Baron Hannis Drelev

badlands122's page

Organized Play Member. 29 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


Silver Crusade

Wow, that's a nice build!

Silver Crusade

OK..... This is what I have so far.... A Draconic spell caster(bronze) with the spells 0: Daze, Det Mag, light, Op/Close, red mag. 1: Grease, Mage Arm.
Feats;(both Left) empower spell, eschew materials, impr Int, mag line.
Traits; Mag line(teleport(greater)), tactician.
The reasoning behind most(all) of the decisions is like it was mentioned, defend slowly or die fast. Hopefully I picked the former!!!.
The first "exercise" went modestly well. I got grease off the 1st 2 attempts (YEAH!!beginner's luck!!!) of course, no good deed goes unpunished - Not only did I cause trouble for the bad guys, but our cleric and Barbarian both managed to join in on the fun. After several rounds of "slip sliding away" our boys managed to get the job done. The next 2 encounters went better - our boys didn't RUSH into the fray right away!! it was quite testing for me, we ran into 4 goblin shamans who kept me shucking and jiving around the battlefield, so my last spells did not mature. But it was fun and I look forward to our next meeting.

Silver Crusade

ALrighty, after combing through all this information and the books that go along with it, I have a question???? When the spell description says "spell uses up a spell slot ___ levels higher than the spells actual level", what in the world does that mean? My 4th lvl caster trying to cast a 4th lvl spell can't because it's a 7th lvl spell now??? Sorry, but I am confused......

Silver Crusade

Thank you very much for the information. I was looking on zenith at all the information there, Boy it's a lot!! No wonder I've been a Ranger all these years! If your poor Sorc isn't in the air if there on the ground or underground if they're in the air or in the sea if they're on land or land if they're on sea- it's going to be very difficult for them to survive!! LOL. I'm still tinkering with the character and all i have so far is a Draconic, non-front line character.

Silver Crusade

After looking at all the information on here and other places, how would one go about casting this spell; Persistent spell: This is roughly a +4 DC for a +2 level metamagic. It’s quite decent, and can be devastating with Dazing Spell.

Silver Crusade

Sounds like a good plan and direction. I believe I will start heading down that path. Thank You kindly for your input.

Silver Crusade

I've have been looking at this information like a Sorcerer writing spells in his book!! LMAO! I'm still no closer to figuring out what path to take - but I do know that I won't be the 'up front in your face guy"... I figured out that's why I've been either a ranger or barbarian this whole time - what spells, when do they work, how do they work, who do they work on, do I have the materials to make it work, hopefully the idiot barbarian doesn't drop his sword or the ranger miss his mark on this beast so I can concentrate on this spell.....
The class guides at ZG has also shed some light on the remarkable journey.

Silver Crusade

Thanks for all the advice! Now I have to look over and digest all the information received. Really wasn't thinking bout doing a Cross blooded MU, seems kind of difficult. It was either some kind of undead MU like Sauron or a dragon themed MU. I honestly don't have much of a clue here. Most MU's that I have accompanied with have all been pretty much vanilla flavored. But I can say that I have my work cut out for me now and definitely some directions to look into, AWESOME!!.

Silver Crusade

I do apologize for the vagueness of the content - Like I said, I've never played a magic user before!! LOL
The intent was to go with either some kind of Undead or Dragon themed MU. I think you just came up with my next character! LOL
I really have no idea other than it was a human MU. I thought it would be different being something I've NEVER played b4, a Chaotic Neutral MU that would use poison, call the undead and just be some kind of EVIL. On the other hand a CN MU with a dragon bloodline that spits(throws) something vile at opponents would also be kind of interesting. I've been at this most of the day on pcgen, but I don't think it's coming out correctly??? Anyway - THANKS A TON FOR THE HELP!! Anything else you can think of to add will be AWESOME!!!

Silver Crusade

Could someone help an old RANGER??? I'm looking to build a sorcerer for an upcoming campaign. I'm thinking human, along the lines of undead/dragon bloodline and chaotic Neutral. It's something I have played as a character. ANY help/direction would be greatly appreciated. This would from the PF 1E.


Silver Crusade

Dragon78 wrote:

So how did you first fine out about Pathfinder?

How long have you been playing?

I heard bout PF at the LGS we frequent. I was playing a table game that day when the Owner said "hey, we need another body to play this fantasy game, I know you play D&D". That was bout the time it had just hit the shelves. Been playing a minute- 1st ed of D&D.......

