
Zylphyr's page

14 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


I've got a Vargulf for an upcoming game that I created using the Werewolf (Afflicted) Template and Vampire Spawn. He's a Barbarian that I want to have a thematic Totem rage power for, for his level 4 Rage power. Depending on the success of this encounter, may need ideas for the next 2 levels of the Totem power...

He looks bad-ass, but with his Reckless Abandon stance, and Wild Fighting (Wild Rager archetype), he should be a bit of a Glass Cannon...

Lesser Blood Totem (Su)
Prerequisite: Barbarian 4, must be a vampire or werewolf

Effect: When the barbarian successfully hits with a bite attack while raging, the target must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 the barbarian's level + the barbarian's Constitution modifier) or take 1d6 points of bleed damage. The duration of the bleed is 1 round plus half the amount rolled on the bleed damage dice (rounded up). Additionally, the barbarian heals previously lost temporary hit points equal to the initial bleed damage dealt. This, obviously, cannot take the temporary hit points of the barbarian to a number higher than what he gets from raging.

The bleed damage can be stopped by a successful DC 15 Heal check or through any magical healing.

TorresGlitch wrote:

Iron Muscle Monk
Ki Muscle
At 4th level, a Muscle Monk gain the ability to use Ki Muscle, granting a +4 Morale bonus to strength for 1 minute in exchange of 2 ki points.
This ability replaces her lvl4 ki-power.

The problem with this is that it's far more powerful than a single ki power. It's +2 to hit/damage, and you're replacing a utility for an offensive. If you feel it's too much of a loss to lose Style Strike, you're still better replacing the Style Strike given at 5th level, than to replace a Ki Power. And even then, I'd allow a +2 Strength in place of a Style Strike, which can be taken twice for a total of +4 Strength at the loss of 2 Style Strikes. Just my opinion.

TorresGlitch wrote:

Strength of Gymnastics
A Muscle Monk gains the means to further evade attacks through Gymnastic flexibility, she adds half her Strength mod to AC whilst unencumbered & unarmored.
This replaces the Iron Muscle Monks' first level bonus feat.

A feat (Dodge, Improved Natural Armour, Etc) grants +1 AC, it's obvious this is a strength-build archetype, so this is worth 2 to 5 feats (or more, since getting Strength to 30 isn't that difficult in the upper echelons of levels, especially since you already grant +4 in your previous feature). And while I realize there are a few broken builds out there that make this seem weak (Synthesist), homebrew should not, in my opinion, exceed the power levels of core... we do homebrew to give players a chance to play something thematic to them, not power boost (at least in my gaming world).

TorresGlitch wrote:

I like the name Iron Muscle Monk, seems fit.

A name is just a name... if you like it, absolutely keep it. That being said, it feels like the word Muscle was just thrown in there to justify strength boosts (which is not a terrible thing, it's surely better than "Telekinetic Invisibility" for Kineticist, the worst justification for Invisibility I've ever seen in my life..). If you want to keep with the feel of it without making it seem blatant, maybe call it Iron Bear Monk. Something that screams muscle without being obvious. ;)

It is a bit much. If you take a look at the Ironskin Monk (Hobgoblin archetype), you'll see you're giving far more than should be given. Here's a suggested re-make...

Iron Monk

Damage Reduction
Monk gains damage reduction at 4th level. Subtract 1 from the damage the monk takes each time she is dealt damage from a weapon or natural attack. At 8th level and every 4 monk levels thereafter, this damage reduction increases by 1 point. This replaces the conditions granted by Stunning First at 4th, 12th, 16th and 20th level.

Notes: This is balanced. Every other level is extreme... I mean, an Invulnerable Rager is the only archetype that gets the /2, and he gives up some really great defense to do that... You could replace the "At 8th level, and every 4 monk levels thereafter" with "At 6th level, and every 2 monk levels thereafter", but as a GM I would not allow it unless you did some really fancy convincing...

Ki Strength
Starting at 5th level, whenever making a flurry of blows, he gets a +4 morale bonus to his strength for the purpose of this attack. This replaces Style Strike.

Notes: I don't think this is thematic for the archetype, I'm just writing it in a more sensible manner. The archetype is about soaking damage, it would make a LOT more sense if this boosted constitution instead of strength. They key note here though is that it uses "morale bonus", which prevents the need to explain that it doesn't stack with rage.

