alfred1844's page

* Pathfinder Society GM. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 11 Organized Play characters.


How are you handling the weather forecast in the campaign? I'll just roll a percentage check for 25% of manastorm the next day? Since we have no spellcasters it is for RP purposes.

Magical Shorthand is an amazing feat when you are time constraint like Fists Of The Ruby Phoenix

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I'm dissapointed that Paizo didn't provide a leeway for Evil characters. Playing as an outlaw with Evil alignment would've been perfect and fun with the right party. Would you reckon Paizo would provide options for Evil Aligned characters or do we have to homebrew it.

Deriven Firelion wrote:
alfred1844 wrote:
AlastarOG wrote:

Are you aware that you can't trip or grapple as part of an attack of opportunity?

And that you only have one attack of opportunity per round of combat ?

So if he gets an attack(not a trip or grapple) on one of the ennemies rushing him, cool, the others will still reach him and hit him, most likely gritting him cause of low AC.

Plus he's easier to flank. That build is really not cheesy it's just adequate.

Barbarians can't have flat footed also he blocks the entire map due to how small they are. A lot of enemies are lower level. He also uses trip which he succeds a lot and with slow as a GM it comes to a grindfest of doing nothing. I get that I give potions of quicken to my enemies and manipulate them a bit.

And you are using the Multiple Attack Penalty on the trips? Trips count as attacks for the Multiple Attack Penalty. So each additional trip attempt is at -5 and then -10. Only one AoO per round. Fighter Multiclass won't get the extra AoO feat until level 20 since you only count as half your fighter level for fighter feats.

Thanks for the answers but we separated our paths with the player. He wasn't a good person to play with in the first place with constant complaining. Now I had a relook I could actually turn him into my pet by making enemies challenging him constantly in the opposite side of the room. That would be hilarious :D

AlastarOG wrote:

Are you aware that you can't trip or grapple as part of an attack of opportunity?

And that you only have one attack of opportunity per round of combat ?

So if he gets an attack(not a trip or grapple) on one of the ennemies rushing him, cool, the others will still reach him and hit him, most likely gritting him cause of low AC.

Plus he's easier to flank. That build is really not cheesy it's just adequate.

Barbarians can't have flat footed also he blocks the entire map due to how small they are. A lot of enemies are lower level. He also uses trip which he succeds a lot and with slow as a GM it comes to a grindfest of doing nothing. I get that I give potions of quicken to my enemies and manipulate them a bit.

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One of my biggest problems is how cramped the maps are. We have a power player who picked barbarian who has 15 ft reach thanks to giant posture and he cheeses every encounters with AOO (he took fighter dedication) trip and grapple. At this point as a GM I feel I have 3 choices in this matter...

1- Change the enemies in a way that counters it (like giving spell casters hideous laughter, give rouges the non provoking feat and give a lot of grease)

2- Reintroduce the 1st ED rule where he can't attack 5 and 10 feet with a reach weapon. Which will either force him to a standard melee weapon or reposition himself.

3- Ask him to preroll as he is cheesing the map designs..

As a GM I'm conflicted because I want him to have fun in the game but I personally not enjoying any encounter due to him cheesing. Also he complains that I'm crippling his cheese build if I introduce anything that specifically counters him. What should I do here?

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Horribly written scenario. Too difficult and very prone to TPK. Mechanics absolutely unclear. We were supposed to rest and we were not being told about it. It's needs to be rewritten considering the player experience.