Grand Necromancer

Zyrr's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Blaydsong.

About Zyrr

Male android cyberborn technomancer 1
N Medium humanoid (android)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +0
Defense SP 6 HP 9 RP 4
EAC 13; KAC 13
Fort +1; Ref +3; Will +2
Speed 30 ft.
Ranged tactical Diasporan rifle +3 (1d8 F; sniper [250 ft.], unwieldy)
Technomancer Spells Known (CL 1st; ranged +3)
. . 1st (3/day)—junk armor, supercharge weapon
. . 0 (at will)—energy ray, fabricate scrap, mending, transfer charge
Str 10 (+0); Dex 16 (+3); Con 12 (+1); Int 17 (+3); Wis 10 (+0); Cha 8 (-1)
Skills Computers +8 (1 ranks), Engineering +5 (1 ranks), Life Science +7, Mysticism +4, Physical Science +7, Piloting +7 (1 ranks), Sense Motive -2, Sleight Of Hand +7; (reduce the DC of Engineering and Life Science checks relating to cybernetic augmentations)
Feats Sniper Weapon Proficiency
Languages Akitonian, Aklo, Azlanti, Common, Draconic
Other Abilities constructed, spell cache (item type)
Other Gear tactical Diasporan rifle with 1 battery (20 charges), consumer backpack, travel clothing, credstick (17 credits); Augmentations datajack

Example image of Zyrr

The day of my birth is still well ingrained within my neural cortex. Though the term 'birth' stil seems odd to some members of other species. As an android, many of my brethren are created in foundaries, but I was born through renewal. I know this instinctively, just like a newborn human knows to cry when something is wrong, or an equine creature knows how to stand on it's own feet within minutes. I don't know who came before me, and I really have no need to know. That person is gone, and lived his or her own life. Now, it is me, and I am Zyrr.

I do know that this body has always had an affinity for magic. The moment I first gained consciousness, I could feel the energy coursing through my veins. I felt a connection to the universe as a whole. It wouldn't be very long before I made the connection between magic and technology, and I dove into discovering my path with the fervor of a dragon gathering it's horde of treasures and baubles.

This pursuit quickly lead me to the discovery of augmentations and cybernetics, and I was immediately intruiged with the idea of modifying my form to one of my own choosing. Perhaps I can make more of myself by combining my being with whatever interesting and powerful technologies I can find, and molding it all with the powers of the cosmos. The possibilities are endless.

My journey started in Absolom, where I first woke. From there I traveled and learned, but my resources were few. So now I travel back to the home of my birth. Perhaps the Starfinder Society can help me to achieve my goals, or perhaps I can find some other path that I haven't even perceived yet.

Ever forward I go.

Born of renewal in Absalom Station, Zyrr is an intelligent android who lives for knowledge and power. Not necessarily to rule over others, or to be the strongest. He simply wants to know where it can take him, and how it can change him. Whether it's through technology, magic or a hybrid of the two, his goal is to experience as much as possible, and to change himself to be the best version of himself.

Zyrr doesn't feel the need to form bonds with people, but he does recognize that there are some things he can not do alone.... yet. He doesn't tend to express emotion openly, if at all, but those who grow to know and understand him may come to see the slight quirk of his lips when he finds a new technology, or wields a new spell, or see his eyes deepen a fraction if someone blocks him from his goal. He's not soulless, after all.

If given a task, Zyrr does everything in his power to see it done to the letter, though he has no interest in violence if it is not necessary. Laws don't interest him, and chaos causes too many problems. Good and evil are notions that are nearly alien to him, though he has no wish to cause trouble to anyone else without a logical reason. Knowledge is usefully only so far as it moves him towards his goals, and friendship as well. The one thing that gives him the most pleasure comes from body augmentation and cybernetics. Anything he can do to change his form in some interesting and new way gives him immense satisfaction.

Zyrr has no gender. He sees no point in such things when they matter so little. Physically, he has no distinct features that would identify him as male or female. He is just tall enough and slender enough to be mistaken for either. Even his voice has both a masculine and feminine quality to it. He really doesn't have any preference as to how he is addressed, and will generally allow any form of address (he/she/it/etc). He wears little in the way of clothing, though he seem to never be without his long, mantled cloak-like coat that wraps around him completely, but not tightly. And, despite his aversion to violence, his always has a sniper rifle slung over his shoulder.