Muscled Resilience... no, this goes too far. In truth, the every 2 levels is too much already, going further would be unacceptable.

Upon reachine any level at or after 10th level, the monk may choose to replace their bonus feat for that level, to gain the ability to use their evasion and improved evasion for either willpower saves or fortitude saves. They may do this a maximum of twice allowing them to use the evasion and improved evasion for both willpower and fortitude saves.

So, you get what you want, mostly... with a lot less sacrificed. I think any GM worth his salt won't let you get past DR 5/- as a monk, except via something like Mythic.

As for these:

Exchanges Ride Skill with Survival.
Exchanges Good Reflex progression with good Will Save progression.
Exchanged 1d10 HP progression with 1d8 HP progression but gain Invulnerable.

I agree with skills, I disagree with saves (unless you can find an archetype that shows it's been done before), and I disagree with HP progression... especially that... you're supposed to be a tank, keep the HPs.

Note: The last of the Elementalist archetypes in my pile, and mostly just to make the weakest of all their archetype actually interesting...
Cliff Notes: Removed the extra 2 levels to get the +1 AC bonus (so it escalates at the same speed as a Monk). Kineticist uses full bab when flurrying. Can use flurry with claws. Added a new Infusion that can be gained at level 7+, which lets kinetic fist be at /2 instead of /3. Added a way to get Monk's Fast Movement.

Elemental Ascetic - Unchained (Kineticist)

Elemental Flurry (Su)
At 1st level, an elemental ascetic gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat. He gains the kinetic fist form infusion and it costs 0 points of burn instead of 1 point of burn. When using the kinetic fist form infusion with a full attack, he can make a flurry of blows as the monk class feature. He must use only his fists to make this flurry, no matter what other abilities he possesses. When using elemental flurry, the kineticist replaces his class's base attack bonus with his kineticist level.

If the kineticist has claws, he may make his unarmed attack for this flurry, and may also use his claws (and any other natural attacks that he has) as secondary attacks in the same round, in place of his other unarmed attack, at the usual -5 for secondary attacks.

Like a monk, he can use this ability only when unarmored, not using a shield, and unencumbered. He can’t use his kinetic blast without a form infusion, nor can he ever use his kinetic blast with the chain, extended range, extreme range, foe throw, flurry of blasts, many throw, or snake form infusions, or with any other form infusion that requires a ranged attack roll or ranged touch attack roll.

This ability alters kinetic blast and replaces elemental overflow.

Elemental Wisdom (Su)

An elemental ascetic can use his Wisdom modifier instead of his Constitution modifier to determine the DCs of Constitution-based wild talents, the duration of wild talents with a Constitution-based duration, and his bonus on concentration checks for wild talents.

This ability alters the key ability scores of wild talents.

AC Bonus

At 2nd level, when unarmored, not using a shield, and unencumbered, an elemental ascetic adds his Wisdom bonus (if any) to his AC and his CMD.

These bonuses to AC apply even against touch attacks or when the elemental ascetic is flat-footed. He loses these bonuses when he is immobilized or helpless. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4 kineticist levels the elemental ascetic possesses beyond 2nd. The elemental ascetic’s kineticist levels stack with monk levels for the purpose of determining when the bonus increases. An elemental ascetic can never take the expanded defense utility wild talent.

This ability replaces elemental defense.

Fast Movement

At 4th level, or any higher level in which he would gain a Utility Wild Talent, the kineticist may choose to replace that wild talent with an enhancement bonus to his land speed, as shown on Table: Monk Unchained, as long as he is not wearing medium or heavy armor, and his encumberance is light.

Power Fist (Su)

At 5th level, an elemental ascetic can accept 2 additional points of burn when using kinetic fist to increase that infusion’s damage dice from d6s to d8s.

At 9th level, he can instead accept 3 additional points of burn to increase the damage dice from d6s to d10s. At 13th level, he can instead accept 4 additional points of burn to increase the damage dice from d6s to d12s. All of these options count as burn from a form infusion and can thus be reduced by infusion specialization.

This ability replaces the 5th-, 9th-, and 13th-level infusions.

