Rich Diver

artemis2's page

34 posts. Alias of artemis_segundo.


CharlieRock wrote:
Seems to me to be most similar to Exalted. Mostly for how it makes a player feel while in character.

I agre, the tone is similar at the Exalted.

Kruelaid wrote:
It's not power for me. It's credulity, and the kind of fantasy world I want to create. My worlds tend to be gritty and they wouldn't be if magic items were so ever-present that someone could go out shopping for exactly what he or she needs.

That's exactly what I think ¡Thanks Kruelaid!

¡Thanks for all Mary!

I don't have problems with a shop with potins, scrolls and some rare magical items. But shops of magical items seems imposible to me.

How many adverture parties of level 5-10 are in Varisia actually? A few dozens? ¿How many magical items do they earn in a year and never use? A hundred in total? ¿How many do they sell? The half or less? How many of these objects are bought by authorities and rich people?

I don´t mind if an NPC party sells a +1 sword to one PC, what I dislike is shops with a stock of magical items more powerful than those used by the royal guard awaiting the PCs.

Please excuse by my poor english and thanks for all the opinions ;)

The basic cores sells more than any supplement or aditional basic. That's the reason why they publish the 3.5 as a new core or for that they begin to planning a new edition two years later.

This is only one opinion of course, but I believe them about the necessity of 3.5 and thre years and half later they publish the fourth.

Really I hope that you don't see a 4.5 in three-four years but I don't think it.

Please excuse my poor english.

Thanks to all ;) Yes I'm aware of the fact that not all the magical items will be fit in a particular group, but I confront this in two manners:

1.- I try that in every treasure the PCs take some utility items, not all but the sufficients (yes it's metaplay, but I consider it the destiny).

2.- Yes, the adverturer parties can buy the objects that they don't need but they can give them to his cohorts, or sell it to the king's guard. I don't dislike the PCs buying some object but the magical items shops.

Mike McArtor wrote:
I think you'll be okay to not have magic shops, at least in CotCT. IIRC, there are only a couple magic shops described in Korvosa (although I assumed there were more that just didn't get described), so it should be easy for you to repurpose them. :)

Well I'm with the Rise of the Runelords, but thanks for the advice, Curse of Crimson Throne will be player for us in a future ;)

Please excuse my poor english and thanks to all opinion again ;)

Kassil wrote:

The iconics are the characters you can find in the back of the Pathfinders and the Modules. Characters built to give a view of the flavor of Golarion; much like Lidda, Tordek, and their ilk are in the WotC books, only here we have them actually fleshed out numerous times.

Oh, Ok ¡Thanks man! ;)

Thak you Mary. I suposse that part of my job how DM is entrust in my gamers ;) ¡Thank you very much!

I dislike the idea of the shops of magical items (except some potions, scrolls or perhaps a few minor magical items), can I run the paths without them normally or I must add magical items for compensate this.

Thanks in advance and please, forgive my poor english.

Rauol_Duke wrote:
artemis2 wrote:

I don't understand, will I receive this manual with the Chronicles suscription or it won't be included with any suscription?

This item is part of the Pathfinder Chronicles subscription as is indicated on this page.

Ok, Thank you man ^^

I know it must be difficult, my fear is that He could be TOO difficult.

Thanks for your experience Mary, but it seems a fortunately combat, isn't it?

In any case only with his time stop, wish and meteor swarm Karzoug could destroy a party. This is my fear, sorry if it is a stupid idea.

Please, excuse my poor english and thanks for all the opinions.

I don't understand, will I receive this manual with the Chronicles suscription or it won't be included with any suscription?

Hummm... thanks for the idea but my question leans more towards if you consider Karzoug being a disproportionate challenge for a fifteen level group hurted and tired from multiple combats.

An one-use object that projects an anti-magic field could be a GREAT help but it would transform Karzoug in a failure as the last villain, wouldn´t it?

Herbo, I think that only with his nine level spell Karzoug could be a problem (and more with the amount of his HP).

Please forgive my poor english.

You can use Khalib. Yes, he's eager of the Karzoug position but he's too afraid of Karzaug displease with him. Perhaps Khalib could use the PCs against his master and reveal the PCs the sihedron problem.

Any one can coment his/her experiences with the final combat with Karzoug? It seems to me VERY difficult, but perhaps i don't see something.

Thanks in advance and please forgive my poor english.

