beserker02's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


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Playing a soon to be Arcane Archer and took my first level in Wizard. Character is a Elven fighter (3)/Wizard (1) Drow hunter out for vengeance :) So, still low level. Suggestions?

gobberbodger wrote:
I just started a game with six players and I made all of them roll there stats in order and then build a class from that. So if their first roll was a 16 then that was their strength. I know this is a bit extreme, but everyone liked it, and it made choosing your race interesting. If you wanted to be an elf you couldn't just buy your con up to offset the con minus you took.

Stats are important, of course. But, if I told my players or a GM told me I couldn't play a class or a race I envisioned my character to be because my stats were too low, we would look at the person like he grew a second head. This sounds like an old video game like Bard's Tale or Might & Magic all night re-roll stats fest.

Type of character should be most important, then roll the stats until it works. We use the 4d6, drop the low die, roll this 6 times, and assign to taste. I like the 2d6+6 heroic method mentioned, but we have played the same two toons for the past few years, so making new characters is rare to my group.