Silver Crusade

That all makes sense, I will go with one of each of those to start with. That way I can get the feel/jest of the game.

Silver Crusade

Can someone please explain where do you get the 3+ bonus for the Class bonus?? Where do you find it in the rules or where does it come from/how do you get it??? I was watching it on Youtube but the guy just says "DO IT" without any direction on how to find it.


Silver Crusade

Was this a one time event or do y'all have a regular scheduled on going game??

Silver Crusade

Well, a lot of people get into RPGs at least partially for the same reason people get into theater, to get into their character's head and explore who they are as a person. To take on the role and persona of a character to at least some extent. I certainly consider that one of the main reasons I like playing RPGs.

If that's not your particular motivation for getting involved, that's fine...but it's hardly an uncommon or unique one, and if one is gonna explore who their character is, for many characters sex and romance and how they feel about those things are gonna be a pretty big deal and thus likely to come up.

If people want to get into theater, role/persona of another character to some extent, then BY ALL MEANS do it, that's what there for....there are also clubs and venues for that type of stuff.

Silver Crusade

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Why is this even a topic??? In this category or section?? Who cares whether your character lays, stays, preys or does one-handed rummy with there self?? They have and there are communities for that exact purpose. If that's all you want out of this FANTASY GAME played with dice, miniatures, paper and pens.. then you, my friend, have a very serious problem- and it ain't with what your character does. I can ASSURE that during my gaming session I don't want the characters in my party wondering who's looking at their ass or who their thinking of going down on when we're faced with a room full of monster or in dangerous peril. Geezz, get a grip.....

Silver Crusade

AAHHH, yeah, I see your point. That was something I hadn't considered.

Silver Crusade

Soooo after adding up all the "polls", I came up with an Android Technomancer/Bounty Hunter. I picked the race just because it has the +2/+2 to Int and Dex which was the key to the class. I think everything else will fall into place, hopefully... I split the two key abilities 5/5 each and came up with 17(+2/+2) apiece, -2 for charisma, 11 for constitution(+1 BH), 10 Strength and Wisdom. Should make for a fun time around the gaming table......

Silver Crusade

That is AWESOME!! Thanks!!

Silver Crusade

Sooo, now that we've talked about all the good stuff; What do the masses say would be a race to use a Technomancer??? I already like the way this out and would like to give it a go....

Silver Crusade

Yes Sir, actually it does! Thanks! The motorcycle jacket was just a reference point, but now that you've mentioned it, it would definitely set my character apart... well maybe not. But it would definitely be a conversation piece!!!

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Faith No More......HAHAHAHAAHAHA... sorry - pun intended: a Band from the late 80's early 90's..........

Silver Crusade

NO, ACTUALLY, You can UPGRADE an ITEM. p205 of the Core manual, bottom left column, "Upgrade Slots" which you can buy if your item has a slot for it. I take it that you can buy these "Upgrades" and Install, attach, apply, or what ever needs to be done with minimal amount of effort-not needing a specialist for it just yet.
I chose TENSILE REINFORCEMENT as my upgrade, thinking this would be as easy as applying "armor" to my motorcycle jacket: all I had to do was put pads that look like football pads in the elbows and shoulders; VERY MINIMAL TASK a .25 on a scale of 1-10.
Having done that the instructions upgrade says "treat as if it's item level were 5 higher" and go to p409. After reading several formulas that I'm not going to type here, I came up with 15 for the hardness and 30 fort the hit points IF ALL IS CORRECT.
The question still remains, if it is correct, in what column do the scores appropriately go in??

Silver Crusade

When you upgrade an item, say your armor, were/how do you put the points and how does it affect your AC roll??

Silver Crusade

Thank you.

Silver Crusade

I just picked a Race that was close to the one I wanted to use and "adjusted/Tweeked" the abilities to for the new class, NOT TO OVER DO IT- I don't think that would be a fun character to play. I made my dog a character, he's a pit bull/boxer mix. I used the Ysoki Race and modified it to fit him. Instead of "CHEEK POUCHES", I gave him a boost(+2) to Perception and Sense of Movement because of his K9 abilities. Hey, if Han Solo can have a WOOKIE and Star Lord can have a RACOON as a side kick, why can't I have one: My DOG?

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thank you for the guide. Like you, I was on the fence about this class.

Silver Crusade

What mix of characters would you take on the incident at "Absalom Station"?? The introduction says "an adventure for four 1st level characters", this is my 1st RPG game and I was just trying to get ahead of the curve and find out what would make this adventure more interesting with a mix of characters.....
