Black Dragon

bcpeery's page

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Does anybody know if there is or will be an update for the core classes since the release of ultimate equipment?

a player of mine just acquired the lycanthrope template(deck of many things). I feel that the CR+1 is the sam as a level adjust as this template has put him leaps and bounds above the almost carbon copy of one of the other players.


quotable rules?

Really? Never crossed anyones minds?

I found a nearly 1000 post long thread but i don't think there was ever an official ruling....

Would casting Blink (50% miss chance for not being on the material plane) work with the spell Displacement (50% miss chance for not being where the attacker thinks you are)?

If they do would it be a 75% miss chance total or two separate 50% miss chances.

If this has already been covered I apologize ahead of time.


in a recent game it came up that someone was bound up in the Iron Bands of Binding and the question was if using Reduce person would free them and if not what about when the spell ended? Would the bands remain at the smaller size since growing would be the equivelent of trying to force against them and thus crush the person...

An interesting question came up in my last gaming session. if a potion is made by a small sized being and is then drank by a larger size being such as a medium (or larger) sized one, are the effects of the potion diminished?

I made a quick judgment call that a cure potion would do a bit less (it only healed for 4 pts anyway... kind of a waste). However I would like to know if there is any official ruling on this. I have been unable to find anything on the subject.

Any references would be appreciated.

At one of my games we got into a debate about what it means exactly to be helpless.

I know what the RAW says. Thats not really the question. My question is:

If a player sneaks up on a creature/person whom is sitting in a chair reading/knitting/crafting, and said creature/person has not succeeded on a perception check to notice the player; is the creature/person sitting down helpless?

If so, would not the same rules apply (coup de gras) to this creature/person as one who is tied up or otherwise restrained?

If not, why?

I may be missing it somewhere, but what are the Pactmasters?