alpha_storm's page

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Oh, and not to forget, you cand hurt me if im not online. I can not begin to stress the importance of that factor. Bad enough to be molested when I say no. To show up to work in the morning and find my own body raped and beaten at my desk when I arrive is rediculous.

Im just glad someone pointed out the possible similarity to eve. I love the economy and the pvp system.

There are player owned pvp zones, and pvp protected zones enforced by a nearly invincible npc faction.

The faction can be payed off to allow concentual alliance warfare in protected space.

Indevidual characters can concent to combat in protected space.

Value of resource collection is based on risk level of the collection, and what's more risky than collecting in an area dominated by hardened pvpers.

PvE combatants, gatherers, and crafters can do plenty in the safety of protected zones.

Risk takers can venture out into the badlands. Or join a pvp alliance and carve your future in the safety of what your brethren controll. Even noncombatants have a major place in pvp lands, highly valued for production of war materials constantly expended.

There are safe places even in the badlands where some one can hunker down for a while and opt out of combat. (although this means making less money by not shipping or gathering... You can pay some one else to do that.)

The best part is, even new players have a place in battle alongside the veterans. Anoying crowd controll, scouting, disposable fodder and before long reasonable added firepower!

Better yet, the pvp zoning is enforced by enviroment with story and purpose. Suspension of disbelief. Not just a block of floating red text that says 'opps you can't stab him!'

I really hope to see this ancient, rusty warhorse of a system resurrected in the beauty of pathfinders possibility.