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acecipher's page

88 posts (276 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 8 aliases.

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Hey everyone from old games or old threads or other familiar people!

This shall be the main discussion thread for Fate/Bloodbath. Everyone needs to post here. Please use the Alias function to set a name for your master. Also please be careful about saying your servant's name. If you do feel you need to say it (and no one would be around to hear it), say "[SERVANT'S NAME]" or somesuch.

Also everyone from the old threads please do post here.

If you're new and interested in playing a RPG based off of Fate/Stay Night, please do PM me.

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Are you a dog person or a cat person?

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Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
acecipher wrote:
Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
acecipher wrote:
If you had to change allignment, what would you prefer to be?
Ummm... what's wrong with my current one?
Nothing. Its just a way I use to better define what exactly a character's alignment really is, since only having 9 alignments is still a rather.... imprecise way of defining someone.

That's... weird.

That's like saying, "I like to change the color of things because that lets me know what color they really are."

You have successfully confused me, and that makes me stabby.

Ah, my apologies. If the analogy helps, it is like trying to find the right shade of red-orange to put on a painting: should it be really red or more orange-y?

And a serious question now: If there was a Chaotic Stabby alignment, would you agree to be its paragon (IE the person who defines it)?