop sideburns. His skin is fairly pale, turning to beet red when he exerts himself. Even though he looks ponderous and clumsy, he moves with the flowing grace of a longtime, extremely busy bartender; especially in respect to his hand movements. Personality: He is quite the gregarious fellow and has a keen knack for knowing when to speak and when to listen. However, he will only suffer rudeness for as long as necessary. He is comfortable dealing with all walks of life, from the highest nobles to the lowest commoner; at least when it came to serving, entertaining, and listening to them in the bar. As such, his second hand knowledge of the various social strata is quite extensive. Background: Moonpate is late to the adventuring scene, having spent most of his life working and then owning the family tavern. He earned his moniker by the time he was 18 and has not been called anything else since then. His given name remains a mystery.
Hit Points: 42/42 Armor Class: 17 (21 with Mage Armor); Touch: 15, Flat-Footed: 14
Speed: 30 Saves: Fortitude: +4; Reflex: +6; Will: +8 Profession: Barkeep (from Tome of Secrets) 2 Bonus Skills=Diplomacy, Knowledge-Local Traits (2): Focused Mind = +2 concentration checks
Skills: Skills: Appraise: +9; Diplomacy: +12; Fly: +10; Ride: +4; Sense Motive: +2; Swim: +1; Knowledge Geography: +8; Knowledge Arcana: +15; Linguistics: +12; Profession Barkeep: +6; Spellcraft: +17; Knowledge Nobility: +8; Knowledge (local): +10; Knowledge (Religion): +8; Perception +4; Use Magic Device: +6; Knowledge (Planes):+15; Knowledge History: +10; Knowledge Nature: +9; Knowledge Spirits: +8; Craft Alchemy: +8 Class Abilities: Summoner's Charm= increase duration of summoning spells by 4 rnds
Opposed Schools: Illusion, Necromancy Bonded Item: Beer Stein (typically worn at his belt) Equipment: Masterwork Light Crossbow
Four ornately painted eggs. Each egg can be expended during the act of casting a summoning spell. The egg confers a special property on the natural attacks of the creature summoned. The silver egg confers ghost touch, the red egg keen, the white egg merciful, and the black egg, vicious.
Scrolls: 3 1st, 1 2nd, 3 3rd, 1 4th
Coinage: 2 bits Spells per Day: 4 cantrips, 6 first level, 5 second level, 5 3rd level, 4 4th level, 1 for Bonded Item Spellbook
Memorized Spells
Experience Points: 46000 Akaymarandi When Moon affixes his new belt buckle he finds he has a new ability, though it feels so natural that it’s more like one he’s always known he’s had, he just never made a point of using it before.
The potion only lasts for 1 minute (10 rounds). If it’s not drunk within that time, it becomes non-magical, but remains excellent, possibly award-winning, beer. The potion only has a magical effect if drunk by Moonpate. If someone else drinks it, it’s still good beer – just no magic. Drinking from the stein is still a standard action, just like any other potion. the potion is chosen by the GM randomly. Generally, it will only be a level 1 potion, i.e cure light wounds, sanctuary etc. Akaymarandi's strength though might improve as Moonpate levels. However, at the time of expending his bonded focus, Moonpate may choose to recite a Haiku such that the final 7 syllables suggest the potion he wants. If the GM can figure it out, he might just have Akaymarandi go with the suggested effect. He might not, the GM is fickle. And that is Akaymarandi, uber-belt buckle of the Star Tribe, the eldest tribe of the janni of the Osirion desert. |