Jeremy Mac Donald wrote:

Even if true - something I don't concede unless one includes the Spell Compendium - it still raises the power level of the party and is therefore something to be concerned about. Especially at the levels between around 5th-9th or so when the Tomb of Battle Martial Classes are really spectacularly potent.

The power raises if you chages a fighter for a Book of Nine Swords class, equally if you changes a fighter for a barbarian (a class at the level of the BoNS). In conclusion, the problem isn't of the BoNS classes is of the fighter.

The Spell Compendium and the first four completes (the four last no) are usually in my table ;)

SirUrza wrote:
artemis2 wrote:
Excuse me, what is it that of 12th iconic?
They haven't revealed it yet, so nothing to talk about.

Excuse me(I supose that it is a newbie question but...), what's the iconic?

Thanks in advance and please forgive my poor english.

Excuse me, what is it that of 12th iconic?

Thanks in advance.

Thanks, that will help me a lot!

SirUrza wrote:
Be warned that the Book of Nine Swords is very overpowered and will make anyone playing a regular class from the Players Handbook feeling.. very weak.

At first sight it can seem overpowered but BoNS only improve the useless warrior class (barbarian is at the level of any of the clases of the manual).

I had players with it in two campaigns (and in the new Rise of the Runelords one of my players have another) and they are good character with versatile abilities but definitely no overpowered.

¿How fits the clases of Book of Nine Swords in Golarion? Lately I am using it much and with the "oriental-look" of some of the Pathfinder creatures (in particular fire giants) I think it fits well ¿What's your opinion?

Please forgive my poor english

Blue_eyed_paladin wrote:

There are people working on conversion of RotRL to True20... whatever that is. I think I may even have commented on one of those threads. I've been making custom miniatures of some of the special characters from RotRL from Fimo and posting pictures. People are posting their progress and how to deal with tricky situations. People have been making extra encounters to add detail to certain areas... what's not to love?

About that... ¿Will The pdf conversions of Pathfinder to True20 continue if Paizo chages the first to fourth edition based?

I think that some of the dislike with the fouth in this forum comes from the fear of Paizo changing to fourth (almost it is my case, I don't hate the fourth but i must recognize that it isn't a game for me, but I love the pathfinder line and all of Golarion material). This not justify the "insults" but explain the animosity.

Please excuse my poor english.

You can see the Elder Evils manuals. That menaces fits well in a post-RotR subcampaign.

Ross Byers wrote:
artemis2 wrote:

One silly question ¿All the anterior Gamemastery Modules were placed in Golarion and bring information of the world?
Yes. All the modules were set in Golarion.

Thanks, then i will buy the remaining modules ^^

One silly question ¿All the anterior Gamemastery Modules were placed in Golarion and bring information of the world?

Goodbye Mr Gygax We will miss you :'(

¿That means that the question "if Pathfinder will appear under the fourth" is yes and the only question remaining is "when"?

Please, forgive my poor english.

Jumms, sorry ¿How can I download it? It dosn't appear in my downloads account :-/

vagrant-poet wrote:

Varisia was only Karzoug's part of Thassilon. We don't really know where the rest of it was, bar sunken Bakrakhan, but you can assume its was about seven times the size of Varisia. Or greater. However Varisia might be the only land with much of Thassilon left, what with being a frontier, full of dangers, etc.

We have yet to see another land.

Hope that helps.

We know that xin-shalast is in the Kodar Mountains (North of Varisia), Xin-Bakrakhan in an island of the Varisian Bay (probably in Hollow Mountain), and tha xin-Eurythnia near the actual Korvosa (the Sunken Queen are a monument of that kingdom). I supose that Varisia (and probably the Hold of Belzken and the Lands of Linnorn Kings) are all the ancient Thassilon.


Excuse me ¿What web suplement?

Tbug that was I think for all except the runelord of wrath. But is possible that I was in error. Thanks ^^

Mary Yamato wrote:

If you wanted to mix things up a little more:

** spoiler omitted **


Alzhanist is alive? I ever asumed she died (really die I mean) in the sunking of her kingdom

I Thought that it was the reason for the minor runewell controlled by Erylium, instead of the runelady.

Please excuse my poor english.

I wish to know if Paizo have plans to publish the next paths (Second Darkness or the nexts) in 4e or it will stay in 3.5 format. Thanks.

Please, excuse my poor english.