Greater Kinetic Fist wrote:

Element(s) universal; Type form infusion (Su); Level 3; Burn 2
Prerequisite(s) kinetic fist
Associated Blasts any
Saving Throw none

As kinetic fist, but when calculating damage, you deal an additional 1d6 points of damage per 2 dice of your kinetic blast's damage rather than per 3 dice.

Notes: The real weakness here was the lack of combat... Other summoners are summoning creatures that cast lightning bolts and the like... that's not happening here. It was/is fun for non-combat situations, and there's an awesome factor to having a Dragon appear behind the enemy, but monster-kill count is low, even with Shadow Illusions. :P

Illusionist (Summoner)


The summoner may add any Wizard/Sorcerer spell from the Illusion School to their spell list. However, an Illusionist has 1 fewer spells known per level than his summoner class indicates.

Summon Illusion (Sp)

Starting at 1st level, a summoner of this archetype can cast illusion spells instead of summoning monster spells, as a spell-like ability. This ability allows him to cast silent image a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Charisma modifier. The illusions have an extended duration of lasting a number of round per level equal to the summoner level, after releasing concentration of the spell, and are dismissible by the summoner. This replaces the summon monster I spell-like ability.

At 3rd level, this feature can be used to summon Minor Image in place of Silent Image, and at 5th level, it replaces Minor Image with Major Image.

The summoner cannot have more than one active illusion spell at a time from this ability. If this ability is used again, any existing illusion spell immediately ends. These illusion spells are considered to be part of his spell list for the purposes of spell trigger and spell completion items. In addition, the summoner can expend uses of this ability to fulfill the construction requirements of any magic item he creates, so long as he can use this ability to cast the required spell.

Note: Illusionists still have the Summon Monster spells on their spell-list at the reduced level, they just lose the ability to summon them as a spell-like ability.

Illusion Pool

Starting at 7th level, the summoner gains a pool of points that he can add to any spell from the school of illusion that he generates either from spell casting or from his spell-like ability. Each point can be used to increase the power of the spell in the same way as using metamagic feats do. The pool is equal to 1, +1 for every 2 levels after 7th, to a maximimum of +7 at 19th level. The following metamagic feats can be applied with these pool points, at 1 point per spell-level increase, without increasing their casting time or their spell-level. The summoner can choose from the following metamagic feats: Heighten Spell, Quicken Spell, Persistent Spell, Widen Spell. The points in this pool replenish at the beginning of the summoner's round, and could potentially be split up amongst multiple spells.

Last one for today, taking longer than I thought it would to adapt them to forum format... He was a fun character, would find a way to stand in the middle of a combat scenario, and hold his ground through AoOs... The goal was a Kineticist who could actually use the Combat Patrol feat...

Samsara Aegis (Dwarven Racial Archetype for Kineticist)

Also known as the Old Guard, the Samsara Aegis are believed to be the reincarnation of a tribe’s greatest heroes. As well as wisdom from countless lives lived, they are rumored to see past the lies of living and perceive their true intentions. What is even more remarkable though, is their connection to the earth, their ability to draw upon ancestral memories which built the dwarven strongholds within the mountains, to manipulate the element of earth. Though some of the Old Guard follow a more divine route, the Aegis of the Samsara are even more adept at manipulating the earth and using it to protect the rest of their tribe and home.

Ancient Wisdom
The Samsara Aegis adds Climb and Sense Motive to their list of Class Skills instead of Acrobatics and Stealth, and additionally, they gain the Terran Language as a free language. This alters the Class Skills of the Kineticist.

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies
The Samsara Aegis are proficient with shields, but not tower shields. This alters the Weapon and Armor Proficiencies of the Kineticist.

Elemental Focus (Su)
When choosing their Elemental Focus, the Samsara Aegis must choose Earth. This alters the Elemental Focus of the Kineticist.

Focused Blast (Su)
The Samsara Aegis may never use their Kinetic Blast at range, being limited to melee combat when using their blast. They do not need to Burn in order to use any
infusions granted by this class feature. Starting at 1st level, they gain the Kinetic Blade Infusion. At 5th level, they replace their Kinetic Blade Infusion with the Kinetic Whip infusion. At 9th level, they gain the Bowling Infusion. Beginning at 11th level they may attack with a base attack bonus equal to their Kineticist level. At 13th level, when using their Kinetic Whip, a Samsara Aegis may spend a move action to add the damage bonus from elemental overflow to their damage with the Kinetic Whip. At 15th level, the Samsara Aegis gains the Deadly Earth infusion, but the infusion must be centered on the square they are standing in; however the Samsara Aegis takes no damage from the attack. This replaces the Gather Power, Infusion, Infusion Specialization and Supercharge class features.

