
alacar's page

57 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

I'm running the AoWAP and I have six PCs and I need to know what adjustments I should make with the adventures to accomidate more PCs, please any advice is good.

I can't seem to find a map of Cauldron's surrounding wilderness, if anybody knows where I can get one online, it would make me very happy.

I'm going to be running a campaign with Rary the Traitor and Lord Rolibar as the main villians. Does anybody know where I can get stats for these villians?

I recently decided to add a secondary tunnel in the lava tubes in Flood Season which leads to a small hold of a vampire Sor 4 who is affilliated with the Cagewrights, who was sent to keep an eye on the Ebon Triad and guard them from attack. I also took one of the wands from Triel and gave it to the vampire.

I want to know some of the other side quests and encounters people added to the AP.

I ordered three magazines about two or three months ago in order for me to run the Shackled City adventure path. I believe I ordered 92, 97 and 107 (Life's Bazaar, Flood Season, and Test of the Smoking Eye). I was overjoyed six days later when I got 92 and 97 in the mail. However I never got 107 and the time will be coming soon that I need it. I already have my players near the end of the Zenith Trajectory. Please help me out Paizo.