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![]() I received today the order 1749305 (my suscriptions of last month) and it only bring four of six books (Master of Devils, Goblins of Golarion, Inner Sea Magic, Pathfinder Society Field Guide). My question is about the missing two (Shadows of Gallowspire y The Brinewall Legacy), are they in another packet or I have a problem? Thanks in advance and please, forgive me for my poor english ![]()
![]() Reading the Haunting of Harrowstone I meet with that question. The Profesor Lorrimor is the main reason for the PCs involving in the adventure (and the campaign), but we know nothing of him. The information we have is: + He is a sage and profesor (with some clues of supernatural interest but nothing clear).
I think that a brief biography of this NPC will be a great help for the DMs. Thanks in advance and please excuse me for my poor english. ![]()
![]() Anyone have an idea about the cost of living (in specific the building ownership and rent costs) in the Ivy Disctrict of Absalom. I searched in the Guide to Absalom but I didn't find't it neither in the adventure Gallery of Evil (in which the district is described). It seems a very elitist district, perhaps as expensive as the Ascendant Court? If anyone have something about the other wards I will be eternally gratefull. Thanks in advance and please forgive my poor english. ![]()
![]() What means exactly be a venturte-captain? what are their powers and duties? Is a venture captain tied to an especifical region or his influence can extend over an adventurer group whenever it be? I will begin an adventure centered in the Pathfinder Society in Absalom with a flavor about exploration of the world (and beyond) and politics of the Society (any word about this conflicts in any manual or reference?), and this question torments me. Please excuse my poor english and thanks by advance. ![]()
![]() I have two items in this order, the Pathfinder RPG preorder, and the Pathfinder RPG Beta that was shipped the last august, but the Beta is counted in the total of the order ¿Is an error or a problema caused for the order split? The shipping amount is correct or it presumes two books? Thanks in advance. ![]()
![]() I'm finalising Burnt Offerings and I have serious doubts about the inclusion of the Malfeshnekor directly in the module. Really ¿Is this monster beatle by a four level party? His power and abillities are superiors to the PCs and the surprise attack of his invisibility is deadly. Please forgive my poor english and thanks in advance. ![]()
![]() I have USPS Priority Mail selected in My Susciptions but the order was shipped via USPS Package Service. I have no problem this time, but please fix it. Thank you very much! One more question, in my Gamemastery Modules I have two Demon Within: Most recent module:
Next module:
I suppose it's an error, no? Please excuse my poor english and the posible rudesness derived from it. |