Great Resolve (Su)
At 3rd level, the Samsara Aegis gains the samurai’s resolve class feature, as a samurai of her kineticist level – 2. Each use requires the expenditure of 1 Burn.

Metakinetic Stance (Su)
Beginning at 5th level, they may forgo their attack, when summoning a Kinetic Whip, to enter a stance that prepares them for threats as a Standard Action. This is a very loud and visible effect, as earth matter swirls around them in a manner that threatens the mobility of enemy opponents. Their threatened area increases by 5 feet, plus 5 feet per 5 points of their base attack bonus, rounded down. Once in this stance, their Kinetic Whip is automatically maintained across multiple rounds. Any attack which is not an attack of opportunity, or move which is more than 5’ in a round, ends the stance. This replaces the Metakinesis and Metakinetic Master class features of the Kineticist.

Note: To be honest, I don't even remember making this archetype... I'm only posting it because it seems cool, but my remembrance on how Shifters work is vague at best, and I think the guy we made this for ended up just playing a Wyvaran Bloodrager anyhows...

Weredragon (Shifter Archetype)
Weretouched shifters are scions of lycanthropic forces, whether hereditary or supernaturally imposed. They can assume both animal and hybrid forms, as a lycanthrope does. Weredragons take this a step further.

Bonus Languages
A weredragon gains draconic as a known language instead of Druidic.

Lycanthrope Aspect (Su)
At 1st level, a weredragon gains the shifter aspect ability, except the animal aspect chosen is the dragon aspect described below, and is the only animal aspect the weredragon can gain. The weredragon must select his dragon color, and this cannot be changed at a later time. Class features which use an element, must always use the element of this dragon color. This alters her other class features, as detailed in each relevant class feature. Otherwise, this ability functions identically to shifter aspect.

This replaces wild shape and alters shifter aspect and all of its improvements.

Lycanthropic Terror (Su)
At 1st level, a weredragon causes fear in animals. This ability functions as an Intimidate check to demoralize an opponent. This action is a free action. The weredragon rolls 1d20 and adds 1/2 her shifter level and Charisma modifier to determine the wild empathy check result. To use Lycanthropic Terror, the shifter and the animal must be within 30 feet of one another.

The weredragon can also use this ability to influence a magical beast, with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2, but she takes a -4 penalty on the check.

This alters wild empathy.

Dragon (Su)
At 16th level, a weredragon can assume the major aspect of the dragon. This works as the Wild Shape class feature of the Shifter, except that it uses Form of the Dragon II in place of beast shape spells. When in this major form, the weredragon gains all the features of that form. At 20th level, use the Form of the Dragon III to determine which features are granted.

Dragon Aspect
The aspect of the dragon is the epitome of a warrior, the evolvement into the most feared creature in the world. There is no limit to the power of the Dragon.
Minor Form: You gain a +1 bonus to your natural armor, and an additional +1 for every 5 levels you gain in the shifter class. You also gain a resistance to the element of your selected dragon form equal to your shifter level. Lastly, you gain +2 size bonus to Strength while in this form.

At 4th level, in addition to the progressing features below, your minor aspects gain a duration equal to your level plus your wisdom modifier in hours.

At 4th level, you gain a bite attack that does 2d6 damage, and grow a reptilian tail.

At 8th level, you can use the tail to perform a slam attack as a natural attack and grow a pair of wings that get larger as you go up in levels. At 12th level you can use your wings, giving you a fly speed of 60 feet with average maneuverability. Additionally, you can use these wings to gain 2 wing attacks, but if you use these wing attacks, all other natural attacks are treated as secondary, giving you a -5 to their attack rolls. At 16th level, your fly speed increases to 80 feet with good maneuverability.

Notes: Probably my favorite of the lot, this was the most fun to create, and he's still an active character.

