benfromidaho's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 19 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 2 Organized Play characters.

I'm probably just not understanding things, but I'm trying to adjust some encounters for Doomsday Dawn. With individual creatures not having an XP value assigned to them (a feature I like), I'm a little confused at how certain low level creatures factor into calculations. For example goblin warriors are lvl 0, which for a group of 4 level 1 heroes is Party's Level -1. However, an encounter of 4 goblin warriors is rated as a High 1 encounter for a group of 4 level 1 heroes. So my confusion comes to this, according to Table 5 on P31 of the Bestiary a High 1 encounter should be 80 XP worth of creatures, so 20 per goblin warrior. However, according to Table 4 a goblin warrior would be 30 XP each.

Please help me with what I'm not understanding! Thanks!

I'm sorry if this has been posted before, but I couldn't find it. I've been putting together a collection of music for my upcoming RotR game, and I'm looking for any input (either songs or whole albums). So far I have the soundtracks to all three Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit films, Skyrim, Brave, Braveheart, and even the Legend of Zelda. Any input would be greatly appreciated! Thanks

I'm looking to assemble miniatures for my Rise of the Runelords campaign, and I'm having issues finding miniatures for a few of the monsters. Any suggestions (any company) for the bunyip or the tentamort? Thanks!