Tin Golem

Zwei Nagadius's page

11 posts. Alias of SoulDragon298.


Sorry, got distracted. Btw how do I determine stats for my character?

Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18

"Well, however large it is, I'm sure we can find some way to move the core. Although a ship core does sound very large......"

Ok, I mentioned it just to make sure.

Zwei requests the following items:

common backpack (2 gp)
belt pouch (1 gp)
crowbar (2 gp)
gear maintenance kit (5 gp)
grappling hook (1 gp)
journal (10 gp)
scrivener's kit (2 gp)
waterproof bag (5 sp)
whetstone (2 cp)
common artisan's tools (5 gp)

I have some leftover money, came out to 21 gp, 4 sp, and 8 cp. left over. Not much gear that a construct would need. XD

"Yes,this power core seems very advantageous for us to obtain. We might be able to get some answers once we find it."

"While the injecting might work with these specimens, you may notice that I am inorganic so I am incapable of receiving injections. Although I'm sure you have an alternate method."

"I have no dents and no major scratches, so I am fine. So, let's get ourselves out of here shall we?"

The construct walks up to the door and examines it.

The metallic creature feels unfazed by the lights turning on, but has started creating metallic noises from its helmet and then it becomes surprised as it can understand the other creatures.

"Ah, so these creatures are intelligent! Hello, fellow.......whatever we are.Prisoners?Passengers? Well, salutations anyway."

The construct turns, 2 glowing orbs shining in its helmet. It realizes it has frightened the reptile, and holds its hand out to show it means no harm.

A large metallic fist bursts through a pile of destroyed metal as another grasps onto a piece of metal, pressing down to haul up the strange, walking armor set with bladed arms out of the wreckage.It begins tapping and banging its body with its fists.

Bladeborn language,known as Racket:
Where am I? No dents, but..... this place is unfamiliar.