Wayfinder (Racial Archetype; Elf Ranger)
Wayfinder’s Focus (Ex)
At 1st level, once per day, the wayfinder can focus on a single enemy within line of sight as a swift action. That creature remains the Ranger’s focus until it is reduced to 0 or fewer hit points or surrenders, or until the Ranger designates a new focus, whichever occurs first. The Ranger gains a +2 bonus on attack and damage rolls against the target of his focus. At 5th level, and every five levels thereafter, this bonus increases by +2.

At 4th level, and every 3 levels thereafter, the Ranger can use this ability one additional time per day.

This ability replaces favored enemy and favored terrain.

Spirit of the Falcon (Su)
At 4th level, the wayfinder can commune with his falcon totem spirit. Doing this is a full-round action as the spirit is brought to the forefront of his mind. His eyes turn a solid white and those watching may even see an ethereal-looking falcon exit from the wayfinder before disappearing into the air.

The wayfinder can sense through this totem spirit, which is invisible to others. Any damage to the spirit (AC 18) immediately causes it to dissipate back into the body of the wayfinder. While active, it moves at a fly speed of 60 feet with perfect maneuverability and can travel up to 1 mile away from the wayfinder. As long as the senses of the wayfinder are with the spirit, they can take no other standard or move actions. Cancelling the connection is immediate, though the wayfinder is staggered for 1 round after the senses return to the wayfinder’s body. The totem spirit sees as the wayfinder’s eyes see, including any additional senses possessed by the wayfinder. The totem spirit remains free of the wayfinder for as long as the wayfinder allows. This feature may be used a number of times per day equal to the wayfinder’s wisdom modifier.

Additionally, when the totem spirit is within the wayfinder, he gains the following benefits, which do not apply when the spirit is released:

At 6th level the wayfinder gains a competence bonus to perception equal to half their ranger level. At 8th level the wayfinder gains darkvision 60’ which extends to 90’ at 12th level. At 10th level the wayfinder gains the effects of see invisiblity. At 14th level the wayfinder gains blindsense 30’ which extends to 60’ at 16th level. At 18th level the wayfinder gains blindsight 30’.

This replaces the hunter’s bond.

Packmaster - Unchained (Hunter Archetype)

Pack Bond (Ex)
A packmaster can have more than one animal companion, but the total XP value of their companions may not exceed the XP value derived from the hunter levels of the packmaster using the experience points award table. Levels in Ranger and Druid may be added to that of the hunter for calculating the XP for levels of the packmaster. For example, a packmaster with 5 levels of hunter would have a total XP worth of 1,600 according the experience points award table, and so may have a number of companions whose total XP worth on the same table does not exceed 1,600. The packmaster could have a level 4 and level 1, or two companions each level 3.

Once a companions level has been altered, that level may not be reduced at a later time, though the companion could be released as per the animal companion feature of the hunter class. If any animal companion is of a level lower than the packmaster's level - 4, then no other animal companion may gain levels until all of them are within 4 levels of the packmaster.

Any class feature which would apply to an animal companion, applies to all of the animal companions of the packmaster with the exception of applying an aspect to a companion. Aspects may not be applied to any of the animal companions of a packmaster.

This alters animal companion and replaces precise companion.

Cliff Notes: Hunter/Shifter hybrid. Not the most effective archetype, but very fun when mixed with the Packmaster - Unchained below.

Shifter Hunter (Hunter Archetype)
The bond a hunter shares with their companion can often lead to even more bestial aspects appearing on their person. The shifter hunter sacrifices the perceived unnatural ability to spell-cast in exchange for a more physical type of transformation.

Class Skills
The shifter hunter gains acrobatics, and fly as class skills in place of Intimidate, Knowledge (dungeoneering), Knowledge (geography) and Spellcraft.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency
Shifter hunters are not proficient with shields. This alters the hunter’s armor proficiencies.

Shifter Aspect (Su)
Shifter hunters begin the game with the Shifter Aspect of the Shifter class, treating her hunter levels as shifter levels. When in the minor form, the shifter hunter gains 2 claws, one on each hand, which can be used as primary natural attacks, dealing 1d4 points of piercing and slashing damage. If used with a weapon in one of the hands, the free claw acts as a secondary natural attack instead. This replaces their animal focus class ability as well as the hunter’s spells class feature. A shifter hunter does not gain any spells nor spellcasting abilities, does not have a caster level, and cannot use spell trigger or spell completion magic items.

