
allenwrench's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Dark Archive

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Wait you used my 60-day notice to cure or quit violations idea!

Section V clause a.

Dark Archive

EltonJ wrote:
Steve Geddes wrote:

If WotC are involved lawsuits are less likely.

This is an industry issue.

WotC is a business. That is why we had the OGL thing last month. The only thing that sparked the ORC was what they intended. Wizards, like I said, is pragmatic. They need to sell their products.

What Paizo realized that there was a threat to their business model (the OGL thing Wizards tried to pull). So we got the announcement of the ORC. And with a lot of other companies joining the ORC alliance, Wizards has seen where the wind was blowing.

And it wasn't blowing in their direction.

Well Wizards done messed up when they released their "engine" to D&D under the OGL in 2000. I mean they went with the GSL later to try to recify their mistake and went back to OGL now with the SRD being under CC-BY I think Paizo has to be even more competitive and release under CC-BY as well otherwise people will stick to the more free-er license