Wild Shape (Su)
At 4th level, a shifter hunter gains the ability to turn themselves into the major form of one of their aspects, and back again. This works as the wild shape class feature of the shifter class.

Chimeric Aspect (Su)
At 9th level, when a shifter uses her shifter aspect ability to take on a minor form, she can choose two aspects and assume the minor form of each aspect.

Greater Chimeric Aspect (Su)
At 14th level, when a shifter uses her shifter aspect ability to take on a minor form, she can choose up to three aspects and assume the minor form of each aspect.

Versatile Illusionist (Bard Archetype) (This one was only tested to 10th level)

With the efficacy of the tongue, the wit of thought, and the skill of illusions, the versatile illusionist can weave their way through any social situation through deceit and mirages, with the ease of a sword through air.

Glib of Tongue (Ex)
The versatile illusionist adds half their class level (minimum 1) on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate and Sense Motive checks. This replaces bardic knowledge.

Illusory Versatility (Ex)
At 2nd level, the illusionist gains the feat Spell Focus (Illusion) as a bonus class feat. At 6th level he gains the feat Greater Spell Focus (Illusion) as a bonus class feat. At levels 10, 14 and 18, the bard adds an additional +1 to the DC for saving throws against spells cast from the Illusion school of magic.

Quick Illusions (Ex)
From 5th level onwards, illusions spells of the versatile illusionist may be cast and maintained as a Swift action. This replaces lore master.

Trusting Face (Ex)
At 10th level, anytime the illusionist fails a Bluff, Diplomacy or Intimidate skill roll, he may immediately make another roll, but must accept this roll even if it's lower than the first roll. He may use this ability only once per day. This replaces jack of all trades.

Cliff Notes: Catfolk Monk that can use natural attacks in place of unarmed attacks. Instead of +1 attack, they gain +1 Natural Attack.

Clawed Warrior (Racial Archetype for the Monk class)

Weapon and Armor Proficiency
Clawed warriors do not gain any weapon proficiencies, relying entirely on their natural attacks.

Cat’s Claws (Ex)
Clawed warriors have a pair of claws they can use as natural weapons. These claws count as having the monk special weapon quality. The damage dealt by these claws is determined by the unarmed damage column on Table: Monk Unchained. At 2nd level, the clawed monk gains Eldritch claws as a bonus feat, even if they do not meet the prerequisites. This ability replaces the 1st and 2nd level bonus feats granted by the monk class.

Catlike Reflexes (Ex)
Clawed warriors add half of their monk levels to their Acrobatic skill checks.

Feral Flurry (Ex)
When making a full-attack action, clawed monks gain a bite attack. This attack is a primary natural attack using the same damage dice as their claws. At 11th level, they can use their tail as another primary natural attack whenever they making a full-attack. This is a tail-slap natural attack that also uses the unarmed damage colomn and causes bludgeoning damage. Both of these additional attacks stack with additional attacks from haste and similar effects. This ability replaces Flurry of Attacks.

Enhanced Claws (Ex)
At 1st level, the clawed monk gains Rending Claws as a bonus feat, even if they do not meet the prerequisites.

At 4th level, the clawed monk gains Claw Pounce as a bonus feat, even if they do not meet the prerequisites. This ability replaces stunning fist.

Climb Speed (Ex)
Starting at 2nd level, clawed warriors gain a climb speed equal to half of their movement speed.

Cliff Notes: Sacrifice most infusions to gain 2 primary elements.

Elementalist (Racial Kineticist Archetype)

Aether is the tool by which the elements are drawn into our realm, thus it is no real surprise that a Aetherkineticist with a strong attunement to a particular element, would become equally skilled at both the Aether and the element from which they are attuned.

Kineticist from the elemental races of the Ifrit, Oread, Sylph and Undine can choose this archetype.

Elemental Focus (Su)
Elementalists focus on two elements instead of one. These are always Aether and the element linked to their race. They gain the basic utility wild talent from each of these elements, and may select Wild Talents from either element. This modifies the elemental focus class feature.

Elemental Defense (Su)
At 2nd level, Elementalists may select only 1 of the elemental defenses granted by the 2 elements. This clarifies the elemental defense class feature. This does not alter the class feature, so may be stacked with an archetype that alters the elemental defense class feature.

Limited Infusions (Su)
Elementalists must decide if they are melee or range focused. If they choose to be focused on ranged attacks, they gain the Extended Range infusion at 1st level, at 5th level they gain the Extreme Range infusion and the Snake infusion.

Alternately, if they choose to be melee focused, they gain the Kinetic Blade infusion at 1st level, at 5th level they gain the Kinetic Whip infusion and the Blade Rush infusion. The Kinetic Blade infusion has a burn cost of 0 for the Elementalist, the others require the same burn cost as stated in the rules.

The Infusions gained from this feature are the only infusions an Elementalist may have, even if another source (such as the Extra Wild Talent Feat) may give them access to Infusions. This modifies the Infusion class feature.

Advanced Defense (Su)
At 7th level, the Elementalist gains the elemental defense from the other element, granting them access to both elemental defenses. Any burn spent to enhance one of the defenses, enhances them both by that amount of burn.

Expanded Element (Su)
At 7th and 15th level, when expanding elements, the element must be one of the two elements that the Elementalist already knows. This modifies the Expanded Element class feature.

I'm intending to use this thread to store the plethora of archetypes I've created for 1st edition Pathfinder. Having nearly lost all my data in a recent crash, I thought perhaps it was time I put it somewhere I could find it more easily, later. :P All of these are tested, played to at least level 10 each, for my group that I GM, as I tried to help people achieve characters that more adequately fit their concept (often doing little more than balancing existing archetypes). Some are very minor changes, such as an additional bonus feat for the class... others a bit more of an overhaul, such as one of my favorites:

Cliff Notes: Channel Positive energy is a per-day, not a per-lay-on-hands. It's combined with the nimbus, and only affects allies. It adds fast healing (1). It's restorative powers were increased. They gain 2 Divine Bonds and may share their weapon's enhancements with their armour.

Warrior of the Holy Light - Unchained (Paladin) (Tested to 20th level+)

Channel Positive Energy (Su)

When a warrior of the holy light reaches 4th level, they gain the ability to channel positive energy as a cleric equal to her paladin level –3. They can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + their Charisma modifier. Using this ability does not expend uses of lay on hands, as it does with other paladins. The warrior of the holy light also receives the Selective Channeling feat as a bonus class feat.

When channeling energy, the paladin creates a nimbus of light that emanates outwards in a 30-foot radius. This lasts for 1 minute after the channeling of energy has ended, and provides the following benefits. Using channel positive energy when the nimbus of light is active resets the 1 minute duration.

All those affected by this feature (including the warrior of the holy light) gain fast healing 1 as well as receiving a +1 morale bonus to AC and on attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws against fear for as long as they remain in the area of light.

At 8th level, at the end of the duration of the nimbus of light, those who remained within the nimbus for the duration are treated as if the lesser restoration spell were cast upon them. At 12th level, they are treated as if it were the restoration spell. At 16th level, as if the greater restoration spell were cast upon them. A creature can only be healed in this way once per day.

At 12th level, the area of light is treated as daylight for the purposes of affecting creatures with sensitivity to light. In addition, the light grants allies in the area resistance 10 to one type of energy, selected by the paladin when this power is activated.

At 16th level, the nimbus of light grants the paladin and her allies protection from critical hits. There is a 25% chance that critical hits made against the paladin and her allies in the area are instead treated as normal hits. This stacks with other abilities that grant similar protection (such as light fortification).

At 20th level, the nimbus of light increases in size out to a range of 60 feet. In addition, all of its bonuses increase. The morale bonus to AC and on attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws against fear increases to +2. The greater restoration may heal an ally twice per day. The energy resistance increases to 20 against one energy type. Finally, protection against critical hits increases to 50%.

Divine Bonds (Sp)

This functions as the paladin ability, but the warrior of the holy light gains both forms of divine bond rather than just one, granting her both a bonded weapon as well as a divine mount. In addition, the warrior of the holy light can split the enhancements provided to her weapon amongst her weapon and her armour. These bonuses can be added to the armour, stacking with existing weapon bonuses to a maximum of +5, or they can be used to add any of the following weapon properties: benevolent, champion, crusading, and ghost touch.